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ECOS3010: Monetary Economics: Assignment 1: Monetary equilibrium
ECOS3010Monetary EconomicsMonetary equilibriumLatexMonetary policy
What is the condition that represents the clearing of the money market in an arbitrary period t? Determine the real return of fiat money in a monetary equilibrium. How does the percentage of holding endowment affect the real return of fiat money?
FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures 2024 Semester 2 Assignment 1 - Two-Gather
FIT2004Algorithms and data structuresPythonTwo-GatherGraphOptimal Route Planning
You and your friends have just recently moved to a new city in order to further your studies. Before coming over, you all made a pact – to never do anything alone. Thus wherever you go, you should always go with someone. Unfortunately due to budget constraints, you are all living separated all over the city. Besides that, none of your friends own a vehicle, so they need to commute by train.
CS 480 OPERATING SYSTEMS Assignment 01: Page Trace
CS480OPERATING SYSTEMSPage TraceMemory ManagementMemory SpacePage Table
Operating systems manage memory space in pages or blocks, this is done for many reasons that we will discuss in the memory management topic later in the class. For this assignment, you are asked to implement a tree data structure to store the memory page (block) information and use it to track the memory page access stats in simulating memory accesses from a memory trace file. Assume a 32-bit system, each memory address has 32 bits.
SWD604 Program Design and Construction Assignment 1: Customer Management System
SWD604Program Design and ConstructionCustomer Management SystemC#
You have been hired as an intern at Ahera Taera and have been designated to the software developer team. As a team member you are required to create a customer management system for Ahera Taera, a new retail outlet focusing on a varied range of customers from senior citizens to kids. The customer management system should help to main customer data, products bought by customers, discounts, and delivery mechanism.
COMPSCI 210 : Computer Organisation - Assignment 1: LC-3 Calculator
COMPSCI 210Computer OrganisationLC-3 CalculatorLC-3 simulatorAssembly
You are to implement a basic calculator using the LC-3 simulator. The finished product can take inputs from the user and perform calculations according to the operands and arithmetic operation specified by the user. The calculator then displays the calculation results in the console in a well-formatted manner. The arithmetic operations supported by the calculator are: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo.
FIT2102 Programming Paradigms - Assignment 1: Functional Reactive Programming
FIT2102Programming ParadigmsFunctional Reactive ProgrammingGuitar HeroTypescriptRxJS
In this assignment, we will use the RxJS Observable stream explored from Week 3 to create the classic Guitar Hero game in an SVG canvas.
Random Number Generation: ICDF Method for Inhomogeneous Exponential Distribution
Random Number GenerationICDFInhomogeneous Exponential Distribution
The Inverse Cumulative Distribution Function (ICDF) method is a general technique for generating random numbers from any probability distribution for which the CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) has a well-defined inverse. Here's how to apply the ICDF method to generate random numbers from an inhomogeneous exponential distribution:
Building Your Data Pipeline with Azure Databricks: A Beginner's Guide
Data PipelineDatabricksData warehousesETLScalaData lake
Imagine a data pipeline as a conveyor belt, transporting valuable information from its origin, like raw materials from a factory, to a designated area for further processing and analysis, similar to a warehouse. Databricks acts as the control center for this conveyor belt, ensuring the information flows smoothly and is prepared for its final destination.
COMP528 Multi-Core and Multi-Processor Programming Assignment 2: Laplace solver
COMP528Multi-Core and Multi-Processor ProgrammingCLaplace solverPartial differential equation
Modelling heat transfer in a room can be done by using the Laplace equation, a second-order partial differential equation. This can be approximated using a iterative stencil method
COMP528 Multi-Core and Multi-Processor Programming Assignment 1: Travelling Salesman Problem
COMP528Multi-Core and Multi-Processor ProgrammingCTravelling Salesman ProblemSmallest Sum Insertion
The travelling salesman problem is a problem that seeks to answer the following question: ‘Given a list of vertices and the distances between each pair of vertices, what is the shortest possible route that visits each vertex exactly once and returns to the origin vertex?’
COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Term 2, 2024 Assignment - Characters and Hidden Unit Dynamics
COMP9444Neural Networks and Deep LearningPythonCharacters and Hidden Unit DynamicsJapanese Character RecognitionMulti-Layer Perceptron
For Part 1 of the assignment you will be implementing networks to recognize handwritten Hiragana symbols. The dataset to be used is Kuzushiji-MNIST or KMNIST for short.
COMP9417 - Machine Learning Homework 2: Bias, Variance and an application of Gradient Descent
COMP9417Machine LearningPythonBiasVarianceGradient Descent
In this homework we revisit the notion of bias and variance as metrics for characterizing the behaviour of an estimator. We then take a look at a new gradient descent based algorithm for combining different machine learning models into a single, more complex, model.
18-213/18-613: Computer Systems, Summer 2024, Shell Lab: Writing Your Own Linux Shell
Computer SystemsShell LabCWriting Your Own Linux ShelltshProcess Control
The purpose of this assignment is to help you become more familiar with the concepts of process control and signalling. You’ll do this by writing a simple Linux shell program, tsh (tiny shell), that supports a simple form of job control and I/O redirection
Machine Learning Fundamentals Group Assessment: Model comparison
Machine LearningRMSEFeature EngineeringKNNRegression
Background Information Kevin is a professional real-estate manager. In the past, he relied on using a few important features for home valuation. His boss recently asked him to take the initiative to learn to use big data and machine learning algorithms to value home prices in order to better communicate with customers.
EL3147 Digital Signal & Image Processing A Assessment: Non-Destructive Identification of Mechanically Stronger Composite Plates
EL3147Digital Signal & Image ProcessingMatlabDSIPSignal analysisNoise reduction
This assignment is designed to give students an introduction to digital signal and image processing (DSIP) through their applications in ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of engineering structures. You are required to use the Matlab software package to design and implement a DSIP system to identify a mechanically stronger plate manufactured using composite carbon fibre materials.
Mathematics for Computer Science Project 2: PAs-Modeling and CSI-Prediction
Behavioral modelingCSI-PredictionNMSEPython
The project requires completing one of the following two tasks, and when submitting, include the project code and a report. Various methods such as non-linear regression or deep learning can be employed.
COMP643 Advanced Database Management Assignment 3: QUERYING AND UPDATING THE DOCUMENT DATABASE
COMP643Advanced Database ManagementMongoDBDocument DatabaseNoSQL
MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database that is designed to store large scale data. It is categorised as a NoSQL (Not only SQL) database because the storage and retrieval of data in the MongoDB is not in the form of tables and querying does not have to be done using SQL. Additional learning materials for MongoDB can be found on COMP643 LEARN Page.
EE450 Introduction to Computer Networks - Final Project: Conference booking system
EE450Introduction to Computer NetworksC++Socket ProgrammingTCPUDP
For this project, you will develop a simple conference booking system for two buildings, RTH and EEB, available to students. Students can check the availability of conference rooms and make reservations for the following week. They need to specify the room, day (e.g., Monday, Tuesday), and time (e.g., 4 pm) to reserve a room.
CS200 Concepts for Advanced Computer Usage - Assignment 9 - FileMaker
CS200Concepts for Advanced Computer UsageFileMakerSQLDatabase
This assignment may be done independently or with a partner. If you do work with a partner, please add both or your names, usernames and Student ID numbers to the footer of each layout in the files and name the files with both usernames (username1_username2).
CS200 Concepts for Advanced Computer Usage - Final Project - FileMaker
CS200Concepts for Advanced Computer UsageFileMakerDatabase
Create a many to many database. Proper field definitions and data validation must be used. (you must have at least one date field and a field that is a pop-up menu that will display two different fields
18-213 / 15-613 Computer Systems Summer 2024 Malloc Lab: Writing a Dynamic Storage Allocator
Computer SystemsCMalloc LabDynamic Storage Allocator
In this lab you will write a dynamic memory allocator which will consist of the malloc, free, realloc, and calloc functions. Your goal is to implement an allocator that is correct, efficient, and fast.
EIE4512 - Digital Image Processing - Assignment #1 Histogram Equalization and Matching
EIE4512Digital Image ProcessingPythonOpenCVHistogram Equalization and MatchingSpatial Filtering
A common measure of transmission for digital data is the baud rate, defined as the number of bits transmitted per second. Generally, transmission is accomplished in packets consisting of a start bit, a byte (8 bits) of information, and a stop bit.
DE114102D Creative Programming - Project: Creative 3D App Development - AR
DE114102DCreative ProgrammingCreative 3D App Development - ARARRealityKitAugmented Reality
In this project, you need to create or make use of an existing children book with images. Create AR app that can enhance the user experience of reading the book and show additional relevant information and digital media.
COMP2009J Computer Networks - Assignment 2 - Packet Tracer: Routing
COMP2009JComputer NetworksPacket TracerRouting
Previously, we set up a single router that connects two networks, so no routing policy needs to be configured. In this lab, you will first need to learn from the next section, “Router CLI terminal”, how to set up sta7c/dynamic rou7ng policies.
1122 Introduction to AI Assignment 3: Solve the assignment problem using local and global search algorithms
Introduction to AICC++Search Algorithm
So far, we have learned lots about search. A common problem with many real-world applications is the assignment problem, which can be defined as follows. Given a set of agents 𝒜, a set of tasks M, and a profit function F: 𝒜 × M → R, assignment problem is to find an assignment for each agent to a unique task such that the total profit is maximized. Write a program to solve the assignment problem using local and global search algorithms.
Algorithm Assignment 2: Different Approaches to the Multicolored Clique Problem
Multicolored Clique ProblemBranch-and-BoundHill Climbing AlgorithmSimulated Annealing algorithm
The Multicolored Clique Problem (MCP) is defined as follows: Given an undirected graph where each vertex is assigned one of k colors, find a maximum clique (complete subgraph) where all vertices have different colors.
COMP636 Software Development: Web App Assessment - Booking Web System
COMP636Software DevelopmentWeb AppPythonFlaskBootstrap
Selwyn Campground have decided that they want to upgrade their internal system from the text- based system to a web-based system. Your task is to develop a small Web Application to help them manage customers, sites, and bookings. You will also write a report. The system will only be used by office staff and does not require any form of login or authentication. Bookings are recorded in the system by making an entry for each night a site is booked.
CAU COMPILER PROJECT 2024: Syntax analyzer
The goal of the term-project is to implement a bottom-up syntax analyzer (a.k.a., parser) as we’ve learned. More specifically, you will implement the syntax analyzer for a simplified C programming language with the following context free grammar G;
1DT038 Computer Architecture 2024 Spring Final Project Part 2: ViT (Vision Transformer)
1DT038Computer ArchitectureC++Vision TransformerCacheViT
In this project, we will use a two-level cache computer system. Your task is to write a ViT(Vision Transformer) in C++ and optimize it.
ECE4390 Introduction to Radar and Electromagnetic Sensing Lab2: Finite-difference solution
ECE4390Introduction to Radar and Electromagnetic SensingFinite-difference solutionC++
In this lab you will be working with C code to generate data and MATLAB to visualize it. First, make sure you have a C/C++ compiler installed
INFS 2011 Database for the Enterprise Assignment 2 – Data Warehousing and Integration
INFS2011Database for the EnterpriseData Warehousing and IntegrationXMLJson
This assignment aims for you to apply your knowledge of XML, Json, data warehousing and integration.
CS 04450 Data Structure Coursework: SCUPI+, A Java Application for Film Query
CS 04450Data StructureJava
A developer of a new Java application has asked for your help in storing a large amount of film data efficiently. The application, called SCUPI+, is used to present data and fun facts about films, the cast and crew who worked on them, and some ratings the developer has gathered in there free time. However, because the developer hasn’t taken the module, they don’t want to design how the data is stored.
EBU6230 Image and Video Processing Coursework: PGM/PPM images, Equalization and Histogram modelling
EBU6230Image and Video ProcessingPPMPGMQuantizationSub-sampling
Reading/writing PGM/PPM images: The first step towards image and video processing is reading images from a file and write them to a file. There exist different standards that store the information in different formats; so before opening an image, knowledge of the standard is necessary.
[2018] COMPSCI 711 Parallel and Distributed Computing - Consensus Protocol: Paxos
COMPSCI711Parallel and Distributed Computing
THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND. COMPSCI 711 Parallel and Distributed Computing - 2018 Exam
FIT1050 Web Fundamentals 2024 Website Development and Report: Build a Website Homepage
FIT1050Web FundamentalsJavascriptCSSCodeStitch
CodeStitch is a modular system of HTML, CSS and JavaScript components, known as "stitches", that can be combined and customised to quickly build complex webpages.
COMP3023 Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Programming Assignment: Maximum contiguous array problem
COMP3023Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsCDivide-and-conquerDynamic programming
Lecture 2 introduces a divide-and-conquer algorithm for the maximum contiguous array problem. In this programming assignment, you need to design and implement a dynamic programming algorithm under the following requirements.
ICS 53 Principles in System Design Homework 4: Dynamic Memory Allocator
ICS 53Principles in System DesignCDynamic Memory AllocatorMemory PaddingMemory Alignment
For this assignment, you will write a dynamic memory allocator as an alternative to the built-in version provided by glibc.
CSE3BDC Big Data Management On The Cloud Assignment: Analysing Bank Data and Twitter Time Series Data
CSE3BDCBig Data Management On The CloudSparkSparkRDDSpark SQLAnalysing Twitter Time Series Data
A script which puts all of the data files into HDFS automatically is provided for you. Whenever you start the docker container again you will need to run the following script to upload the data to HDFS again, since HDFS state is not maintained across docker runs
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JC3503 Data Mining & Visualisation Assessment I: Apartments and Student's Dropout
JC3503Data Mining & VisualisationPythonClassificationEDAData Mining
The main purpose of this assignment is the following: 1. Demonstrate your ability to determine appropriate methods for exploratory data analysis (EDA), data mining, and data visualisation. 2. Undertake these appropriate methods in order to explore, understand, and analyse the data at hand.
COMP90041 Programming and Software Development Final Project: Ticket Management System
COMP90041Programming and Software DevelopmentJavaTicket Management System
For this project, we will extend the ticket management system to a real-life Ticket Management System. In your real life, you may use some kind of database. But we will handle and save data using files.
CSSE2310/CSSE7231 Computer Systems Principles and Programming Assignment 4: Real-time, online auction platform
CSSE2310CSSE7231Computer Systems Principles and ProgrammingCReal-time online auction platform
The goal of this assignment is to further develop your C programming skills, and to demonstrate your un- 2 derstanding of networking and multithreaded programming. You are to create two programs which together 3 implement a real-time, online auction platform.
CSSE7030/CSSE1001 Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 2 Semester 1, 2024: Into The Breach (ish)
CSSE7030CSSE1001Introduction to Software EngineeringPythonInto The Breach
In this assignment, you will implement a (heavily) simplified version of the video game ”Into The Breach”. In this game players defend a set of civilian buildings from giant monsters. In order to achieve this goal, the player commands a set of equally giant mechanical heroes called ”Mechs”.
COMP10002 Foundations of Algorithms Semester 1, 2024 Assignment 2: POI Search
COMP10002Foundations of AlgorithmsCPOI Search
In Assignment 1, we have extended your algorithmic searching capability to multidimensional numeric data. In this assignment, we will continue to add text searching to your arsenal. We continue using point of in- terest (POI) search as the background application to minimise context switching.
CHC5054 Web Application Development Coursework: Learning Management System
CHC5054Web Application DevelopmentJavascriptSQLLearning Management System
Your task is to develop and test the full stack for a simple web-based Learning Management System designed to facilitate the management, delivery, and tracking of educational courses.
IN3331 Information Systems Development Project: Web-based Library management system
UWE121Information Systems DevelopmentNodeJSJavascript
Task1: Create the data schema Task2: Create Project from Scratch Task3: Build and run a web server using node js Task4: Implement Book Search Functionality (Search by id) Task4.1 Compare the usage of db.all() and db.each() methods in SQLite databases, and clarify when each method is appropriate to use.
1DT038 Computer Architecture 2024 Spring Final Project Part 1: L1 Data Cache
1DT038Computer ArchitectureC++L1 Data CacheGem5
Write C++ program to analyze the specification of L1 data cache
COMP643 Advanced Database Management Assignment 2: Transaction Management and Concurrency Control
COMP643Advanced Database ManagementTransaction ManagementConcurrency ControlDatabase Performance TuningQuery Optimisation
Using the two-phase locking protocol, create a chronological list of locking, unlocking and data manipulation activities that would occur during the complete processing of the transaction described in Q1a.
BISM7255 Business Information Systems Analysis and Design Assignment: Mendix Redx Stocktaking App
BISM7255Business Information Systems Analysis and DesignMendixRedx Stocktaking App
Students are expected to write in their reflective journals about their significant Mendix learning experiences. This means they should reflect on the content, meaning, and value of the experience in learning coding and app development.
FIT2004 - Algorithms and data structures Assignment 2: Open Reading Frame
FIT2004Algorithms and data structuresPythonOpen Reading FrameComplexity
For this assignment (and all assignments in this unit) you are required to document and com- ment your code appropriately. Whilst part of the marks of each question are for documentation, there is a baseline level of documentation you must have in order for your code to receive marks.
CPT204 Advanced OO Programming Coursework 3 Intelligent Rogue Chars
CPT204Advanced OO ProgrammingIntelligent Rogue CharsJava
Intelligent game-playing characters have been used in the game industry to harness the power of graph algorithms to navigate complex virtual environments, strategically analyzing interconnected nodes and edges to optimize their movements and decision- making processes
CHC5223 Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment 2: Binary search tree
CHC5223Data Structures and AlgorithmsBinary search treeJava
You must create a Java class called MemberBST that implements the interface IMemberDB. You must use a binary search tree but it does not need to be self-balancing.
FIT5216: Modelling Discrete Optimization Problems Assignment 3: Train Scheduling
FIT5216Modelling Discrete Optimization ProblemsMiniZincTrain Scheduling
Your job is to build a detailed train timetable from a list of routes and services. The rail network is made up of STOPs. We include a dummy stop dstop which does actually exist to pad arrays. Each stop has a minimal wait time to let passengers get on and off. Each stop has a skip cost which is the cost if we skip the station in order to run the service faster
COMP1110 Structured Programming Assignment 2: Race to the Raft
COMP1110Structured ProgrammingJavaCOMP6710
Race to the Raft is a game in which one to four players cooperate to manoeuvre a clowder of cats off a burning island and onto a raft. The Isle of Cats, which used to be a safe haven for felines far and wide, has fallen to the armies of the evil Lord Vesh. Now, the island is burning, and all the cats that remain must race to the safety of the raft.
CSSE2010 Introduction to Computer Systems - AVR Project: Battleship
CSSE2010CSSE7201Introduction to Computer SystemsCBattle Game
You are required to modify a program to implement additional features. The program is a basic template of the game “Battleship”
G6061 Fundamentals of Machine Learning Assignment: Photo Classification
G6061Fundamentals of Machine LearningPhoto ClassificationImage ClassificationPythonCNN
The data come from photos, and your task is to come up with a machine learning method for classifying the photos according to whether their content is happy or sad. The data you are given for each photo consists of 3456 features. 3072 of these were extracted from a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [1], and the remaining 384 are gist features [2]. (You are given all these features as a 1-dimensional array, so you will not be performing any feature extraction on raw images.)
COS20019 Cloud Computing Architecture - Assignment 02 Scalable Cloud Computing Architecture
COS20019Cloud Computing ArchitecturePythonScalable Cloud Computing Architecture
In the cloud project of Assignment 1, you have learnt how to deploy a Photo Album Web Application on a VPC, actually in a EC2 running as a Web Server. However, this is not a highly available environment. In case there are some hardware failure related to that particular EC2 instance running the Web Server. The whole Web Applicaiton will be down and hence cannot be used by the public users.
IERG2080 Introduction to Systems Programming Project: 2D Bitmap Editor
IERG2080Introduction to Systems ProgrammingC2D Bitmap Editor
In this project, you are going to write a simple 2D bitmap editor. You will use a library called ncurses that provides API for direct keyboard inputs, absolute screen coordinates for full-screen outputs, etc.
NCKU Compiler Construction - Homework 2. Syntactic Analysis (Parser)
Compiler ConstructionYACCSyntactic AnalysisParser
作業一已經將程式碼切成很多 Token ● 接下來我們要把 Token 照順序放入 Parser 解析語法 ○ 你可以想像成我們要把這些 Token 組合成一個可以被 "理解" 的句子 ○ 而要創造出一個句子,我們必須要先有語法 ○ 所以現在我們要制訂出一套文法標準
BUSANA7003 Business Analytics Project Final Project: AQR Asset Management
BUSANA7003Business AnalyticsAQR Asset ManagementPythonMachine Learning
You are starting a new job as a Business Analyst at AQR Asset Management, a global investment management firm focused on quantitative investment strategies. Your first task is to analyse the performance of US-listed securities during the COVID-19 market crash.
Computer Security Assignment 3: Quantum Key Exchange (QKE)
Computer SecurityQuantum Key ExchangeQKEBB84Symmetric-key cryptography
Quantum computing manipulates quantum bits (qubits), instead of classical (regular) bits. Qubits are subject to quantum mechanical laws of physics. In this assignment, you’ll implement and test the Quantum Key Exchange (QKE) algorithm. This algorithm is also known as the BB84 algorithm.
EPPD1063: Computer Application LAB TEST 1: Excel
EPPD1063Computer ApplicationExcelWord
By using the formula available in Microsoft Excel, please find the largest and smallest marks for each of the Q, A, M and F columns. Please add new rows in the table with appropriate title for the answer.
MTH208 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS - Coursework II: Approximating the absolute value function
MTH208NUMERICAL ANALYSISApproximating the absolute value function
The objective of this project is to explore and compare various numerical methods (interpolation with various basis or fitting in discrete and continuous cases) for approximating the absolute value function. You may provide basic ideas of each numerical method, give the implementation details and then compare their performance in terms of accuracy, implementation details and computational efficiency (You don’t need to include the code in the report).
STAT5002 Introduction to Statistics Assignment: Housing Price Analysis
STAT5002Introduction to StatisticsHousing Price AnalysisR
Using the data provided, choose one country and create an informative chart describing housing prices. You may choose the time period to draw data from as well as the country. You may explain the chart in no more than five sentences. What does it mean? What story does it tell about your chosen country and residential price?
Project 3: Explore 1 of the given datasets: Breast Cancer, Global IQ Data and Natural Disasters
Data AnalysisMachine LearningR
In Week 9, briefings will be given by your tutors in your Lab class, and then a Video Briefing by your lecturer is in the first ten minutes of the Week 10 Lecture. See a guide to writing a nice report here Download here .
COMP20005 Intro. to Numerical Computation in C - Assignment 2: CSV Column Averages and Graphing Distributions
COMP20005Intro. to Numerical Computation in CCSVCColumn AveragesGraphing Distributions
Scientific, engineering, and financial datasets are often stored in text files using comma separated values (.csv format) or tab separated values (.txt or .tsv format), usually with a header line describing the contents of the columns. The simplest framework for processing such data is to first read the complete set of input rows into arrays, one array per column of data to be manipulated, and then pass those arrays
Acquired Intelligence and Adaptive Behaviour 2024 Coursework No 2: Technical report
G6042Acquired Intelligence and Adaptive BehaviourAgentsAdaptation mechanismsGenetic AlgorithmBackpropagation
You have to write a technical report describing an investigation related to the topics covered in class. For choosing the specific topic of investigation, you have to make a number of choices described below.
KIT317 Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 3: Weather Prediction
KIT317KIT717Internet of Things and Artificial IntelligencePythonPHP
IoT devices collect data about the real world to help us make better decisions with that data. Raw data isn’t particularly helpful, so we analyse data to try it into more meaningful information. Sometimes we want to use this data not just to tell us about the past, but also to make inferences about the future.
Final Exam: Inverted index and information retrieval with Spark
SparkInverted indexInformation retrieval
Build an inverted index and retrieve relevant documents for the queries. Information retrieval is the science of searching for information in a document or collection of documents. In this assignment you are given a collection of documents and a set of queries. The main tasks for this assignment are:
Machine Learning in Practice Assignment: ML Solutions for Misinformation Detection in Social Media
Machine Learning in PracticePythonExplorationPreparationFeature GenerationClassification
Social media, particularly X (formally known as Twitter), has revolutionized the way information spreads, but it's also an incubator for fake news and misinformation. Misinformation on platform X can evolve from diverse forms and may stem from various sources, whether intentional or not, taking advantage of the platform's viral nature to widen its dissemination
32547 UNIX Systems Programming Assignment: Locale
32547 UNIX Systems ProgrammingPython
In this assignment, you will write a Python program vaguely inspired by Unix command locale. Your Python program will parse a file containing information about language “locales” and “charmaps” and will generate output depending on the command line.
CIS2343 Object Oriented Systems Development Assignment: Card-G
CIS2343Object Oriented Systems DevelopmentC++Card-GCard Game
You have recently set up your own software development company specialising in developing indie videogames. You are the only employee of your company (like Concerned Ape – google it if you don’t know what we are talking about) and you are responsible for everything from identifying suitable opportunities for games, right through to the design, development, and testing of software.
Scripting Languages Assignment 3: Software-based Solution (Script & Video)
Scripting LanguagesShellLog Parser
In this assignment you will be required to write a script that demonstrates the extent to which you have understood the shell script (bash) commands, programmatic techniques and concepts addressed in Modules 1 to 8 inclusive.
CPS2231 Computer Programming Final Year Project: University Activity Management System (UAMS)
CPS2231Computer ProgrammingJavaUniversity Activity Management System
The University Activity Management System (UAMS) project aims to organize the activities in the university in an efficient manner. The UAMS shows the flows between the activity of Attendance, Users, Timeslots, Participants, Activity Type.
SCC111 Software Development PART-I SUMMER PROJECT
SCC111SCC121SCC131Software DevelopmentJavaC++
You have a choice of projects to undertake, to be selected from the choices below. You need to pick just one of these projects. Read each of them carefully before choosing which project to undertake. Please note that the projects state which programming language you must use for that project.
INFS 2042 Data Structures Advanced Assignment 2 - Contact Tracing
INFS 2042Data Structures AdvancedContact TracingJava
To track and reduce the spread of a disease during an epidemic or pandemic situation it is critical that authorities and health experts can trace who has been in contact with whom, when the contact occurred and where. This is known as contact tracing. Efficiently searching potentially millions of people and where they have been will require an efficient way to store and navigate through the data.
ISOM3400 Business Applications Development in Python Assignment 2: Dash app
ISOM3400Business Applications Development in PythonPythonU.S. Presidential Primary Election
In the previous assignment, we have completed scraping information about the 2024 U.S. Presidential Primary Election. This time we will use the extracted data to build an informative and compelling Web dashboard. The final deliverable of this group assignment will be a Dash app implemented with certain basic features. This document will show you the requirement of the assignment
COMP2017 Systems Programming Assignment 3: ByteTide
COMP2017Systems ProgrammingCP2PCOMP9017ByteTide
You are tasked with constructing a P2P File-Transfer program that will allow sending, receiving and detection of anomalous data chunks.
SOFT3202: Software Construction and Design 2 Assignment: Test and Monitor Software Development
COMP9202Software Construction and Design 2PythonCoverage TestingWhite-box TestingFuzzer
Software development relies heavily on testing and monitoring to ensure the quality, reliability and performance of the software in production. In this assignment, you will develop a series of tools that can be used to test and monitor software during the software development pipeline.
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ENG5284: Advanced Soil Mechanics 5 Coursework: Cam-Clay model
ENG5284Advanced Soil Mechanics 5Cam-Clay model
The modified Cam-Clay model (MCC model) is a critical state soil model that is widely used in research and engineering design. In this coursework, you will use this model to predict the clay response in triaxial compression tests. You are required to write a computer code to run this model
EBU4201 Introductory Java Programming 2023/24 Mini Project: SuperHeroTT
EBU4201Introductory Java ProgrammingJavaSuperHeroTT
SuperHeroTT is a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) application for children where they can practise their times tables
COMP30023 Computer Systems Project 2: Email client
COMP30023Computer SystemsCEmail clientIMAPfetchmail
The aim of this project is to familiarize you with socket programming. Your task is to write a simple email client that downloads and parses email from a standards-compliant IMAP server.
FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and security - S1 2024 Assignment 3 - Networks
FIT1047Introduction to computer systemsComputer SecurityComputer Networks
Students will record data from a real-world wireless network and demonstrate that they can analyse it, identify its properties and potential issues. Students also need to analyse Internet traffic and identify servers, clients and protocols used.
CSSE7023 Advanced Software Engineering Assignment 2: Extend SheeP Spreadsheet
CSSE7023Advanced Software EngineeringJavaSheeP
In this assignment, you will modify and extend the SheeP spreadsheet application from Assignment 1. You will be provided with an extended version of a working implementation of SheeP in which the GUI is implemented using the Java Swing library. For the first part of this assignment, you will have to implement a new GUI that uses the JavaFX library, without altering the look and feel of the user interface
DTS206TC Applied Linear Statistical Models - Coursework: Data Analysis with Linear Statistical Models using R
DTS206TCApplied Linear Statistical ModelsRData AnalysisStatistical ModelRegression
For this coursework, you are required to choose a dataset of your own interest and per- form a regression analysis using R. You will then write a short report documenting your analysis and findings.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management - Excel Assignment
BISM7202Information Systems for ManagementExcel
This assignment requires you to create a professional business application using Microsoft Excel 2019 / Microsoft Excel 365. The purpose of this assignment is to test the student’s ability to operate and manage business data in spreadsheets.
INFO2222 Computing 2 Usability and Security - Project: Usability Part
INFO2222Computing 2 Usability and SecurityWeb App
During this phase, you are to investigate a chosen user group to determine what they need from your website. To make things easier, you can concern yourself with only a single type of user
CIS3110 Operating Systems Assignment 1: Parallel computation using processes
CIS3110Operating SystemsParallel computation using processesC
For this assignment you will write a parallel program that takes a list of file names as input and produces a new set of files, which contain the english alphabet histograms for each of the input files.
COMP9313 Big Data Management Project 2: Top-k most frequent co-occuring term pairs
COMP9313Big Data ManagementPythonTop-k most frequent co-occuring term pairs
In this problem, we are still going to use the dataset of Australian news from ABC. Your task is to find out the top-k most frequent co-occurring term pairs in each year. The co-occurrence of (w, u) is defined as: u and w appear in the same article headline (i.e., (w, u) and (u, w) are treated equally).
COMP9313 Big Data Management Project 3: Finding Similar News Article Headlines Using Pyspark
COMP9313Big Data ManagementPythonSimilar News Article HeadlinesSpark
In this problem, we are still going to use the dataset of Australian news from ABC. Similar news may appear in different years. Your task is to find all similar news article headline pairs across different years.
COMP282 The C++ Programming Language Assignment: Qt APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT
COMP282The C++ Programming LanguageC++Qt
The Windows deployment tool windeployqt automates creating a deployable folder with the necessary Qt dependencies (libraries, QML imports, plugins, and translations) to run an application. This folder forms an installation tree suitable for Windows desktop applications, facilitating the packaging into an installer.
ITGP2008 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING - Project: Developing a Turn-Based Battle Game
Your team has been assigned to develop a console or GUI turn-based battle game
COMP9120 Database Management Systems Assignment 2: Database Application Development
COMP9120Database Management SystemsDatabase Application DevelopmentPythonFine Food Kitchen
The objectives of this assignment are to gain practical experience in interacting with a relational database management system using an Application Programming Interface (API) (Python DB-API). This assignment additionally provides an opportunity to use more advanced features of a database such as functions.
CSC3050 Computer Architecture Project 3: Cache Simulation
CSC3050Computer ArchitectureCache SimulationCC++RISC-V
Cache is an important component of a CPU system that has a significant impact on computer performance by reducing memory access times. The focus of this project is to simulate the cache in the RISC-V architecture to give you hands-on experience with the cache system and its role in improving system performance.
INFO1113 / COMP9003 Object-Oriented Programming - Assignment: Tank Game
INFO1113COMP9003Object-Oriented ProgrammingJavaTank GameUML
In this assignment, you will create a game in the Java programming language using the Processing library for graphics and gradle as a dependency manager. In the game, players control tanks which can aim and fire at each other. Players gain score for hitting another player’s tank, causing them to lose health. After all levels are completed, the player with the highest score wins.
MATH4063 Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling - Group Project: Jet Lag
MATH4063Case Studies in Mathematical ModelingJet LagThe Best HospitalBoarding and Disembarking a Plane
Organizing international meetings is not easy in many ways, including the problem that some of the participants may experience the effects of jet lag after recent travel from their home country to the meeting location which may be in a different time-zone, or in a different climate and time of year, and so on. All these things may dramatically affect the productivity of the meeting.
ECS7028U Data Semantics Final Coursework: Semantic data modelling and Ontology design
ECS7028UData SemanticsPythonSemantic data modellingOntologySPARQL
The objective of this min-project is to put your semantic data modelling, ontology design, logic, data validation and rule-based reasoning skills into practice that you have learnt in the lectures and labs.
INFO1110 Introduction to Programming - Assignment: Photonic circuit
INFO1110Introduction to ProgrammingPythonPhotonic circuit
You will be implementing and emulating a (very rough approximation of) a photonic circuit. In a high- level overview, photonic circuits use lasers to emit photons (particles of light) which perform computation through their interactions with other photonic components.
MATH1033 STATISTICS Coursework: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
The data file scottishData.csv contains a sample of the ”Indicator” data that were used to compute the 2020 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), a tool used by government bodies to support policy-making.
BIOE8510 Advanced Systems Physiology Final Project: Growth Factor Receptors
BIOE8510Advanced Systems PhysiologyRGrowth Factor Receptors
COMP3631 Intelligent Systems and Robotics Project: Turtlebot
COMP3631Intelligent Systems and RoboticsPythonROSTurtlebot
The assignment is set on a spacecraft that is travelling to the Moon from Earth and has been knocked off course by an explosion in one of two modules of the spacecraft. In order to recover the spacecraft, mission control needs to locate the craft which can only be done by finding the current distance of the craft from the Earth and the Moon. Time is limited, the mission control needs to locate the craft within 5 minutes.
FIT2081 Mobile application development - Assignment 3: Event Management App
FIT2081Mobile application developmentEvent Management AppJavaAndroid
In this assignment, you will develop a more comprehensive event management Android application. This application project will be the next phase of the project you implemented as part of Assignment 2.
EEEN10036 C Programming Assignment: Escape From Island
EEEN10036C ProgrammingEscape From IslandC
The objective of this assignment is to write a C program which estimates the probability that an explorer will safely escape from a dinosaur- and volcano-infested island ("Jurassic Island") by taking random walks across it. As well as calculating the probability of escape, the mean and standard deviation of the path lengths should be determined for each starting cell.
Data 474: Final Project
Data ScienceMachine LearningStatistical LearningVisualizationRegressionClassification
Each team will identify a real data set for which there are interesting questions to answer by finding hidden pattern in data. Then different statistical learning approaches are applied to find the best way to answer these questions. Each team typically consists of 3 students. a team format is strongly encouraged.
PROG2003: CLOUD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Assessment 1: File Types and Counts
PROG2003CLOUD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENTHTMLJavaFile Types and CountsCloud9 app
Assume that you are a cloud developer at Southern Cross University and tasked to develop a website that counts and displays the number of different types of files stored in an AWS cloud storage bucket (i.e., S3 bucket).
PSYC30013 2024 RMHI/ARMP Problem Set 2
PSYC30013Research Methods for Human InquiryR
For this assignment, we're going to go back to meet up with LFB and Foxy and hear their story. As you'll recall, a few weeks ago they, Doggie, and Flopsy went on a mission to Otherland to steal some of their data. The mission was successful but LFB and Foxy went missing! In your assignment we get to see what happened to them
Assignment 3: LDA Topic Modeling
LDATopic ModelingPython
LDA is a popular topic modeling algorithm widely used in the fields of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences. In the field of political communication, topic modeling is often applied for analyzing politicians Twitter/X posts, identitying thematic patterns or topics revolving around their posts
MTH5001: Introduction to Computer Programming - Final Report Project: Arc Diagrams
MTH5001Introduction to Computer ProgrammingArc DiagramsPython
In this project you will investigate properties of arc diagrams, particularly so-called crossings and nestings.
COMP282 Assignment Card Game
COMP282Data Structures & AlgorithmsC++QTCard Game
Create a basic GUI card game using C++ with Qt and organise the game structure using OOP methods. Royalty-free card images will be available for you to download from the COMP282 Canvas page for you to use in the application if you choose. These will consist of 52 PNG images of standard playing cards.
CSC8016: Advanced Concurrent Programming Coursework: Forum platform
CSC8016Advanced Concurrent ProgrammingJavaForum platformThread
We want to implement a forum platform (Blog), where users are opening topic threads for discussions (createNewTopicThread) and posting some comments (addPostToThreadId). When a topic thread is opened, there might be no messages available.
Data Communications and Networking Assignment 2: Chat Application
Data Communications and NetworkingC++Chat ApplicationSocket Programming
A chat application allows users to interact or communicate by texting, audio, and video. It can be useful for social or commercial activities. In this assignment, students are required to write a Chat Program based on Windows Socket Programming C++.
CS615 Deep Learning Assignment 3 - Learning and Basic Architectures Spring 2024
CS615Deep LearningLearning and Basic ArchitecturesPythonGradient DescentLogistic Regression
In this assignment we will implement backpropagation and train/validate a few simple architectures using real datasets.
CS615 Deep Learning Assignment 1 - Forward Propagation Spring 2024
CS615Deep LearningPythonForward Propagation
In this first assignment we’ll begin designing and implementing the modules we’ll use in our deep learning architectures. In addition, we’ll start getting used to importing datasets.
CS615 Deep Learning Assignment 4 - Exploring Hyperparameters Spring 2024
CS615Deep LearningPythonHyperparametersClassifierAdaptive Learning Rate
In this assignment we will explore the effect of different hyperparameter choices and apply a multi–class classifier to a dataset.
CS615 Deep Learning Assignment 2 - Objectives, Gradients, and Backpropagation Spring 2024
CS615Deep LearningPythonObjectivesGradientsBackpropagation
In this assignment we’ll implement our output/objective modules and add computing the gradients to each of our modules.
CSI3101 Operating Systems - Project 2: CPU Scheduling
CSI3101Operating SystemsCPU SchedulingC
Objective 1: Priority Scheduler • Implement a priority scheduler in xv6 • Requirements – Schedule a process with the highest priority to run
Assignment 2: Content Analysis and Regression
Linear RegressionPythonComputational content analysisNLP
For this assignment, you need to test a hypothesis using multiple linear regression. Before doing that, you also need to use computational content analysis and NLP techniques to create new variables that you will use as a predictor in the regression model.
COMP701 Nature Inspired Computing Assignment 1 Part 2: Ant Colony Optimization
COMP701Nature Inspired ComputingPythonAnt Colony Optimization
The aim is to solve the travelling salesman problem (TSP) that you have been given in Part 1 f the assignment using Ant Colony Optimization. Provide experimental evidence to support your answers to the following questions.