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ISOM3400 Business Applications Development in Python Assignment 2: Dash app

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HKUSTISOM3400Business Applications Development in PythonPythonU.S. Presidential Primary Election

ISOM 3400 Business Applications Development in Python CourseNana.COM

Assignment 2 CourseNana.COM


Objective CourseNana.COM

In the previous assignment, we have completed scraping information about the 2024 U.S. Presidential Primary Election. This time we will use the extracted data to build an informative and compelling Web dashboard. The final deliverable of this group assignment will be a Dash app implemented with certain basic features. This document will show you the requirement of the assignment. CourseNana.COM

Requirements CourseNana.COM

- Follow the guidelines stated in this assignment document and complete ALL the tasks. - Only use the libraries covered in this course: Ploty, Dash, Pandas and Json. CourseNana.COM

- Ensure your submitted program is error-free as it will be checked by clicking the 'Run All' button. - You must submit a programming file in ipynb format. CourseNana.COM

Marking Criteria CourseNana.COM

- Ensure correctness and completeness of the displayed data
- Write concise and effective code, avoiding unnecessary repetition - Make effective use of Python functions
- Write modular code with concise comments CourseNana.COM

- Use clear and descriptive variable names
- Peer evaluation will be conducted, and the result will affect your final score.

Building a Web app using Dash CourseNana.COM

Your task is to build a web app that reads the CSV files provided and display the required graphs. Data manipulation using Pandas is necessary for this task. The web app platform consists of three components: CourseNana.COM

  1. A state-level U.S. choropleth map that shows election results among states. CourseNana.COM

  2. Bar charts showing results of delegates earned in each state. CourseNana.COM

  3. State map with county borderlines showing election data in county level. CourseNana.COM

1. State-level U.S. Choropleth Map CourseNana.COM

The choropleth map should display the pledged delegates to both party's winning candidates in the primary election of each state. Create a dropdown menu allowing selection of party between Democratic and Republican. The displayed data on the choropleth map should vary accordingly based on the selected party. CourseNana.COM

Use efficient color scales to show the delegates number acquired in each state. Use a blue theme color to represent the delegates earned by Democratic winning candidates, and red for those earned by Republicans. CourseNana.COM

The hover data displayed for each state should include: State, Party, Winning candidate in the state, Votes gained by the winning candidate, Incumbent information and Delegates. The hover data will be used as input data of the next interactive features. CourseNana.COM

2. Bar Chart showing delegates gained by candidates CourseNana.COM

This part is an interactive feature with the choropleth map. When a mouse hovers on a specific state on the choropleth map, this bar chart should display the data of delegates gained by individual candidates in the selected state. CourseNana.COM

Before any state is selected by mouse hovering, the bar chart should display the number of delegates gained by the winning candidates in all states. This chart should vary according to the selected party from the dropdown menu. CourseNana.COM

Please follow the above pictures to implement chart components including chart and axis titles, legends and information box triggered by hover data. CourseNana.COM


3. State map with county borderlines CourseNana.COM

This is another interactive feature with the U.S. choropleth map. When a mouse hovers over a specific state on the choropleth map, this map should display the state area with borderlines of counties for the selected state. The title of the state map should vary based on the selected state. The color scale of the state map should follow the winner of the county. Same as above, use proper color theme to indicate results of each party. The hover data of this map should include: County, Party, Winning Candidate of the county and Votes gained by the winner. CourseNana.COM

When county data is not available in a state, the map should still display the state area without county borderlines. Hover data is not required for such state maps. The color scale of the state map should follow the winner of the state. Moreover, before any state is selected by mouse hovering on the U.S. choropleth map, the chart remains blank. CourseNana.COM

Useful resources provided CourseNana.COM

prim_state_results.csv CourseNana.COM

- Storing the required data to plot the state-level choropleth map CourseNana.COM

prim_county_results.csv CourseNana.COM

- To provide the ‘FIPS’ data for county-level choropleth map CourseNana.COM

geojson-counties-fips.json CourseNana.COM

- The required json file to plot the county-level map CourseNana.COM

asg2_template.ipynb CourseNana.COM

- To provide layout template for the Dash app. CourseNana.COM

Submission Guidelines CourseNana.COM

All programming files must be in ipynb format. Name the file by your group number, e.g. group_07.ipynb and upload to the assignment module on Canvas for submission.  CourseNana.COM

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