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CS3342 Organization of Programming Languages - Assignment 3: Operators and Functions
CS3342Organization of Programming LanguagesRacketFunctional Programming
Consider the logical operators: ¬, ∧, ∨, →, ↔, ⊕. If all are implemented in a programming language, explain how short-circuit evaluation would work for those operators for which it is suitable.
CS3342 Organization of Programming Languages - Assignment 4: Prolog
CS3342Organization of Programming LanguagesPrologKnights and Knaves puzzles
Knights and Knaves puzzles: You are on an island where every inhabitant is either a knight or a knave. Knights always tell the truth, and knaves always lie. Implement the following puzzles in a Prolog program,, which finds the correct answer
CS1315 Computer Programming Assignment One - Cheapest Payment
CS1315Computer ProgrammingC++
Your task is to find out the cheapest payment amount given the corresponding prices, discount settings and headcounts. The numbers are always in the valid range stated in page 1 (no checking is needed) but the numbers are not necessarily realistic
CMPSC461 Fall-2024 Programming Language Concepts - Assignment-4 (Function and Parameter Passing)
CMPSC461Programming Language ConceptsFunction and Parameter PassingPythonJava
For each of the cases below, write down the values of x, y, and z after the following calls to foo(). If necessary, assume that output arguments are copied back to parameters in the left-to-right order.
COMP4161 T3/2024 Advanced Topics in Software Verification - Assignment 2: Block Representation of Binary Numbers
COMP4161Advanced Topics in Software VerificationIsabelle
In this assignment, we consider one representation of binary numbers where the bits in a number is segmented into alternating sequences (or blocks) of 1s or 0s. For instance, ”1110011” consists of ”three 1s, two 0s, and two 1s”.
SEHH2241 Discrete Structures 2024–2025 Semester One Individual Assignment One
SEHH2241Discrete Structures
Write a truth table for the statement below. Then, determine whether the statement is a tautology, contradiction or contingency. You are required to complete the three main connective columns of the truth table in the answer sheet.
CS480 Operating Systems - Assignment 02 Free Response Questions
CS480Operating SystemsL1 CacheScheduler
A run-time profiling tool shows that a machine with more CPU cores often has better cache hit rate (i.e., more effective caching) than the one with less CPU cores, this is particularly true when running many applications concurrently
COMPSYS 705 Formal Methods for Safety Critical Software Test
COMPSYS 705Formal Methods for Safety Critical Software
Consider two processes P,Q shown in Figure 1. Are these processes bisimilar, weakly bisimilar, similar or there is no relationship between them? Justify your selection mat- hematically by either finding the corresponding relation or showing the absence of any such relation.
Database Principles 31061 - Assignment 5: Database Project
Database Principles3106132606DatabaseSQLPostgreSQL
Your choice of database should demonstrate some initiative, and be something that is largely your own idea. It must not resemble closely any database you found in the textbook, or any other book, and it must not resemble closely any database built by a student in a previous semester.
COMP2022 Models of Computation - Assignment 3: Turing Machine and Morphett notation
COMP2022Models of ComputationTuring MachineMorphett notation
Consider the following deterministic Turing Machine M over input alphabet Σ = {a, b}: (5 marks) State five strings that are in L(M), and five that are not. The strings should be over Σ. (5 marks) Provide a low level description in Morphett notation of a (1-tape deterministic) Turing Machine for the language that has time complexity at most 5n + 5.
ICT340 Application Analysis and Design - Assignment: Drone Service application
ICT340Application Analysis and DesignUML
DroneTech is a technology company that develops numerous unmanned aerial vehicles, called drones for many purposes. DroneTech invests heavily on research and development of its drone products. A new Drone Service application is required to allow clients to request and receive drone services.
COMP4500/7500 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures - Assignment 2
COMP4500COMP7500Advanced Algorithms and Data StructuresJava
You are in charge of managing a venue for k consecutive days from day 0 to day k − 1 (inclusive), where k ≥ 1. There are n different configurations, c0, c1, . . . cn−1, that the venue can be in, where n ≥ 1. The venue must be in exactly one of the n different configurations at any one time, and is in configuration c0 on day 0.
FIT9137 Introduction to computer architecture and networks - Assignment 2: An Enterprise Network Design Report
Introduction to computer architecture and networksEnterprise NetworkWired LANsWireless LANsBackbone Network
A public transport company requires its office buildings to be connected over a wired LAN and Wireless LAN (WLAN). You have been asked to respond to the following excerpt from their RFP (Request For Proposals) in the newspaper. Scope of The Work At present, the total number of office employees in Melbourne is 230. Each office worker is provided with an office space or cubicle with a multimedia desktop PC having a wired network connection. Owing to a business acquisition, the number of employees in Melbourne is expected to increase substantially
Major Assignment 2: Probability & Hypothesis Testing Case Study
Probability & Hypothesis Testing Case StudyStatisticsHypothesis TestingProbability ModelingInferential Statistical Modeling
You are the manager of a well-established supermarket chain with multiple business operations, including a popular retail store and a factory that produces essential goods. As part of your role, you regularly analyse business data to make informed decisions and optimise performance, leveraging statistical tools and insights.
COMP4161 T3/2024 Advanced Topics in Software Verification - Assignment 1: Syntactic Conventions, Reduction, Type Derivation, Propositional logic and higher-order logic
COMP4161Advanced Topics in Software VerificationSyntactic ConventionsReductionType derivation treePropositional Logic
Simplify the term $(pq)(\lambda p\cdot(\lambda q\cdot(\lambda r\cdot(q(rp))))))))$ syntactically by applying the syntactic conventions and rules. Justify your answer
Computer Organization HW 0: Environmental Setup
RISC-VProxy kernel
This document can guide you through the process of preparing the experimental environment required by the programming assignments (HWs) in the Computer Organization course. In particular, to build the experimental environment, we will show the procedures to install: 1. GNU toolchian for RISC-V (commit hash 59ab58e), 2. RISC-V ISA simulator (Spike; commit hash a22119e), and 3. Proxy kernel (commit hash f036859).
CS6027 Advanced Computer Networking - Introduction to Network Simulator 2 (NS2)
KennesawCS6027Advanced Computer NetworkingComputer NetworksNS2
The purpose of today’s lab is to familiarize yourself with the network simulation tool: “Network Simulator (Version 2)”, widely known as NS2 that is an open-source event-driven simulator designed specifically for research in computer communication networks. NS2 contains modules for numerous network components such as routing, transport layer protocol, application, mobility, etc.
SOFTENG 752 Formal Specification and Design Assignment #1: Formal Modelling
SOFTENG 752Formal Specification and DesignB Specification and System Property ModellingFormal Modelling
You will be required to use the B formal modelling language to specify the design of a software system in an exact and unambiguous way. You must also use the associated tool, i.e., the ProB model checker, to validate and analyse the design, checking for consistency, completeness, and correctness. It helps in providing evidence that the design accurately represents the intended behaviour of the system, and it helps in uncovering any hidden errors or inconsistencies.
ECOS3010: Monetary Economics: Assignment 1: Monetary equilibrium
ECOS3010Monetary EconomicsMonetary equilibriumLatexMonetary policy
What is the condition that represents the clearing of the money market in an arbitrary period t? Determine the real return of fiat money in a monetary equilibrium. How does the percentage of holding endowment affect the real return of fiat money?
Machine Learning Fundamentals Group Assessment: Model comparison
Machine LearningRMSEFeature EngineeringKNNRegression
Background Information Kevin is a professional real-estate manager. In the past, he relied on using a few important features for home valuation. His boss recently asked him to take the initiative to learn to use big data and machine learning algorithms to value home prices in order to better communicate with customers.
CS200 Concepts for Advanced Computer Usage - Assignment 9 - FileMaker
CS200Concepts for Advanced Computer UsageFileMakerSQLDatabase
This assignment may be done independently or with a partner. If you do work with a partner, please add both or your names, usernames and Student ID numbers to the footer of each layout in the files and name the files with both usernames (username1_username2).
COMP643 Advanced Database Management Assignment 2: Transaction Management and Concurrency Control
COMP643Advanced Database ManagementTransaction ManagementConcurrency ControlDatabase Performance TuningQuery Optimisation
Using the two-phase locking protocol, create a chronological list of locking, unlocking and data manipulation activities that would occur during the complete processing of the transaction described in Q1a.
COS20019 Cloud Computing Architecture - Assignment 02 Scalable Cloud Computing Architecture
COS20019Cloud Computing ArchitecturePythonScalable Cloud Computing Architecture
In the cloud project of Assignment 1, you have learnt how to deploy a Photo Album Web Application on a VPC, actually in a EC2 running as a Web Server. However, this is not a highly available environment. In case there are some hardware failure related to that particular EC2 instance running the Web Server. The whole Web Applicaiton will be down and hence cannot be used by the public users.
EPPD1063: Computer Application LAB TEST 1: Excel
EPPD1063Computer ApplicationExcelWord
By using the formula available in Microsoft Excel, please find the largest and smallest marks for each of the Q, A, M and F columns. Please add new rows in the table with appropriate title for the answer.
Project 3: Explore 1 of the given datasets: Breast Cancer, Global IQ Data and Natural Disasters
Data AnalysisMachine LearningR
In Week 9, briefings will be given by your tutors in your Lab class, and then a Video Briefing by your lecturer is in the first ten minutes of the Week 10 Lecture. See a guide to writing a nice report here Download here .
Acquired Intelligence and Adaptive Behaviour 2024 Coursework No 2: Technical report
G6042Acquired Intelligence and Adaptive BehaviourAgentsAdaptation mechanismsGenetic AlgorithmBackpropagation
You have to write a technical report describing an investigation related to the topics covered in class. For choosing the specific topic of investigation, you have to make a number of choices described below.
FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and security - S1 2024 Assignment 3 - Networks
FIT1047Introduction to computer systemsComputer SecurityComputer Networks
Students will record data from a real-world wireless network and demonstrate that they can analyse it, identify its properties and potential issues. Students also need to analyse Internet traffic and identify servers, clients and protocols used.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management - Excel Assignment
BISM7202Information Systems for ManagementExcel
This assignment requires you to create a professional business application using Microsoft Excel 2019 / Microsoft Excel 365. The purpose of this assignment is to test the student’s ability to operate and manage business data in spreadsheets.
MATH4063 Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling - Group Project: Jet Lag
MATH4063Case Studies in Mathematical ModelingJet LagThe Best HospitalBoarding and Disembarking a Plane
Organizing international meetings is not easy in many ways, including the problem that some of the participants may experience the effects of jet lag after recent travel from their home country to the meeting location which may be in a different time-zone, or in a different climate and time of year, and so on. All these things may dramatically affect the productivity of the meeting.
MTH5001: Introduction to Computer Programming - Final Report Project: Arc Diagrams
MTH5001Introduction to Computer ProgrammingArc DiagramsPython
In this project you will investigate properties of arc diagrams, particularly so-called crossings and nestings.
KXO206 Database Management Systems - Assessment Task 1 - Database Maintenance Report
KXO206Database Management SystemsDatabase MaintenanceSQL
The Shanghai Council for the Promotion of International Trade, founded in November 1956, serves as the oldest local branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).
COMP1047 Systems and Architecture - Coursework Part-2: Computer Networks
COMP1047Systems and ArchitectureComputer NetworksTCPUDP
This project provides insights on analyzing network performances such as delay, throughput, and packet drops of your designed network. It presents an experimental methodology to obtain an estimate of average delay, throughput, and packet drops for packets of variable payload size. You are required to use the TWO transport layer protocols, the TCP and UDP as we studied in Week-3 class.
Algorithmic Game Theory Summative Assignment: Nash equilibria and Auction
Algorithmic Game TheoryAuctionLoad Balancing
Two players, Player 1 and Player 2, take turns removing 1 or 2 cards from a stack of 6 cards, i.e., each of them, every time their turn comes, pick 1 or 2 cards to remove. Player 1 starts the game. Whoever picks the last card wins 1 unit of payo↵ from the other player
CSE233 DATABASE THEORY - Problem Set #2: Relational calculus
CSE233DATABASE THEORYRelational calculusSQL
Recall the movie database in Problem 1 of the previous home- work, and the query List the theaters showing only movies by Hitchcock. Express this query in nr-Datalog
BX2019 Accounting Information Systems - Assignment - MYOB Project
BX2019Accounting Information SystemsMYOBGST
In this assignment, you are to create a business profile and record day to day transactions including GST and payroll transactions by using MYOB Business EssentialsTM. This project also involves the preparation of common financial statements and a GST return.
160.212 Discrete Mathematics Assignment 2
160212Discrete Mathematics离散数学Partial OrderPermutation
Let N be the set of all divisors of 60, and let P ={a∈N|4≤a≤30}. Let ≼ be the partial order defined by a ≼ b if and only a divides b. (a) Draw the Hasse diagram of (P, ≼). (b) For every pair (a,b) of numbers in P evaluate the least upper bound, lub(a,b), or say it does not exist (DNE). Present the values in the form of a table. (c) Use your answer to (b) to explain why (P, ≼) is not a lattice.
BISM 7255 - UML ASSIGNMENT - SEMESTER 1-2024 A Digital Solution for Dance Academy Sydney
BISM7255A Digital Solution for Dance Academy SydneyBusiness Information Systems Analysis and DesignUML
The Dance Academy Sydney is a studio in Sydney that provides adults of any age a place to experience dance in a positive environment. In a term, different dance workshops are offered every week covering a range of different styles, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary, and Tap. A workshop is a two-and-half-day or three-day course focused on a particular dance style.
COS20019 Cloud Computing Architecture Assignment 1 - Part B Photo Album website
COS20019Cloud Computing ArchitecturePhoto Album websiteAWSPHP
Creating and deploying Photo Album website onto a simple AWS infrastructure
ST117 Introduction to Statistical Modelling 2024 Final project assignment for WR
ST117Introduction to Statistical ModellingEDAexploratory data analysisR
Your written report will be a summary of a real-world data analysis project using the UK ECN repository introduced in the last lecture in Week 10 of Term 2. The assignment is released in two phases. The first phase (released along with Log3) is detailed below. The second phase will be released along with Log4.
INFO5001 Application Modeling and Design Assignment 7 Reports
INFO5001Application Modeling and DesignJava
Create a SupplierReport and SupplierSummary classes and add implement a report with the following columns: - Supplier Name, - Total Sales, - Loyalty score (Number of different customers who picked suppliers products divided by number of all customers)
1DV721 System Administration Assignment #1 Flow Analysis
1DV721System AdministrationComputer Networks
You have been hired by LNU. Co. Ltd. as a System Administrator for doing a network re- design. They already have a network that is operational with around one thousand users. You will start with performing several analyses in the existing network depicted
DTS205TC High Performance Computing - Assessment 2 - Lab Report
DTS205TCHigh Performance Computing
In a hierarchical storage system, the cache hit rate has a significant impact on program performance. Different cache strategies will result in different cache hit ratios. Now, we have recorded 2 datasets, containing CPU access requests to memory for a period of time.
INFT2060: Applied AI Assessment Item 2: You Only Look Once (YOLO)
INFT2060Applied AIYou Only Look Once
Student groups research a specific AI model and document their findings in form of a written report.
CS 440: Programming Languages Assignment: Big-step semantics
CS 440Programming LanguagesRacketBig-step semantics
We wish to add Boolean negation to IMP, via the ! operator. Write down inference rules to describe the big-step semantics of this operator
CS 440: Programming Languages Assignment: Axiomatic Semantics
CS440Programming LanguagesAxiomatic SemanticsRacket
Derive the weakest precondition P such that the Hoare triple { P } C { x > 0 } is valid. You must show your work in steps, deriving the weakest assertion required before each step of the program. Use relational, logical, and arithmetic operators as needed.
CS 440: Programming Languages Assignment: Lambda Calculus
CS 440Programming LanguagesLambda Calculus
For each of the following lambda calculus expressions, (a) draw the corresponding abstract syntax tree – following the conventions used in lecture, and (b) circle all the free variables in the AST.
160212 Discrete Mathematics Assignment 1
160.212Discrete MathematicsTruth tableBinary Relation
Use the known equivalences listed in Table 1.6 of page 7 of the Study Guide to show p → (q ∨ ∼r) and ∼p ∧ r ∧ ∼qare logically equivalent
CS275 Automata and Formal Language Theory Coursework Part 2
CS275Automata and Formal Language TheoryFormal LanguageJava
Use the powerset construction to find a deterministic automaton accepting the same language as the following non-deterministic one. Do not include unreachable states or dead ends
COMP9334 Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and Networks Assignment
COMP9334Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and NetworksMarkov chain
Assuming that you are the administrator of an interactive computer system. The computer system consists of a 2-core CPU1 and a disk. During an observation time of 1800 seconds, you obtained the following measurements from the system
Software Architecture & Design Assignment 5: Software Design
Software Architecture & DesignSoftware DesignUML
To create your design, you should follow the same approach that we present in the P3L2 lesson. That is, analyze the requirements (provided above) to identify and refine (1) classes, (2) attributes, (3) operations, and (4) relationships in your design.
ACP Assignment 2 Specifications (Essay)
This assignment has been designed to see your understanding of overall patterns, technology, and application in the microservice / cloud area.
CS6501 Cloud System Reliability - Project
CS6501Cloud System Reliability
As a core component of this course, each student is required to complete a mini course project. The project offers students the opportunity to delve deeper into a specific topic related to cloud system reliability, applying the theories and principles learned in class to a practical situation in real-world.
NET1014 NETWORKING PRINCIPLES Group Assigment: LAN topology
NET1014NETWORKING PRINCIPLESLAN topologyComputer Networks
This assignment aim is to allow students to design and configure a LAN topology by applying basic principles of wired and wireless network, together with configuration of network devices (including routers & switches) by using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation tool. Students are also expected to be able to design their IP addressing scheme with subnetting to segment their network.
CNET 600 Enterprise Networking - FINAL PROJECT: Network topologies
CNET 600Enterprise NetworkingComputer Networks
Consider an Ethernet network with three hosts, Host A, Host B, and Host C as shown in Figure 1. No machine is configured as an IP router, and there is no IP router on this network. Assume that the IP addresses and subnet masks are as shown in the figure
INFR09051 Informatics Large Practical (ILP) CW2 Specifications (Essay)
Informatics Large PracticalINFR09051ILPPizzaDronz
Your experience implementing the requirements either defined in CW1 or additional ones discovered later during implementation for the PizzaDronz app. This is supposed to be a classical “Lessons Learned” phase most projects have and is usually used to reflect on what was easy, good, hard and worth improving
DDA4210 Advanced Machine Learning - Assignment 1: Bias-variance decomposition, gradient boosting and recommendation systems
DDA4210Advanced Machine LearningBias-variance decompositiongradient boostingrecommendation systemsPCA
Derive the bias-variance decomposition for the squared error loss function. That is, show that for a model fS trained on a dataset S to predict a target y(x) for each x
COMP201: Software Engineering I - Assignment 1.1: Requirements Engineering
COMP201Software Engineering IRequirements Engineering
This assignment is mainly about “Requirements Engineering” and will consist of various stages to produce parts of a requirements document for a given scenario based on a “proposed building security system” detailed on page 2.
MATH60005 Optimisation - Coursework 1: Unconstrained Optimisation
Find the stationary points of f and classify them according to whether they are saddle points, strict/nonstrict local/global minimum/maximum points
FA23 CSGY6083B Principles of Database Systems - Assignment 2: CLEAR and FEEL
CSGY6083BPrinciples of Database SystemsCLEARFEEL
CLEAR ( Continuous Learning of Education and Administration Research) of a university has undertaken a project to consolidate people’s data from Human Resources and Students Affair departments. In this effort, CLEAR is developing a database design with following considerations,
COSC2500 Numerical Methods in Computational Science 2013 Projects
COSC2500Numerical Methods in Computational Sciencemathematical modelling
A typical project would involve the mathematical modelling of some system of interest, the numerical solution of the mathematical model, and discussion of the results (for example, what the results mean, comparison with experimental results, other computational results, and so on).
CS 6290: High-Performance Computer Architecture Project 3: cache coherence and performance of multi-core processors
CS 6290High-Performance Computer ArchitectureParallel ApplicationIPC
This project is intended to help you understand cache coherence and performance of multi-core processors. As with previous projects, for this project you will need VirtualBox and our project virtual machine
EECS595: Natural Language Processing Homework 4: Probabilistic Context Free Grammar and Dependency Parsing
EECS595Natural Language Processing
This exercise is to get you familiar with dependency parsing and the Stanford CoreNLP [1] toolkit. You may also need to consult the inventory of universal dependency relations. You have two options to complete this exercise.
FIT9137 Introduction to computer architecture and networks - Assignment 3: Core network emulation
FIT9137Introduction to computer architecture and networksComputer Networks
For this assignment you will use the core network emulator to complete a series of tasks on an individual core configuration file that is generated for you
BUS 440 Database Management - Project 1: Tucker Electronics
BUS 440Database ManagementSQL
Tucker Electronics, LLC. needs to keep track of their office, electronic, and computer inventory to reduce costs, manage reorder points, and better track item locations within their facilities. They need to track which buildings contain what products and be able to contact the manager of each building to verify inventory and reorder products, when necessary
ITECH2004 DATA MODELLING - Assignment 2 Advanced Database Design and Implementation
The company for whom you are developing this system wants people to visit local walks that are considered to have touristic appeal. For instance in Melbourne there are several tourism guide books and websites that detail walks that interested tourists can use to explore sites of local interest.
IAB320 Business Process Improvement - Assignment 2 Analysis of Business Processes
IAB320Business Process ImprovementAnalysis of Business Processes
Working in groups of at most four (4) students, you are asked to redesign the Health Insurance Claims Handling process of 360-Degree Insurance as described in Section 3 and verify if the redesign will be beneficial
EBUS3030 Business Intelligence - Assignment: Best Salesperson
EBUS3030Business IntelligenceBest Salesperson
This assignment is not just about the data – it is HOW the data resulting from your analytics will support the business, i.e., provide intelligence to the business to help management (your client) make strategic and operational decisions.
Introduction to Computer Systems - Floating Point Format
Describe the tradeoffs between the FP16 and BFLOAT16 formats, i.e. for the ranges (largest and smallest positive values) and step size (distance between neighboring numbers). No need to calculate anything, just a qualitative explanation using the specs of each format.
Introduction to Computer Systems - Bitwise Boolean Arithmetic Operators
Bitwise Boolean Arithmetic Operators
In class and in Data Lab, you will learn and interact a lot with the bitwise Boolean arithmetic operators provided by C, & | ^ ~, as well as some useful tools for manipulating Boolean formulas, such as De Morgan’s Laws.
Introduction to Computer Systems - Sign-and-magnitude Representation
Before the two’s-complement representation of signed binary numbers was invented, some computers used sign-and-magnitude representation. In this representation, the most significant bit is only the sign of the number (0 for positive, 1 for negative); it has no place value. The remaining bits are interpreted as an unsigned number. For instance, the four-bit number 1011 in sign-and-magnitude represents -3, and 0101 represents 5.
[2022] COMP3121/9101 Algorithms and Programming Techniques - Assignment 3 Maximumm Flow
COMP9101Algorithms and Programming TechniquesAssignment 3Maximumm FlowUNSW澳洲
In this assignment we apply maximum flow. There are k people living in a city, whose n suburbs and m roads can be represented by an unweighted directed graph.
[2022] TCS3034 System Analysis and Design - Group Assignment - DVD Loan Management System
TCS3034DVD Loan Management SystemSEGI UNIVERSITY
You are to prepare a summary of major functions, data description and description of process logic, these will typically provide sufficient information for you to produce logical and physical data flow diagrams (DFDs) of the system from context level to at least a level 0 and level 1 DFD using Gane and Sarson notation;
42904 CLOUD COMPUTING AND SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE - Amazon Web Services Architecture for start-up company
Hertz-UTS is an online car rental company in the beginning stage, which use LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) as environment to establish their product. Due to the limitation of resource, they want to choose a cost-effective method to architect their system.
UCD COMP3009J – Information Retrieval Final Assessment - System Design
COMP3009JInformation RetrievalSystem DesignRussell and Becker
University College Dublin COMP3009J – Information Retrieval Final Assessment
[2022] UCI - BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 - MapReduce
MapReduceBig Data Mangement SystemUCI
This question is part of BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 (University of California Irvine)
[2022] UCI - BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 - Strict Consistency
MapReduceBig Data Mangement SystemUCI
This question is part of BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 (University of California Irvine)
[2022] UCI - BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 - Cassandra Partitions
MapReduceBig Data Mangement SystemUCICassandra Partitions
This question is part of BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 (University of California Irvine)
[2022] UCI - BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 - Cassandra SQL
MapReduceBig Data Mangement SystemUCICassandra PartitionsSQL
This question is part of BANA 295: Big Data Management Systems-Assignment 4 (University of California Irvine)
UM-SJTU VG101 22SU - Determines the last series of sequence in a vector
Command Line Program
Write a program that takes a number n from the command line, and print a vector on the screen in the form of 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... , where n determines the length and values of the last series of sequence in the vector.
UM-SJTU VG101 22SU - Homework2 - Find Out Outlier Robot
Now assume that a user, called Charlie, programmed the robot teams to survey the area following a direct line. Given the location report from the leader robot at the time t , find out the outlier robot, represented by its index.
UM-SJTU VG101 22SU - Homework2 - Leap Year Calendar
Write a primary function generateCalendar that takes two arguments, representing the month and year, and output the monthly calendar of the specified month and year in the following format.
UM-SJTU VG101 22SU - Homework2 - Number Translator
Write a script to read the number (input argument, less than 999,999,999) into words, e.g. 452 should be read as "four hundred and fifty two".
UM-SJTU VG101 22SU - Homework2 - Smith Number
Write a function isSmithNum which takes one real number from the users and return true if the input is a Smith number in base ten. Otherwise, return false.
UM-SJTU VG101 22SU - Homework2 - Caesar Cipher
Caesar CipherSymmetric-key algorithms
Write a function caesarCipher which takes a cryptographic key n and a message in character strings from the user and output the corresponding encrypted text according to the ASCII code.
UM-SJTU VG101 22SU - Homework2 - Most Repeated Numbers
Write a function, named mostRepeated , that take a vector as input arguments, and output the number(s) that is/are repeated consecutively most often.
[2022]Deakin - SIT323 Practical Software Development - Assessment Task 2
AzureWCF Service Software Development
You need to create software to help determine a set of allocations such that each allocation specifies which tasks are allocated to run on a particular processor. These allocations are based on data from within a configuration file.
[2022]University of Queensland - ECON7350: Applied Econometrics for Macroeconomics and Finance - Research Report 2
ECON7350: Applied Econometrics for Macroeconomics and FinanceR langMEM Approach
Use the observed icu data for the period 08 March 2021—31 March 2021 to qualitatively evaluate and compare forecasts generated by the MEM(s) to the forecasts you generated in Research Report 1. What implications can be drawn from this analysis for further developing / refining icu forecasting methods?
BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB - Q1 Stem and Plot
This question is part of BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB
BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB - Q2 Signal Generation
This question is part of BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB
BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB - Q3 Sampling Theorem
This question is part of BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB
BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB - Q4 Fourier transform
This question is part of BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB
BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB - Q5 Event Detection in ECG and PPG
MatlabSginalEvent Detection
This question is part of BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB
BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB - Q6 EMG Signals
MatlabSginalEvent Detection
This question is part of BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB
BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB - Q7 Time Frequency Representation
MatlabSginalEvent Detection
This question is part of BMED 2500 Homework2 - Analysis of discrete-time signals using MATLAB
[2020] ISYS3412 Practical Database Concepts - Assignment4 - Database Design Project
ISYS3412Practical Database ConceptsSQL
You are required to investigate and understand a publicly available dataset, design a conceptual model for storing the dataset in a relational database, apply normalisation techniques to improve the model, build the database according to your design and import the data into your database, and develop SQL queries in response to a set of requirements.
[2022] AUT - COMP810 Data Warehousing and Big Data - Assessment 2 - Big Data Research Report
AUTCOMP810Data Warehousing and Big Data
The objective of this assignment is to conduct preliminary research on big data using the techniques delivered in this paper.
[2022] Coventry - 5011CEM Big Data Programming Project
5011CEMBig Data Programming Project
This assessment allows you to pull together these techniques in a realistic scenario to complete a big data analysis project. Below is a realistic project scenario. By using the techniques presented during class you are to carry out the project and write a final project report for your client.
[2022] Queensland - CSSE6400 Software Architecture - Assessment - Project Proposal
CSSE6400Software ArchitectureProject Proposal
Now, as the capstone project, you are required to propose a non-trivial software project, identify the primary quality attributes which would enable success of the project, design an architecture suitable for the aims of the project, deploy the architecture, utilising any techniques you have learnt in or out of the course, and evaluate and report on the success of the software project.
[2022] Queensland - CSSE6400 Software Architecture - Assessment - Documenting an Architecture
CSSE6400Software Architecture Documenting an Architecture
Now, as the capstone project, you are required to propose a non-trivial software project, identify the primary quality attributes which would enable success of the project, design an architecture suitable for the aims of the project, deploy the architecture, utilising any techniques you have learnt in or out of the course, and evaluate and report on the success of the software project.
[2022] Queensland - CSSE6400 Software Architecture - Assessment - Case Study Presentation
CSSE6400Software Architecture Documenting an ArchitectureCase Study Presentation
In this assignment, you will be asked to demonstrate your ability to understand, communicate, and critique an architecture of an existing software project.