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DTS205TC High Performance Computing - Assessment 2 - Lab Report

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XJTLUDTS205TCHigh Performance Computing

1. LabReports Lab 1 (15 marks)

In a hierarchical storage system, the cache hit rate has a significant impact on program performance. Different cache strategies will result in different cache hit ratios. Now, we have recorded 2 datasets, containing CPU access requests to memory for a period of time. They both have 10,000 items from addresses 0 to 63. We will simulate the process of the CPU reading and CourseNana.COM

caching data from the memory through a program. We care about how many cache hits occur under a particular policy. CourseNana.COM

Please run the program in the attachment to compare the hit rates of different strategies. Please answer: CourseNana.COM

  1. 1)  Why are the hit rates of the two strategies different on the two data sets? Please perform a visual analysis of the data and explain why in text. CourseNana.COM

  2. 2)  Please design and implement a strategy so that when the cache size is no greater than 5, it can achieve better results than the existing two strategies on the trace2 data set. CourseNana.COM

Lab 2 (15 marks) CourseNana.COM

By measuring the bandwidth and delay between each two directly connected nodes, we obtained three computer network’s performance, which are saved in the attachment. Examples of bandwidth data are: CourseNana.COM

Among them, the data in the i-th row and j-th column represent the bandwidth from node i to node j. Examples of latency data are: CourseNana.COM

Among them, the data in the i-th row and j-th column represent the delay from node i to node j. Answers are now requested: CourseNana.COM

  1. 1)  What type of topology are these networks? Please plot the network structure and judge its type. CourseNana.COM

  2. 2)  For each network, program to calculate the shortest delay and maximum throughput from node 1 to node 5, and which nodes are passed through to achieve them? (Any programming language and algorithm library can be used) CourseNana.COM

Lab 3 (30 marks) CourseNana.COM

In statistics, bootstrapping1 is a resampling method that involves repeatedly sampling with replacement from the original data set to estimate the distribution of a population parameter. This approach allows for the estimation of parameter characteristics without assuming the CourseNana.COM

1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_(statistics) CourseNana.COM

distribution of the population parameter. It is particularly useful when dealing with small sample sizes or unclear population distributions. CourseNana.COM

Below is a parallel version of the bootstrapping program implemented using mpi4py. Its purpose is to calculate the "variance of the sample mean". Formally speaking, we need to first generate a set of datasets by resampling with replacement {D(1), D(2), . . . , D(N)}, then take their mean M = {m (1), m (2), . . . , m (N)}, and then calculate their variance Var(M ) = E[(M − E[M ])2]. CourseNana.COM

import numpy as np from mpi4py import MPI import random CourseNana.COM

random.seed(205) CourseNana.COM

# environment info CourseNana.COM

comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD R = comm.Get_rank()
P = comm.Get_size()

# number of tasks CourseNana.COM

N = 10 D = 100 CourseNana.COM

assert N % P == 0 CourseNana.COM

# resampling function CourseNana.COM

def bootstrap(data):
samples = np.empty((0, data.shape[0])) for i in range(round(N / P)): CourseNana.COM

samples = np.vstack((samples, np.random.choice(data, size=len(data), replace=True))) return samples CourseNana.COM

ifR==0: #master CourseNana.COM

# generate data -- this is only for test! CourseNana.COM

data = np.arange(D) CourseNana.COM

# send data CourseNana.COM

for i in range(1, P): comm.send(data, dest=i) CourseNana.COM

# receive samples
samples = bootstrap(data) # do my part for i in range(1, P): CourseNana.COM

samples = np.vstack((samples, comm.recv(source=i))) result = np.var(np.mean(samples, axis=1)) CourseNana.COM

# output CourseNana.COM

print(f'proc {R}:var={result}') CourseNana.COM

else: # slave
# recv data
data = comm.recv(source=0) CourseNana.COM

# resample CourseNana.COM

samples = bootstrap(data) CourseNana.COM

# send back CourseNana.COM

comm.send(samples, dest=0) print(f'proc {R}:done!') CourseNana.COM

The tasks of this experiment: CourseNana.COM

  1. 1)  Estimate the communication time used by this procedure. Assume that the dataset is an array containing D pieces of float type data and needs to be resampled N times. The transmission delay is L=0 s, and the transmission bandwidth is B bytes/s. The program contains a total of P processes. N is always divisible by P. CourseNana.COM

  2. 2)  Modify the part enclosed by the red box to minimize the amount of communication while ensuring the correctness of the results. Explain the mathematical basis for your modification, give the code, and give the new communication time calculation formula. CourseNana.COM

NOTE: Only estimation is required, no actual measurement is required; only point-to-point, non- blocking communication, i.e. send/recv, can be used. CourseNana.COM

Lab 4 (30 marks) CourseNana.COM

Continue with the previous experiment. When the data set is too large, due to the limited memory capacity of each process (assuming that it cannot store more than 2*D/P float values), they can each load/generate a part of the original data, and they cannot directly exchange them between processes. Only small amounts of intermediate results can be passed. Based on the previous experiment, we further assume that each process can complete S samples per second. It is assumed here that operations other than sampling take no time; D is always divisible by P. CourseNana.COM

Please redesign the program to shorten the overall running time as much as possible while ensuring the correctness of the results. Please explain the mathematical basis for your modification, and provide the code and running time calculation formula (including calculation and communication; if randomness exists, take the expectation). CourseNana.COM

NOTE: Only estimation is required, no actual measurement is required; only point-to-point, non- blocking communication, i.e. send/recv, can be used. CourseNana.COM

Lab 5 (10 marks) CourseNana.COM

In functional programming, the focus is on using functions to manipulate and transform data, rather than relying on modifying states or performing mutable operations. In python, similar style operations are also provided for lists, such as map, reduce, sorted and itertools. Since they do not modify individual elements but always create new lists, they can be safely parallelized and are ideal for big data analysis. CourseNana.COM

Now we have the data of a directed graph whose record format is a dict. The key is the node, and the value is the destination node pointed by the node through the edge. For example CourseNana.COM

represents the existence of directed edges from node 0 to 1, 4, 6... Please complete the following program and print the 10 nodes that are pointed to the most. CourseNana.COM

NOTE: ‘for’ and ‘while’ loops cannot be used here, only map, reduce, sorted and itertools can be used to implement equivalent programs. CourseNana.COM

with open("./links.pkl", 'rb') as f: links = load(f) CourseNana.COM

# ============== ======================== CourseNana.COM

# insert your code here
# ============== ========================

# output top 10 nodes
# linkin_count: an ordered list of tuples that represent (node id, times of linked in)
for node, count in linkin_count[:10]: CourseNana.COM

print(f"Page {node} is referred {count} times") CourseNana.COM

2. Submission CourseNana.COM

You must submit the following files to LMO: CourseNana.COM

1) AreportnamedasYour_Student_ID.pdf.
2) Adirectorycontainingallyoursourcecode,namedasYour_Student_ID_code.

NOTE: The report shall be in A4 size, size 11 font, and shall not exceed 8 pages in length. You can include only key code snippets in your reports. The complete source code can be placed in the attachment. CourseNana.COM

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