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COMP4436 AIoT Assignment I - Comparative Analysis of ML, DL and SNN Algorithms in AIoT Applications
COMP4436AIoTPythonComparative AnalysisMLDL
The goal of this assignment is to implement and compare the performance of various machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms, including a spiking neural network (SNN), in the context of an Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) application
COMP4436 Artificial Intelligence of Things - AIoT Assignment - Comparative Analysis of ML, DL and SNN Applications lgorithms in AIoT
HK PolyUCOMP4436Artificial Intelligence of ThingsComparative AnalysisSNN
The goal of this assignment is to implement and compare the performance of various machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms, including a spiking neural network (SNN), in the context of an Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) application.
ELEC576/COMP 576: Introduction to Deep Learning Assignment 1 - Backpropagation
ELEC576COMP576Introduction to Deep LearningPythonBackpropagationNeural Network
In this problem, you will learn how to implement the backpropagation algorithm for a simple neural network. To make your job easier, we provide you with starter code in three layer neural network.py. You will fill in this starter code to build a 3-layer neural network (see Fig. 1) and train it using backpropagation.
Concurrent Programming Coursework 2024 - Prefix Scan Algorithm in C/MPI
CPrefix ScanMPI
You are required to implement the parallel prefix scan algorithm in c/mpi
CPS 112: Computational Thinking with Algorithms and Data Structures Homework 3 - Fly Away Home
Computational Thinking with Algorithms and Data StructuresFly Away HomeJava
For this assignment you will develop a simple game called “Fly Away Home.” The basic idea behind the game is to safely move Mosca around a grid to the home square before he gets eaten. The user will control the movements of the fly using arrow keys, and the frogs will move on their own. I have provided you with most of the GUI implementation. In the rest of this description are the pieces you need to implement.
PITT CS445 Algorithms and Data Structures I Project 2: LinkedDS
CS445CS0445Algorithms and Data Structures ILinkedDSJava
This project is designed to increase your experience with linked data structures. Similar to Project 1, you will work with control structures, class-building, interfaces, and generics to create a new linked data structure called a LinkedDS<T>. The LinkedDS<T> will implement the SequenceInterface<T>, so before doing anything else, take a look at the method comments in SequenceInterface.java.
DTS201TC Pattern Recognition - Coursework - Covid-19 CT Image Data Classification Using Principal Component Analysis
DTS201TCPattern RecognitionPCAKNNNaive Bayes ClassifierMulti-layer Perceptron
This coursework is the assessment for DTS201TC and aims to evaluate understanding of pattern representation, feature discovery and selection, foundations of pattern recognition algorithms and machines including statistical, structural and neural methods.
EF4323 Trading Room Workshop - Algorithmic Trading Project
EF4323Trading Room WorkshopAlgorithmic TradingVBAPythonETF
In this project, we simulate the algorithmic trading business model, where a small group of proprietary traders tries to attract outside institutional investment by marketing their trading strategies and performance.
CS439 Introduction to Data Science - Homework 1: MapReduce, Association Rules, Locality-Sensitive Hashing
CS439Introduction to Data ScienceMapReduceAssociation RulesLocality-Sensitive HashingJava
Write a MapReduce program in Hadoop that implements a simple “People You Might Know” social network friendship recommendation algorithm. The key idea is that if two people have a lot of mutual friends, then the system should recommend that they connect with each other.
COMP3506/7505 - Algorithms and Data Structures - Assignment Two: Bloom Filter, Pathfinding, Chain Reaction
COMP3506COMP7505Algorithms and Data StructuresPriority QueueBloom FilterGraph
The main objective of this assignment is to extend your knowledge from assignment one to build more complex data structures and solve more complex problems
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