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Computer Science 21A (CS21A) - Data Structures and Algorithms - Programming Assignment 0: Up and Down
Computer Science 21AData Structures and AlgorithmsBrandeisJavaElevator
In this assignment, you will be simulating a building that contains a single elevator. However, this elevator is somewhat simplified: it only moves a person to a floor and then the person will remain on that floor forever. That is, the elevator cannot pick people up from any floor besides the lobby.
COMP SCI 3004/7064 Operating Systems Practical 2 - Virtual Memory Simulation
COMP SCI 3004COMP SCI 7064COMP3004Operating SystemsCOMP7064Virtual Memory Simulation
By doing this practical work, you will learn how to implement page replacement algorithms, gain experience in creating and evaluating a simple simulator, and develop your skills in scientific writing.
FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures 2024 Semester 2 Assignment 1 - Two-Gather
FIT2004Algorithms and data structuresPythonTwo-GatherGraphOptimal Route Planning
You and your friends have just recently moved to a new city in order to further your studies. Before coming over, you all made a pact – to never do anything alone. Thus wherever you go, you should always go with someone. Unfortunately due to budget constraints, you are all living separated all over the city. Besides that, none of your friends own a vehicle, so they need to commute by train.
COMP9417 - Machine Learning Homework 2: Bias, Variance and an application of Gradient Descent
COMP9417Machine LearningPythonBiasVarianceGradient Descent
In this homework we revisit the notion of bias and variance as metrics for characterizing the behaviour of an estimator. We then take a look at a new gradient descent based algorithm for combining different machine learning models into a single, more complex, model.
Machine Learning Fundamentals Group Assessment: Model comparison
Machine LearningRMSEFeature EngineeringKNNRegression
Background Information Kevin is a professional real-estate manager. In the past, he relied on using a few important features for home valuation. His boss recently asked him to take the initiative to learn to use big data and machine learning algorithms to value home prices in order to better communicate with customers.
1122 Introduction to AI Assignment 3: Solve the assignment problem using local and global search algorithms
Introduction to AICC++Search Algorithm
So far, we have learned lots about search. A common problem with many real-world applications is the assignment problem, which can be defined as follows. Given a set of agents 𝒜, a set of tasks M, and a profit function F: 𝒜 × M → R, assignment problem is to find an assignment for each agent to a unique task such that the total profit is maximized. Write a program to solve the assignment problem using local and global search algorithms.
Algorithm Assignment 2: Different Approaches to the Multicolored Clique Problem
Multicolored Clique ProblemBranch-and-BoundHill Climbing AlgorithmSimulated Annealing algorithm
The Multicolored Clique Problem (MCP) is defined as follows: Given an undirected graph where each vertex is assigned one of k colors, find a maximum clique (complete subgraph) where all vertices have different colors.
COMP3023 Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Programming Assignment: Maximum contiguous array problem
COMP3023Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsCDivide-and-conquerDynamic programming
Lecture 2 introduces a divide-and-conquer algorithm for the maximum contiguous array problem. In this programming assignment, you need to design and implement a dynamic programming algorithm under the following requirements.
COMP10002 Foundations of Algorithms Semester 1, 2024 Assignment 2: POI Search
COMP10002Foundations of AlgorithmsCPOI Search
In Assignment 1, we have extended your algorithmic searching capability to multidimensional numeric data. In this assignment, we will continue to add text searching to your arsenal. We continue using point of in- terest (POI) search as the background application to minimise context switching.
FIT2004 - Algorithms and data structures Assignment 2: Open Reading Frame
FIT2004Algorithms and data structuresPythonOpen Reading FrameComplexity
For this assignment (and all assignments in this unit) you are required to document and com- ment your code appropriately. Whilst part of the marks of each question are for documentation, there is a baseline level of documentation you must have in order for your code to receive marks.
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