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COMP528 Multi-Core and Multi-Processor Programming Assignment 2: Laplace solver
COMP528Multi-Core and Multi-Processor ProgrammingCLaplace solverPartial differential equation
Modelling heat transfer in a room can be done by using the Laplace equation, a second-order partial differential equation. This can be approximated using a iterative stencil method
COMP528 Multi-Core and Multi-Processor Programming Assignment 1: Travelling Salesman Problem
COMP528Multi-Core and Multi-Processor ProgrammingCTravelling Salesman ProblemSmallest Sum Insertion
The travelling salesman problem is a problem that seeks to answer the following question: ‘Given a list of vertices and the distances between each pair of vertices, what is the shortest possible route that visits each vertex exactly once and returns to the origin vertex?’
COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Term 2, 2024 Assignment - Characters and Hidden Unit Dynamics
COMP9444Neural Networks and Deep LearningPythonCharacters and Hidden Unit DynamicsJapanese Character RecognitionMulti-Layer Perceptron
For Part 1 of the assignment you will be implementing networks to recognize handwritten Hiragana symbols. The dataset to be used is Kuzushiji-MNIST or KMNIST for short.
COMP9417 - Machine Learning Homework 2: Bias, Variance and an application of Gradient Descent
COMP9417Machine LearningPythonBiasVarianceGradient Descent
In this homework we revisit the notion of bias and variance as metrics for characterizing the behaviour of an estimator. We then take a look at a new gradient descent based algorithm for combining different machine learning models into a single, more complex, model.
18-213/18-613: Computer Systems, Summer 2024, Shell Lab: Writing Your Own Linux Shell
Computer SystemsShell LabCWriting Your Own Linux ShelltshProcess Control
The purpose of this assignment is to help you become more familiar with the concepts of process control and signalling. You’ll do this by writing a simple Linux shell program, tsh (tiny shell), that supports a simple form of job control and I/O redirection
Machine Learning Fundamentals Group Assessment: Model comparison
Machine LearningRMSEFeature EngineeringKNNRegression
Background Information Kevin is a professional real-estate manager. In the past, he relied on using a few important features for home valuation. His boss recently asked him to take the initiative to learn to use big data and machine learning algorithms to value home prices in order to better communicate with customers.
EL3147 Digital Signal & Image Processing A Assessment: Non-Destructive Identification of Mechanically Stronger Composite Plates
EL3147Digital Signal & Image ProcessingMatlabDSIPSignal analysisNoise reduction
This assignment is designed to give students an introduction to digital signal and image processing (DSIP) through their applications in ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of engineering structures. You are required to use the Matlab software package to design and implement a DSIP system to identify a mechanically stronger plate manufactured using composite carbon fibre materials.
Mathematics for Computer Science Project 2: PAs-Modeling and CSI-Prediction
Behavioral modelingCSI-PredictionNMSEPython
The project requires completing one of the following two tasks, and when submitting, include the project code and a report. Various methods such as non-linear regression or deep learning can be employed.
COMP643 Advanced Database Management Assignment 3: QUERYING AND UPDATING THE DOCUMENT DATABASE
COMP643Advanced Database ManagementMongoDBDocument DatabaseNoSQL
MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database that is designed to store large scale data. It is categorised as a NoSQL (Not only SQL) database because the storage and retrieval of data in the MongoDB is not in the form of tables and querying does not have to be done using SQL. Additional learning materials for MongoDB can be found on COMP643 LEARN Page.
EE450 Introduction to Computer Networks - Final Project: Conference booking system
EE450Introduction to Computer NetworksC++Socket ProgrammingTCPUDP
For this project, you will develop a simple conference booking system for two buildings, RTH and EEB, available to students. Students can check the availability of conference rooms and make reservations for the following week. They need to specify the room, day (e.g., Monday, Tuesday), and time (e.g., 4 pm) to reserve a room.