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CS325 Project 3: TCP Implementation
TCP serves many purposes: it provides reliable, in-order delivery of bytes, it makes sure the sender does not send too fast and overwhelm the receiver (flow control), and it makes sure the sender does not send too fast and overwhelm the network
CSC4001 Software Engineering - Project: Testing and Dataflow Analysis on PIG Programming Language
In this project, we introduce a simple programming language called PIG, which will serve as the foundation for all tasks. It is imperative to thoroughly understand the following instructions regarding the PIG programming language before proceeding with the tasks.
Full Stack Application Development Assignment 3: TCP-based networking multi-threaded client-server application
In this assignment you will be implementing a complete full stack application by “putting together” all the bits and pieces you have been studying over the course. The emphasis though is on JDBC and Java networking aspects, as the rest has been assessed in previous assignments.
Computer Security SEED Labs 1: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Lab
The objective of this lab is to help students understand how the TLS works and how to use TLS in programming. The lab guides students to implement a pair of TLS client and server programs, based on which students will conduct a series of experiments, so they can understand the security principles underlying the TLS protocol
COMP284 Scripting Languages Assignment 2: JavaScript
The JavaScript program implements a simple game that consists of three stages, setup, play and end. During the play stage the game proceeds in rounds. The game is played on a grid with 10 x 10 cells. It involves a spaceship that is controlled by the user, a couple of roboc spaceships that are controlled by the computer (that is, your program), asteroids, and (inially inacve) mines.
COMP34612: Computational Game Theory Group Project: 2-person Stackelberg pricing games
Your task is to create a program that stimulates playing repeated 2-person Stackelberg pricing games as the leader, under conditions of imperfect information.
CS15900 Programming Applications For Engineers - Homework 7
A dominant number is an integer in which more than half of its digits are the same. For example, 434 is a dominant number beause of the number of times the digit 4 is present. Another example, 4343 is NOT a dominant number because neither ‘3’ nor ‘4’ present make up more than half of the digits of 4343.
CS 2550 Principles of Database Systems Assignment #4: Query Processing & Optimization
The goal of this assignment is to better understand the query evaluation process
CS3103 Operating Systems Project: Process Scheduler with Priority Scheduling Policy
Basekernel is not a complete operating system, but it is a starting point for us to study and develop new operating system code. And this is raw low-level code, not a production system. Basekernel can boot an Intel PCcompatible virtual machine in 32-bit protected mode, with support for VESA framebuffer graphics, ATA hard disks, ATAPI optical devices, process management, memory protection, simple graphics, and basic filesystem.
FIT5225 Cloud computing and security 2024 SM1 Assignment 1: CloudDetect
This project aims to build a web-based system that we call CloudDetect. It will allow end-users to send an image to a web service hosted by Docker containers and receive a list of objects detected in their uploaded image. The project will make use of the YOLO (You Only Look Once) library, a state-of-the- art real-time object detection system, and OpenCV (Open-Source Computer Vision Library) to perform the required image operations/transformations.