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CSI3101 Operating Systems - Project 2: CPU Scheduling
CSI3101Operating SystemsCPU SchedulingC
Objective 1: Priority Scheduler • Implement a priority scheduler in xv6 • Requirements – Schedule a process with the highest priority to run
Assignment 2: Content Analysis and Regression
Linear RegressionPythonComputational content analysisNLP
For this assignment, you need to test a hypothesis using multiple linear regression. Before doing that, you also need to use computational content analysis and NLP techniques to create new variables that you will use as a predictor in the regression model.
COMP701 Nature Inspired Computing Assignment 1 Part 2: Ant Colony Optimization
COMP701Nature Inspired ComputingPythonAnt Colony Optimization
The aim is to solve the travelling salesman problem (TSP) that you have been given in Part 1 f the assignment using Ant Colony Optimization. Provide experimental evidence to support your answers to the following questions.
MDS5130/IBA6205 Advanced Time Series Analysis Project: Horse Racing
MDS5130IBA6205Advanced Time Series AnalysisR
In this project, we will analysis a dataset about horse racing. Let’s have a brief introduction of horse racing. In a particular game, there are 14 horses racing. Before a particular time tfinal, people are allowed to bet which horse can win the game. Let bi(t) be the total amount betting on horse i at time t.
COMP232 Cyber Security - Assignment 3: Verification of security protocols and Linux Firewall Exploration
COMP232Cyber Security
Using installation of Seed Labs in the University labs (or on your own computer) perform Task 1 of MD5 Collision Attack Lab
COMP1212 Computer Processors - Coursework: Feistel cipher
COMP1212Computer ProcessorsHack AssemblyFeistel cipher
The Feistel cipher is a symmetric block cipher encryption framework which is the basis of many modern day encryption algorithms. In this coursework you will implement a Feistel cipher system as a software implementation in Hack Assembly.
EECS 3221 Operating System Fundamentals - Programming Assignment 2: Multithreading and Synchronization
EECS 3221Operating System Fundamentals
In this assignment we will try to practice the concepts such as: multithreading, synchronization with semaphores, deadlocks and starvation.
KXO206 Database Management Systems - Assessment Task 1 - Database Maintenance Report
KXO206Database Management SystemsDatabase MaintenanceSQL
The Shanghai Council for the Promotion of International Trade, founded in November 1956, serves as the oldest local branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).