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UCD COMP3009J – Information Retrieval Final Assessment - System Design

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UCDCOMP3009JInformation RetrievalSystem DesignRussell and Becker

COMP3009J – Information Retrieval

Final Assessment

This assignment is worth 50% of the final grade for the module. CourseNana.COM

Due Date: Friday 24 June at 23:59 (i.e. end of Week 18) CourseNana.COM



Russell and Becker LLP (known as “R&B”) are an Irish law firm that were founded in 1916. Since then they have accumulated over 1 million legal documents, including letters, laws, judgments, contracts, affidavits, wills, etc. They have recently completed a process of scanning all of their old paper-based documentation into PDF documents, and they would like an Information Retrieval system to search their document archive. CourseNana.COM


Their workers are familiar with traditional search engines, and so they would like to be able to use keyword-based queries. These keywords might be names of clients or businesses, document types, or relate to some other legal information need. In the legal business, it is important that they do not overlook an important document when they are doing research. CourseNana.COM


All of their documents are written in English. CourseNana.COM

Task: CourseNana.COM

- You are the head of a software engineering team and you have been asked to design an Information Retrieval system for R&B. CourseNana.COM

- Based on what you have learned in COMP3009J and any outside material you may have read, you are asked to write a report to describe this system. CourseNana.COM

- Your design should say what the components of the system will be, and you should explain why you have chosen any techniques it includes. CourseNana.COM

- You should also describe how you will evaluate the system’s effectiveness. You will need to show the partners of R&B that the system works well, or they may refuse to pay for the system. CourseNana.COM



Submission: CourseNana.COM

- You should submit a single PDF file to Brightspace. CourseNana.COM

- Your report should be approximately 2,000 words in length (titles and references are not considered part of the word count). CourseNana.COM


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