FIT5216: Modelling Discrete Optimization Problems
Assignment 3: Train Scheduling
1 Overview
For this assignment, your task is to write a MiniZinc model for a given problem specification.
• Submit your work to the MiniZinc auto grading system (using the submit button in the MiniZinc IDE).
• Submit your model (copy and paste the contents of the .mzn file) and report using the Moodle assignment.
You have to submit by the due date (24th May 2024, 11:55pm), using MiniZinc and using the Moodle assignment, to receive full marks. You can submit as often as you want before the due date. Late submissions without special consideration receive a penalty of 10% of the available marks per day. Submissions are not accepted more than 7 days after the original deadline.
This is an individual assignment. Your submission has to be entirely your own work. We will use similarity detection software to detect any attempt at collusion, and the penalties are quite harsh. You may not use large language models for any part of this assignment. If in doubt, contact your teaching team with any questions!
2 Problem Statement
Your job is to build a detailed train timetable from a list of routes and services.
The rail network is made up of STOPs. We include a dummy stop dstop which does actually
exist to pad arrays. Each stop has a minimal wait time to let passengers get on and off. Each
stop has a skip cost which is the cost if we skip the station in order to run the service faster
(i.e. wait less than the minimal wait time). Each stop has a number of platforms available. Each
stop is either an ordinary station, a hub station where many lines meet, or a terminus station
where services can begin and end. There is a travel time matrix which records the travel time
between two directly connected stops, or has absent <> if they are not connected. Each directly
connected pairs of stops have a line type for the line connecting them: SING, a single track for
both directions (so we need to have one train leave the connection before we can start a train in
the opposite direction, and trains going the same direction cannot pass); DOUB, a single track for
each of the two directions between the stops (so trains going the same directions cannot pass, but
the two directions are independent); QUAD, two lines in each direction allowing arbitrary train
passing in both directions; or NONE, there is no direct connection between the stops. There is a
minimum separation min sep (in terms of time units) between two services taking the same link
from STOP to STOP in the same direction, if the connection is SING or DOUB.
enum STOP; % set of stops
STOP: dstop; % dummy stop
array[STOP] of int: minimal_wait;
% minimum wait time at station
array[STOP] of int: skip_cost;
array[STOP] of int: platform;
array[STOP] of STYPE: stype;
array[STOP,STOP] of opt 0..infinity: travel_time; % travel time from each stop to another
array[STOP,STOP] of LINE: line;
int: makespan;
set of int: TIME = 0..makespan;
TIME: min_sep;
The services follow one of a fixed number of ROUTEs. There is a maximum route length max route length, and for each route its length rlength and the route itself is defined by an array of stops, with dummy stops filling in any unused stops for shorter routes.
enum ROUTE;
int: max_route_length;
set of int: STOPNO = 1..max_route_length;
array[ROUTE] of STOPNO: rlength;
array[ROUTE,STOPNO] of STOP: route;
% a sequence of STOPs
% longest route in number of stops
% length of routes
% route definitions;
The SERVICEs are the train services to be scheduled. Each has a route sroute as well as an earliest start time service start and preferred end time service end.
enum SERVICE; % the set of services to be schedules
array[SERVICE] of ROUTE: sroute; % the route for each service
array[SERVICE] of TIME: service_start; % from when the service can start
array[SERVICE] of TIME: service_end; % when the service ideally ends
Finally we need to assign engines to routes. There is a set of ENGINEs that run the services. Each engine has a start location. An engine will be used for multiple services, we connect them together using the prev decisions which maps each service to the previous service using the same engine, or an engine if this service is the first to use the engine.
enum ENGINE; % set of engines available
array[ENGINE] of STOP: start; % start location for engines
enum SERVICEX = s(SERVICE) ++ e(ENGINE); % extended type for prev array
A sample data file trains00.dzn is given below for a network of 11 stops with a dummy, 5 routes, 11 services, and 7 engines.
STOP = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,dummy};
dstop = dummy;
minimal_wait = [ 10, 4, 8, 8, 4, 10, 10, 8, 10, 6, 10, 0];
skip_cost = [0, 6, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 0 ];
platform = [2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0];
% cost to skip the station (per service)
% number of platforms at station
% type of STOP
% line type between stops
% end of time considered;
% min separation of services same line same dirn
% A B C D E F G H I J K dummy
travel_time = [| 0, 7, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, 0
| 7, 0, 8,<>,<>,<>,12,<>,<>,<>,<>,0
|<>, 9, 0,10,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>, 5,<>,0
|<>,<>,10, 0, 8,<>,<>, 4,<>,<>,<>,0
|<>,<>,<>, 8, 0,15,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,0
|<>,<>,<>,<>,15, 0,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,0
|<>,12,<>,<>,<>,<>, 0,<>,<>,<>,<>,0
|<>,<>,<>, 4,<>,<>,<>, 0, 6,<>,<>,0
|<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>, 6, 0,<>,<>,0
|<>,<>, 6,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>, 0,10,0
|<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,<>,10, 0,0
| 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
makespan = 240;
min_sep = 4;
ROUTE = anon_enum(5);
max_route_length = 6;
rlength = [ 6, 5, 6, 6, 5 ];
route = [| A, B, C, D, E, F
| G, B, C, J, K, dstop
| F, E, D, C, B, A
| K, J, C, D, H, I
| I, H, D, E, F, dstop
SERVICE = { R1a, R1b, R1c, R2a, R2b, R3a, R4a, R4b, R5a, R5b, R5c };
sroute = [ ROUTE[1], ROUTE[1], ROUTE[1], ROUTE[2], ROUTE[2], ROUTE[3],
ROUTE[4], ROUTE[4], ROUTE[5], ROUTE[5], ROUTE[5]];
service_start = [ 0, 120, 120, 0, 90, 90, 0, 120, 0, 60, 120];
service_end = [60, 150, 200, 50, 130, 150, 90, 220, 120, 90, 150];
ENGINE = { E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7 };
start = [A, A, A, G, G, I, I];
The network encoded in the data file above has “shape” below: where TERMINUS are shown with two circles, HUB with one circle and ORDINARY as dotted circles. Connections are show as single line for SING, double line for DOUB and triple line for QUAD.
There are five routes A → B → C → D → E → F, G → B → C → J → K, F → E → D → C → B → A, K → J → C → D → H → I, and I → H → D → E → F.
The decisions for the model are as follows:
array[SERVICE,STOPNO] of var TIME: arrive;
array[SERVICE,STOPNO] of var TIME: depart;
array[SERVICE,STOPNO] of var TIME: wait;
array[SERVICE,STOPNO] of var bool: stopped;
var 0..infinity: delay_obj;
var 0..infinity: skip_obj;
array[SERVICE] of var ENGINE: engine;
array[SERVICE] of var SERVICEX: prev;
% arrive time at each stop
% depart time at each stop
% wait time at each stop
% which stops are actually made
% delay objective
% skip objective
% which engine is used for each service
% previous service or engine
For each service and stop we have an arrival time at the stop, a depart time from the stop, and a wait time at the stop. For each service and stop we have a Boolean determining if we actually stopped there (for the minimal wait time) or we went straight through the stop without picking up passengers. We have two parts of the objective: the delay costs of the plan, and skip costs of the plan. Finally we need to decide which engine is assigned to each service, and which is the previous service using the same engine.
The assignment is in stages, please attempt them in order. Note that if you do not complete all stages you cannot get full marks.
Stage A - Schedule Constraints
Create a model trains.mzn that takes data in the format specified above and decides the arrival times, depart times and wait times for each service and stop. For stages A–B you can just set
stopped to be always true. For stages A–C you should leave the engine and prev variables unconstrained. For stages A–B leave delay obj and skip obj as unconstrained.
The schedule constraints are:
No service starts (arrives) at its first station before it service start time.
The wait time at each stop is the depart time minus the arrive time
The wait time at each stop is greater than or equal to the minimal wait time if the service stopped at the stop (which for Stage A is always true)
The arrival time at the next stop is at least the travel time from the previous stop to this one plus the departure time of the previous stop
For dummy stops the arrival time is the departure time from the previous stop, the wait time is 0 and the departure time is the arrival time. This means all these times duplicate the real end time of the service.
A possible solution for the data above to stage A is:
R1a: A: 0-10-10 B: 17-4-21 C: 29-8-37 D: 47-8-55 E: 63-4-67 F: 82-10-92 R1b: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-4-141 C: 149-8-157 D: 167-8-175 E: 183-4-187 F: 202-10-212 R1c: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-4-141 C: 149-8-157 D: 167-8-175 E: 183-4-187 F: 202-10-212 R2a: G: 0-10-10 B: 22-4-26 C: 34-8-42 J: 47-6-53 K: 63-10-73 R2b: G: 90-10-100 B: 112-4-116 C: 124-8-132 J: 137-6-143 K: 153-10-163 R3a: F: 90-10-100 E: 115-4-119 D: 127-8-135 C: 145-8-153 B: 162-4-166 A: 173-10-183 R4a: K: 0-10-10 J: 20-6-26 C: 32-8-40 D: 50-8-58 H: 62-8-70 I: 76-10-86 R4b: K: 120-10-130 J: 140-6-146 C: 152-8-160 D: 170-8-178 H: 182-8-190 I: 196-10-206 R5a: I: 0-10-10 H: 16-8-24 D: 28-8-36 E: 44-4-48 F: 63-10-73 R5b: I: 60-10-70 H: 76-8-84 D: 88-8-96 E: 104-4-108 F: 123-10-133 R5c: I: 120-10-130 H: 136-8-144 D: 148-8-156 E: 164-4-168 F: 183-10-193
which shows for each service, the stop and arrival-wait-depart time. Note how the arrival + wait = departure, the minimal wait time constraint holds, and the travel time from one stop to another is satisfied.
Stage B - Platform Limits
Each stop only has a limited number of platforms. For this stage you need to add a constraint to
ensure that no more than platform[st] trains are ever waiting at stop st. A train is at the stop
from its arrival time to its departure time.
A possible solution for the data above to stage B is:R1a: A: 0-10-10 B: 17-4-21 C: 29-8-37 D: 47-8-55 E: 63-4-67 F: 100-10-110 R1b: A: 120-10-130 B: 141-4-145 C: 153-8-161 D: 175-8-183 E: 191-4-195 F: 210-10-220 R1c: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-4-141 C: 149-8-157 D: 167-8-175 E: 183-4-187 F: 220-10-230 R2a: G: 0-10-10 B: 22-4-26 C: 37-8-45 J: 50-6-56 K: 66-10-76 R2b: G: 90-10-100 B: 112-4-116 C: 124-8-132 J: 146-6-152 K: 162-10-172 R3a: F: 90-10-100 E: 115-4-119 D: 127-8-135 C: 145-8-153 B: 162-4-166 A: 173-10-183 R4a: K: 0-10-10 J: 20-6-26 C: 32-8-40 D: 55-8-63 H: 67-8-75 I: 81-10-91 R4b: K: 120-10-130 J: 140-6-146 C: 157-8-165 D: 183-8-191 H: 195-8-203 I: 209-10-219 R5a: I: 0-10-10 H: 16-8-24 D: 28-8-36 E: 44-4-48 F: 63-10-73
R5b: I: 60-10-70 H: 76-8-84 D: 88-8-96 E: 104-4-108 F: 123-10-133
R5c: I: 120-10-130 H: 136-8-144 D: 148-8-156 E: 164-4-168 F: 183-10-193
A:R1a 0-10 R1b 120-130 R1c 120-130 R3a 173-183
B:R1a 17-21 R1b 141-145 R1c 137-141 R2a 22-26 R2b 112-116 R3a 162-166
C:R1a 29-37 R1b 153-161 R1c 149-157 R2a 37-45 R2b 124-132 R3a 145-153 R4a 32-40 R4b 157-165
D:R1a 47-55 R1b 175-183 R1c 167-175 R3a 127-135 R4a 55-63 R4b 183-191 R5a 28-36 R5b 88-96 R5c 148-156
E:R1a 63-67 R1b 191-195 R1c 183-187 R3a 115-119 R5a 44-48 R5b 104-108 R5c 164-168
F:R1a 100-110 R1b 210-220 R1c 220-230 R3a 90-100 R5a 63-73 R5b 123-133 R5c 183-193
G:R2a 0-10 R2b 90-100
H:R4a 67-75 R4b 195-203 R5a 16-24 R5b 76-84 R5c 136-144
I:R4a 81-91 R4b 209-219 R5a 0-10 R5b 60-70 R5c 120-130
J:R2a 50-56 R2b 146-152 R4a 20-26 R4b 140-146
K:R2a 66-76 R2b 162-172 R4a 0-10 R4b 120-130
We now show the time intervals where each stop is being used by different services. Notice how service R1a arrives later at stop F because service R3a is using the single platform at stop F until time 100.
Stage C - Objectives
From now on, we allow stopped variables to be set by the solver (i.e. dont set them all to true). We are only allowed to skip ORDINARY stations. We still must enforce that all the HUB and TERMINUS stations are stopped at for each service.
The delay objective tries to finish each service at the service end time. A service ends at its depart time from the last stop in the route. Calculate the delay obj as the sum over all the services of the difference from the end of the service to its preferred service end time.
The skip objective pays a penalty for each stop that is skipped in a service. The nth stop of service s if skipped if stopped[s,n] is set false. Note that if a service skips a stop the wait time for that service can be less than the minimal wait time of the stop. We pay a skip cost equal to the skip cost for that stop for each service that skips it. Calculate skip obj as the sum of all skip costs.
Change your model to minimize the sum of delay obj and skip obj. Note how the two objectives work against each other.
A possible solution for the data above to stage C is:
R1a: A: 0-10-10 B: 17-4-21 C: 40-8-48 D: 58-8-66 E: 74-4-78 F: 100-10-110
R1b: A: 120-10-130 B: 141-4-145 C: 153-8-161 D: 175-8-183 E: 191-4-195 F: 212-10-222
R1c: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-4-141 C: 149-8-157 D: 167-8-175 E: 183-4-187 F: 202-10-212
R2a: G: 0-10-10 B: 22-4-26 C: 34-8-42 J: 47-6-53 K: 63-10-73
R2b: G: 90-10-100 B: 112-4-116 C: 124-8-132 J: 137-6-143 K: 153-10-163
R3a: F: 90-10-100 E: 115-4-119 D: 127-8-135 C: 145-8-153 B: 162-4-166 A: 173-10-183
R4a: K: 0-10-10 J: 20-6-26 C: 32-8-40 D: 50-8-58 H: 62-8-70 I: 76-12-88
R4b: K: 120-10-130 J: 143-6-149 C: 157-8-165 D: 183-8-191 H: 195-8-203 I: 209-10-219
R5a: I: 0-10-10 H: 16-8-24 D: 28-8-36 E: 44-4-48 F: 110-10-120
R5b: I: 60-10-70 H: 76-8-84 D: 88-8-96 E: 104-4-108 F: 123-10-133
R5c: I: 120-10-130 H: 136-8-144 D: 148-8-156 E: 164-4-168 F: 183-10-193
A:R1a 0-10 R1b 120-130 R1c 120-130 R3a 173-183
B:R1a 17-21 R1b 141-145 R1c 137-141 R2a 22-26 R2b 112-116 R3a 162-166
C:R1a 40-48 R1b 153-161 R1c 149-157 R2a 34-42 R2b 124-132 R3a 145-153 R4a 32-40 R4b 157-165
D:R1a 58-66 R1b 175-183 R1c 167-175 R3a 127-135 R4a 50-58 R4b 183-191 R5a 28-36 R5b 88-96 R5c 148-156
E:R1a 74-78 R1b 191-195 R1c 183-187 R3a 115-119 R5a 44-48 R5b 104-108 R5c 164-168
F:R1a 100-110 R1b 212-222 R1c 202-212 R3a 90-100 R5a 110-120 R5b 123-133 R5c 183-193
G:R2a 0-10 R2b 90-100
H:R4a 62-70 R4b 195-203 R5a 16-24 R5b 76-84 R5c 136-144
I:R4a 76-88 R4b 209-219 R5a 0-10 R5b 60-70 R5c 120-130
J:R2a 47-53 R2b 137-143 R4a 20-26 R4b 143-149
K:R2a 63-73 R2b 153-163 R4a 0-10 R4b 120-130
delay_obj = 312; skip_obj = 0;
Here we have not skipped any station, but paid a delay cost of 312: calculated as 50 + 72 + 12 + 23 + 33 + 33 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 43 + 43.
R1a: A: 0-10-10 B: 17-4-21 C: 29-8-37 D: 47-8-55 E: 63-4-67 F: 82-10-92
R1b: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-4-141 C: 151-8-159 D: 171-8-179 E: 187-4-191 F: 208-10-218
R1c: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-0-137 C: 145-8-153 D: 163-8-171 E: 179-4-183 F: 198-10-208
R2a: G: 0-10-10 B: 22-4-26 C: 34-8-42 J: 47-6-53 K: 63-10-73
R2b: G: 90-10-100 B: 112-4-116 C: 124-8-132 J: 137-0-137 K: 147-10-157
R3a: F: 92-10-102 E: 117-0-117 D: 125-8-133 C: 143-8-151 B: 160-0-160 A: 167-10-177
R4a: K: 0-10-10 J: 20-0-20 C: 26-8-34 D: 55-8-63 H: 67-0-67 I: 73-17-90
R4b: K: 120-10-130 J: 140-0-140 C: 153-8-161 D: 179-8-187 H: 191-0-191 I: 210-10-220
R5a: I: 0-10-10 H: 16-0-16 D: 20-8-28 E: 36-0-36 F: 102-10-112
R5b: I: 60-10-70 H: 76-0-76 D: 80-8-88 E: 96-0-96 F: 112-10-122
R5c: I: 120-10-130 H: 136-0-136 D: 140-8-148 E: 156-0-156 F: 171-10-181
A:R1a 0-10 R1b 120-130 R1c 120-130 R3a 167-177
B:R1a 17-21 R1b 137-141 R1c 137-137 R2a 22-26 R2b 112-116 R3a 160-160
C:R1a 29-37 R1b 151-159 R1c 145-153 R2a 34-42 R2b 124-132 R3a 143-151 R4a 26-34 R4b 153-161
D:R1a 47-55 R1b 171-179 R1c 163-171 R3a 125-133 R4a 55-63 R4b 179-187 R5a 20-28 R5b 80-88 R5c 140-148
E:R1a 63-67 R1b 187-191 R1c 179-183 R3a 117-117 R5a 36-36 R5b 96-96 R5c 156-156
F:R1a 82-92 R1b 208-218 R1c 198-208 R3a 92-102 R5a 102-112 R5b 112-122 R5c 171-181
G:R2a 0-10 R2b 90-100
H:R4a 67-67 R4b 191-191 R5a 16-16 R5b 76-76 R5c 136-136
I:R4a 73-90 R4b 210-220 R5a 0-10 R5b 60-70 R5c 120-130
J:R2a 47-53 R2b 137-137 R4a 20-20 R4b 140-140
K:R2a 63-73 R2b 147-157 R4a 0-10 R4b 120-130
delay_obj = 256; skip_obj = 132;
Here we have reduced the delay objective by skipping stops: e.g. R2b skips stop J (wait time of0). Thedelayobjective256=32+68+8+23+27+27+0+0+8+32+31,whilethe skip objective is skipping B twice for 12, E 4 times for 90, H five times for 25 and J 3 times for 15 totalling 132. But overall this is worse than the solution above: 256 + 132 > 312 + 0.
Notice that if we spend zero time waiting at a stop (i.e. we skip it) then we dont need a platform for the service (we assume there is a bypass track). Most methods of encoding the platform limit constraint will handle this correctly already, but you should think about it.
Stage D - Engine Assignment
Now we need to assign engines to each service, and assign a previous “service” to each service. The prev variables are the key decisions here:
If prev[s] = e(e) then this means service s is the first to use the engine e. The start station for this service and the engine should be the same.
If prev[s] = s(s′) then this means service s follows service s′ using the same engine. The first stop for service s′ should be the last stop for service s, and the start time for service s′ should be no earlier than the end time of service s, and the engines used by s and s′ should be the same.
Clearly two services cant have the same previous “service”. A sample solution for the data given is:
R1a: A: 0-10-10 B: 17-4-21 C: 29-8-37 D: 47-8-55 E: 63-4-67 F: 82-10-92 R1b: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-4-141 C: 149-8-157 D: 167-8-175 E: 183-4-187 F: 202-10-212 R1c: A: 121-10-131 B: 145-8-153 C: 161-8-169 D: 179-8-187 E: 195-4-199 F: 214-10-224
R2a: G: 0-10-10 B: 22-0-22 C: 30-8-38 J: 43-0-43 K: 53-10-63
R2b: G: 90-10-100 B: 112-0-112 C: 120-8-128 J: 133-6-139 K: 149-10-159
R3a: F: 92-10-102 E: 117-4-121 D: 129-8-137 C: 147-8-155 B: 164-4-168 A: 175-10-185
R4a: K: 63-10-73 J: 83-0-83 C: 89-8-97 D: 107-8-115 H: 119-0-119 I: 125-10-135
R4b: K: 159-10-169 J: 179-0-179 C: 185-8-193 D: 203-8-211 H: 215-8-223 I: 229-10-239
R5a: I: 5-21-26 H: 32-25-57 D: 61-12-73 E: 81-7-88 F: 107-13-120
R5b: I: 60-10-70 H: 76-8-84 D: 88-8-96 E: 104-4-108 F: 123-10-133
R5c: I: 135-10-145 H: 151-2-153 D: 157-8-165 E: 173-4-177 F: 192-10-202
A:R1a 0-10 R1b 120-130 R1c 121-131 R3a 175-185
B:R1a 17-21 R1b 137-141 R1c 145-153 R2a 22-22 R2b 112-112 R3a 164-168
C:R1a 29-37 R1b 149-157 R1c 161-169 R2a 30-38 R2b 120-128 R3a 147-155 R4a 89-97 R4b 185-193
D:R1a 47-55 R1b 167-175 R1c 179-187 R3a 129-137 R4a 107-115 R4b 203-211 R5a 61-73 R5b 88-96 R5c 157-165
E:R1a 63-67 R1b 183-187 R1c 195-199 R3a 117-121 R5a 81-88 R5b 104-108 R5c 173-177
F:R1a 82-92 R1b 202-212 R1c 214-224 R3a 92-102 R5a 107-120 R5b 123-133 R5c 192-202
G:R2a 0-10 R2b 90-100
H:R4a 119-119 R4b 215-223 R5a 32-57 R5b 76-84 R5c 151-153
I:R4a 125-135 R4b 229-239 R5a 5-26 R5b 60-70 R5c 135-145
J:R2a 43-43 R2b 133-139 R4a 83-83 R4b 179-179
K:R2a 53-63 R2b 149-159 R4a 63-73 R4b 159-169
E1:A R1b:A:120 - F:212
E2:A R1a:A:0 - F:92 R3a:F:92 - A:185
E3:A R1c:A:121 - F:224
E4:G R2b:G:90 - K:159 R4b:K:159 - I:239
E5:G R2a:G:0 - K:63 R4a:K:63 - I:135 R5c:I:135 - F:202
E6:I R5b:I:60 - F:133
E7:I R5a:I:5 - F:120
prev = [e(E2), e(E1), e(E3), e(E5), e(E4), s(R1a), s(R2a), s(R2b), e(E7), e(E6), s(R4a)];
delay_obj = 354; skip_obj = 37;
Note how the engine E2 is used by R1a (prev[R1a] = e(E2)) going from stop A to F and then R3a (prev[R3a] = s(R1a)) going from stop F to A. Similarly engine E5 starts with R21 from G to K, then R4a from K to I, then R5c from I to F.
Recall that the test prev[s] in e(ENGINE) succeeds if the previous service of s is an engine (i.e. the service is the first to use an engine), and the expression e^-1(prev[s]) returns the engine. Similarly the test prev[s] in s(SERVICE) succeeds if the previous service of s and is another service, and the expression s^-1(prev[s]) returns the service.
Stage E - Double Track Constraints - Challenge Stage
A double track between stop st1 to st2 is two single tracks, one for each direction. This means while trains going in different directions are independent, trains going the same direction are constrained, by minimum separations constraints and cant pass. Add a constraint for each pair of services s1 and s2 on a double track which move from stop st1 to st2 that
• Either service s1 departs station st1 at least min dep minutes after s2, or vice versa.
• If service s1 departs st1 before s2 then it arrives at st2 at least min sep minutes before s2,
and vice versa (if s2 departs first, then it arrives first).
Note this can be quite challenging since gathering the data to express the constraints can be tricky.
A sample solution for the data given is:
R1a: A: 0-10-10 B: 17-4-21 C: 29-8-37 D: 47-8-55 E: 63-4-67 F: 82-10-92
R1b: A: 133-14-147 B: 154-4-158 C: 166-9-175 D: 185-8-193 E: 201-4-205 F: 220-10-230
R1c: A: 120-10-130 B: 137-4-141 C: 149-8-157 D: 167-10-177 E: 191-4-195 F: 210-10-220
R2a: G: 0-10-10 B: 22-4-26 C: 34-8-42 J: 47-6-53 K: 63-10-73
R2b: G: 90-10-100 B: 112-0-112 C: 120-8-128 J: 133-6-139 K: 149-10-159
R3a: F: 140-10-150 E: 165-4-169 D: 177-8-185 C: 202-8-210 B: 219-4-223 A: 230-10-240
R4a: K: 79-13-92 J: 102-6-108 C: 114-10-124 D: 134-8-142 H: 146-8-154 I: 160-10-170
R4b: K: 159-10-169 J: 179-1-180 C: 186-8-194 D: 204-8-212 H: 216-8-224 I: 230-10-240
R5a: I: 9-89-98 H: 104-8-112 D: 116-8-124 E: 132-4-136 F: 151-10-161
R5b: I: 98-10-108 H: 114-8-122 D: 126-8-134 E: 143-4-147 F: 162-10-172
R5c: I: 172-11-183 H: 189-2-191 D: 195-8-203 E: 211-4-215 F: 230-10-240
A:R1a 0-10 R1b 133-147 R1c 120-130 R3a 230-240
B:R1a 17-21 R1b 154-158 R1c 137-141 R2a 22-26 R2b 112-112 R3a 219-223
C:R1a 29-37 R1b 166-175 R1c 149-157 R2a 34-42 R2b 120-128 R3a 202-210 R4a 114-124 R4b 186-194
D:R1a 47-55 R1b 185-193 R1c 167-177 R3a 177-185 R4a 134-142 R4b 204-212 R5a 116-124 R5b 126-134 R5c 195-203
E:R1a 63-67 R1b 201-205 R1c 191-195 R3a 165-169 R5a 132-136 R5b 143-147 R5c 211-215
F:R1a 82-92 R1b 220-230 R1c 210-220 R3a 140-150 R5a 151-161 R5b 162-172 R5c 230-240
G:R2a 0-10 R2b 90-100
H:R4a 146-154 R4b 216-224 R5a 104-112 R5b 114-122 R5c 189-191
I:R4a 160-170 R4b 230-240 R5a 9-98 R5b 98-108 R5c 172-183
J:R2a 47-53 R2b 133-139 R4a 102-108 R4b 179-180
K:R2a 63-73 R2b 149-159 R4a 79-92 R4b 159-169
E1:A R1b:A:133 - F:230
E2:A R1a:A:0 - F:92 R3a:F:140 - A:240
E3:A R1c:A:120 - F:220
E4:G R2a:G:0 - K:73 R4a:K:79 - I:170 R5c:I:172 - F:240
E5:G R2b:G:90 - K:159 R4b:K:159 - I:240
E6:I R5b:I:98 - F:172
E7:I R5a:I:9 - F:161
prev = [e(E2), e(E1), e(E3), e(E4), e(E5), s(R1a), s(R2a), s(R2b), e(E7), e(E6), s(R4a)];
C-D L(R1a):37-47 L(R1b):175-185 L(R1c):157-167 L(R4a):124-134 L(R4b):194-204
C-J L(R2a):42-47 L(R2b):128-133
D-E L(R1a):55-63 L(R1b):193-201 L(R1c):177-191 L(R5a):124-132 L(R5b):134-143 L(R5c):203-211
E-F L(R1a):67-82 L(R1b):205-220 L(R1c):195-210 L(R5a):136-151 L(R5b):147-162 L(R5c):215-230
B-G R(R2a):10-22 R(R2b):100-112
C-D R(R3a):185-202
C-J R(R4a):108-114 R(R4b):180-186
D-E R(R3a):169-177
E-F R(R3a):150-165
delay_obj = 587; skip_obj = 16;
The output shows all the services going left on the DOUB track segments, and their depart- arrive times on the segment; then the same information for services going right on the segment. Note how going from stop E to F services R1b and R1c overlap in the usage of the segment, but R1c departs and arrives at least min sep minutes ahead of R1b.
Stage F - Single Track Constraints - Challenge Stage
A single track between stop st1 to st2 means we cant have two trains going in different directions on the track segment. Add a constraint for each pair of services s1 and s2 on a single track segment which move from stop st1 to st2 or stop st2 to st1 that
If they both move from st1 to st2 then there is a min dep difference in departure times, and a min dep difference in arrival times, and the maintain the same order (the constraints for Stage E, applied to SING track segments).
If they move in opposite directions then s1 finishes using the segment before s2 starts using the segment or vice versa
Note this is quite tricky to do well.
A sample solution for the data given is:
R1a: A: 0-10-10 B: 17-4-21 C: 29-8-37 D: 47-8-55 E: 63-4-67 F: 82-10-92
R1b: A: 132-11-143 B: 150-4-154 C: 162-8-170 D: 180-8-188 E: 196-4-200 F: 215-10-225
R1c: A: 122-10-132 B: 139-4-143 C: 151-8-159 D: 169-8-177 E: 185-4-189 F: 204-10-214
R2a: G: 0-10-10 B: 22-4-26 C: 34-8-42 J: 47-0-47 K: 57-10-67
R2b: G: 90-10-100 B: 112-4-116 C: 124-8-132 J: 137-6-143 K: 153-10-163
R3a: F: 92-10-102 E: 117-4-121 D: 129-8-137 C: 147-8-155 B: 164-4-168 A: 175-10-185
R4a: K: 67-10-77 J: 87-0-87 C: 93-8-101 D: 111-8-119 H: 123-0-123 I: 129-10-139
R4b: K: 163-10-173 J: 183-4-187 C: 193-8-201 D: 211-8-219 H: 223-0-223 I: 229-10-239
R5a: I: 2-55-57 H: 63-8-71 D: 75-8-83 E: 91-4-95 F: 110-10-120
R5b: I: 60-10-70 H: 76-8-84 D: 88-8-96 E: 104-4-108 F: 123-10-133
R5c: I: 139-10-149 H: 155-0-155 D: 159-8-167 E: 175-4-179 F: 194-10-204
A:R1a 0-10 R1b 132-143 R1c 122-132 R3a 175-185
B:R1a 17-21 R1b 150-154 R1c 139-143 R2a 22-26 R2b 112-116 R3a 164-168
C:R1a 29-37 R1b 162-170 R1c 151-159 R2a 34-42 R2b 124-132 R3a 147-155 R4a 93-101 R4b 193-201
D:R1a 47-55 R1b 180-188 R1c 169-177 R3a 129-137 R4a 111-119 R4b 211-219 R5a 75-83 R5b 88-96 R5c 159-167
E:R1a 63-67 R1b 196-200 R1c 185-189 R3a 117-121 R5a 91-95 R5b 104-108 R5c 175-179
F:R1a 82-92 R1b 215-225 R1c 204-214 R3a 92-102 R5a 110-120 R5b 123-133 R5c 194-204
G:R2a 0-10 R2b 90-100
H:R4a 123-123 R4b 223-223 R5a 63-71 R5b 76-84 R5c 155-155
I:R4a 129-139 R4b 229-239 R5a 2-57 R5b 60-70 R5c 139-149
J:R2a 47-47 R2b 137-143 R4a 87-87 R4b 183-187
K:R2a 57-67 R2b 153-163 R4a 67-77 R4b 163-173
E1:A R1b:A:132 - F:225
E2:A R1c:A:122 - F:214
E3:A R1a:A:0 - F:92 R3a:F:92 - A:185
E4:G R2a:G:0 - K:67 R4a:K:67 - I:139 R5c:I:139 - F:204
E5:G R2b:G:90 - K:163 R4b:K:163 - I:239
E6:I R5a:I:2 - F:120
E7:I R5b:I:60 - F:133
prev = [e(E3), e(E1), e(E2), e(E4), e(E5), s(R1a), s(R2a), s(R2b), e(E6), e(E7), s(R4a)];
C-D L(R1a):37-47 L(R1b):170-180 L(R1c):159-169 L(R4a):101-111 L(R4b):201-211
C-J L(R2a):42-47 L(R2b):132-137
D-E L(R1a):55-63 L(R1b):188-196 L(R1c):177-185 L(R5a):83-91 L(R5b):96-104 L(R5c):167-175
E-F L(R1a):67-82 L(R1b):200-215 L(R1c):189-204 L(R5a):95-110 L(R5b):108-123 L(R5c):179-194
B-G R(R2a):10-22 R(R2b):100-112
C-D R(R3a):137-147
C-J R(R4a):87-93 R(R4b):187-193
D-E R(R3a):121-129
E-F R(R3a):102-117
A-B L(R1a):10-17 L(R1b):143-150 L(R1c):132-139 R(R3a):168-175
D-H L(R4a):119-123 L(R4b):219-223 R(R5a):71-75 R(R5b):84-88 R(R5c):155-159
H-I L(R4a):123-129 L(R4b):223-229 R(R5a):57-63 R(R5b):70-76 R(R5c):149-155
J-K L(R2a):47-57 L(R2b):143-153 R(R4a):77-87 R(R4b):173-183
delay_obj = 371; skip_obj = 30;
The output shows all the services going left or right on the SING track segments, and their depart-arrive times on the segment.
Stage G - Report
In order for the input data to be correct it has to satisfy many requirements. For this problem the input data is complex and there are many ways to write it so that no solution is possible, or erroneous results are returned. In your model write MiniZinc assertions to check the input data satisfies the following conditions:
• Minimal wait times are all non-negative.
• Skip cost is non-negative, skip cost for non-ordinary stations is zero.
Platform numbers are positive, except for the dummy stop.
Wait times, skip cost and platform numbers for the dummy stop are all 0.
Travel time to the dummy stop and from a stop to itself is 0.
Minimum separation is non-negative.
Service end is no earlier than service start for each service.
The line type is symmetric, i.e. the line type from stop st1 to st2 is the same as the line type from stop st2 to st2.
The line type agrees with the travel time, i.e. line type is NONE iff travel time is absent or travel time is 0.
The route lengths agree with the definitions in route, i.e. if a route is length smaller than the max route length, then the extra stops are filled with dummy stops, and dummy stops only appear at the end of a route.
Each two consecutive (non-dummy) stops occuring in a route are connected (not absent in travel time).
Make sure that your assertions produce clear error messages when the assertions are violated. Make sure the error message pinpoints exactly where the data goes wrong.
Explain in your report how you test each of the last three conditions, using a paragraph for each. Add small sample input files that violate each of the last three conditions and submit them with your report. In the report show what output your model gives for these sample files. These example should be generated by you independently, we will check for similarity. Note that none of these conditions is violated by the given input data or the hidden test data that does violate assertions. IMPORTANT: your last MiniZinc submission should have the assertions in it, this version will be run on hidden test data.
Most importantly explain what your model is likely to do if each assertion above was violated by the data but not tested and the model ran on the erroneous data. For example suppose the first assertion was violated, e.g. a stop had a negative wait time, then the model may treat this as if the minimal wait time was zero, or it may allow trains to depart earlier from the stop then they arrive. Which depends on the how the constraints for stage A are written. The explanation of how your model would react to erroneous data if the assertions were missing should be given for all 11 assertions above. We have made the first answer easy for you, what would your model do?
3 Instructions
Edit the provided mzn model files to solve the problems described above. You are provided with some sample data files to try your model on. Your implementations can be tested locally by using the Run+check icon in the MiniZinc IDE. Note that the checker for this assignment will only test whether your model produces output in the required format, it does not check whether your solutions are correct. The grader on the server will give you feedback on the correctness of your
submitted solutions and models. The default solver (and likely best) is chuffed, and this is the solver that will be used for model testing.
When you submit it is important that you do not print intermediate solutions. The default setup of the project will do this, but it means if you dont set a time limit, you may get no answer unless optimality is proven. So if you check the box: “Print intermediate solutions” in the solver configuration, while you are testing your model, remember to uncheck it before submission.
4 Marking
You will get a maximum of 50 marks for this assignment which is worth 25% of the units overall marks. Part of the marks are automatically calculated. The submission has 10 marks for locally tested data and 15 for model testing, for a total of 25 marks by automatic calculation. You will only get full marks if you implement all stages.
The 25 remaining marks are given for code comments and the report marked by the tutors, with the following allocation: Code Comments (7 marks) Report (13 marks) Assertion testing (5 marks).
For the autograded part of the marking you can get most marks having implemented Stages A-D only. You will not get any marks unless you implement at least up to Stage C. Without implementing Stage D you can get at most 1/2 marks of that available. Stages E and F is optional, without implementing it there will be some instances where you can get a maximum of 3/4 of the marks available.
Code commenting should clear explain the role of each variable, constraint and objective defined in the model. You should explain how every constraint is modelled unless this is straightforward: e.g. adding that we use alldifferent to ensure all of a set are different is unecessary detail. You should use good identifier names for variables and procedures you define to help readability. The code and the comments must be formatted to be easy to read and comprehend.
The report should explain how the last three input data conditions are checked, and explain the result on the sample data file, as well as giving the output of your model on them. This is worth 6 of the 13 marks for the report.
The report should then explain the likely behaviour of data files that break the assertions if they were run without being checked. It should have 11 separate explanations, one for each assertion. It should reason about likely effects as shown in the example for the first assertion. Usually 1-2 sentence per assertion should be sufficient for the explanation. These explanations are worth 7 of the 13 marks for the report.
We will run your last MiniZinc submission against erroneous data to see that the assertions you added work correctly, and give meaningful errors messages. This is worth 5 marks of the assignment.