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COMP2009J Computer Networks - Assignment 2 - Packet Tracer: Routing

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UCDCOMP2009JComputer NetworksPacket TracerRouting

Packet Tracer: Routing CourseNana.COM

Previously, we set up a single router that connects two networks, so no rou7ng policy needs to be configured. In this lab, you will first need to learn from the next sec7on, “Router CLI terminal”, how to set up sta7c/dynamic rou7ng policies. CourseNana.COM

Router CLI Terminal
The followings are brief explana7ons of some commonly used commands for seGng up routers: CourseNana.COM

Switching Different Modes
Default status, in “User EXEC”: can only see some aspects of router CourseNana.COM

Router> CourseNana.COM

Using the command “enable” brings the user to “Privilege EXEC”: can see all configura7on of router CourseNana.COM

Router>enable Router# CourseNana.COM

Using the command “configure terminal” brings the user to “Configure Mode”: Can make changes to the configura7on. Type “exit” to quit. CourseNana.COM

Router# configure terminal CourseNana.COM

Router(config)# Router(config)# exit CourseNana.COM

The Show Command
Before doing any actions, it helps you checking the current configura7on informa7on on the router. It also shows you a list of commands that you can use.
When you setup your network topology, try the followings:

Router# show ? Router# show interfaces CourseNana.COM

Router# show ip interface FastEthernet 0/1 CourseNana.COM

Router# show ip interface brief CourseNana.COM

The Interface Command
To review what you have configured, such as IP address for a specific router interface, in “Configure Mode”, specify the “interface-name interface-number(slot/port)” CourseNana.COM

Router(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 Router(config-if)# ip address CourseNana.COM

Router(config-if)# exit CourseNana.COM

AVer seGng up its corresponding IP address and subnet mask, don’t forget to make it work by typing “no shutdown”. Then “exit”, to use “show” command for this interface to check if the previous seGng is successful. CourseNana.COM

Add/Remove sta?c routes CourseNana.COM

Sta7c routes tell a router where to send packets for a network that this router does not connect directly. In this case, the router will forward this packet to an interface of one of the routers that this router directly connects to. CourseNana.COM

Checking the exis7ng rou7ng table: CourseNana.COM

Router# show ip route CourseNana.COM

Then add a route, e.g.: any packets intend to go to the network “ /”, will be forwarded to the next hop router interface “”: CourseNana.COM

Router(config)# ip route CourseNana.COM

If you want to remove this sta7c rou7ng policy, just use “no” format: CourseNana.COM

Router(config)# no ip route CourseNana.COM

Add a Dynamic Rou?ng Protocol – OSPF CourseNana.COM

Router(config)# router ospf 1
Router(config-router)# network area 1

The “1” in both “router ospf 1” and “area 1” are not important for our lab, so leave it same as “1” everywhere.“network”: means any of this router’s next hop router interface begins with “192.168” will be configured with OSPF protocol. “”: is a wildcard mask. It is NOT a subnet mask. CourseNana.COM

Router(config-if)# no shutdown CourseNana.COM

Assignment # 2 Packet tracer (15%) CourseNana.COM

Network Topology for Beijing General Hospital
Create a network topology for Beijing General Hospital considering the main components to support the CourseNana.COM

following: CourseNana.COM

- Hospital Loca7on CourseNana.COM

- The Main Building: Administra7ve and Medical Staff Offices on this building. The remaining buildings house various departments and medical facili7es. Hospital administra7ve staff PCs are distributed throughout these offices and departments, and they share some networking equipment. CourseNana.COM

- Add three departments to the network topology: - Department of Cardiology
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Neurology

- IT Department: The IT department hosts , the hospital's web server, pa7ent record server, and other servers. There is also an email server hosted externally in the cloud. CourseNana.COM

- Staff accommoda7ons Building CourseNana.COM

- Each department is expected to be on its own separate IP network. CourseNana.COM

- The switches should be configured with appropriate LANs. CourseNana.COM

- OSPF will be used to provide rou7ng for the routers in the internal network and sta7c rou7ng for the external server. CourseNana.COM

- The devices in the Department of Cardiology will be expected to acquire dynamic IP addresses from a router- based DHCP server. CourseNana.COM

- The IP address for all subnets should begin with your UCD student number as hospital’s iden7fier number. For example, if the number is 192 022 02, then it should be 192.22.2.x. Use at least (could be longer) 25 bits as your network prefix. CourseNana.COM

- You can es@mate the number of IP addresses in any network, but it should be a reasonable number. CourseNana.COM


Q2. How many subnets are in the network topology you build?
Q3. Show how you calculate the CIDR IP for each subnet.
Q4. List your IP, subnet mask, and gateway setup for all PCs and router interfaces. CourseNana.COM

Q5. Show an example of a sta7c route in your network; for example, if PC1 needs to connect to PC2, the route should be: PC1 -> Router1 -> Router3 -> Router2 -> PC2
1. List in a table the key commands used in each router.

2. AVer this setup, provide a screenshot of the rou7ng table on each router.
3. When you can successfully PING PC0 -> PC2, show how you can trace its realis7c route that is correctly set. 4. Setup OSPF on each router; you should remove the previously configured sta7c route on each router.
5. Explain how OSPF is different from the sta7c route regarding link state changes.

Submission: CourseNana.COM

1. .pkt file for the network topology (Logical and physical)
2. **PDF report** with answers for the “Ques7ons” suppor@ng all your answers with screenshots. 3. **Short video** (40 seconds) to explain your network topology.
Submission Deadline:
You should submit your assignment by Sunday, 09 June 2024 CourseNana.COM

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