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COMP232 Cyber Security - Assignment 3: Verification of security protocols and Linux Firewall Exploration

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LiverpoolCOMP232Cyber Security

Department of Computer Science

COMP232 Individual coursework Assignment 3 CourseNana.COM

1 Overall marking scheme CourseNana.COM

The coursework for COMP232 consists of three assignments, contributing to 40% of the final mark. The contribution of the single assignments is as follows: CourseNana.COM

Assignment 1 10% Assignment 2 10% Assignment 3 20% TOTAL 40% CourseNana.COM

Failure in any assignment may be compensated for by higher marks in other components of the module. CourseNana.COM

This document describes Assignment 3. Assignment 3 will be marked according to the following broad criteria:correctness of the arguments; CourseNana.COM

presence/absence of the evidence on the experiments; original contribution either in implementation, or analysis. CourseNana.COM

Aims of the Assignment 3 CourseNana.COM

to illustrate the practical aspects of security protocols analysis;
to test the student’s skills of using and applying practical knowledge to prior learning; to test the student’s skills in the analysis of the experiments.

3 Assignment CA3

Please choose any TWO out of THREE following parts and perform the described tasks. CourseNana.COM

Part 1: Verification of security protocols CourseNana.COM

Please select any of the protocols available at the Demo page of Proverif system at CourseNana.COM


Explain in details, what is (are) the goal(s) of the protocol, how the protocol operates, and what are possible explanations of how the goals of the protocol might be achieved; CourseNana.COM

Try to verify the protocol using online Proverif tool. by pressing the button ”Verify” at the Demo page; CourseNana.COM

Explain your best understanding of the result of verification. CourseNana.COM

Part 2: Generating Two Different Files with the Same MD5 hash CourseNana.COM

Using installation of Seed Labs in the University labs (or on your own computer) perform Task 1 of MD5 Collision Attack Lab Please give short description of your experiments and answer Questions 1,2,3 of Task 1. CourseNana.COM

3.3 Part 3: Linux Firewall Exploration CourseNana.COM

Using installation of Seed Labs in the University labs (or on your own computer) perform part of Task 1 of Linux Firewall Exploration Lab overviewed generally at Detailed instructions for Task 1 can be found following the link Description at the web page above. Direct link for the Description is lease notice, that an application installed in the University Lab supports single VM only, so please ignore all tasks which require two or more VM and perform only the following part (third item at the top of page 2): Prevent A from visiting an external web site. You can choose any web site that you like to block, but keep in mind, some web servers have multiple IP addresses Please give short description of your experiments, obsrevations and conclusions. CourseNana.COM

4 Further Details CourseNana.COM

This work should be formatted as a formal written lab report. If you are unsure how to write a report see Academic Writing guide. Please submit CourseNana.COM

Report (in *.pdf, *.doc,or *.docx format) CourseNana.COM

The work must be submitted electronically via CANVAS. This must be done by CourseNana.COM

Please be aware that the standard University policies CourseNana.COM

on plagiarism, collusion and fabricated data Section 9 and on late submission Section

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