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CPS2231 Computer Programming Final Year Project: University Activity Management System (UAMS)

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WenZhou KeanCPS2231Computer ProgrammingJavaUniversity Activity Management System

Final Year Project CPS 2231 / Spring 2024 Professor: Dr. Hamza Djigal CourseNana.COM

Project 1: University Activity Management System (UAMS) CourseNana.COM

The University Activity Management System (UAMS) project aims to organize the activities in the university in an efficient manner. The UAMS shows the flows between the activity of Attendance, Users, Timeslots, Participants, Activity Type. CourseNana.COM

The main activity involved are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin User can search Attendance, view description of a selected Attendance, add Attendance, update Attendance and delete Attendance. CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the activity flow of editing, adding and updating of Users CourseNana.COM

  •   User will be able to search and generate report of Timeslots, Participants, Activity Type CourseNana.COM

  •   All objects such as (Attendance, Users, Activity Type) are interlinked CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the full description and flow of Attendance, Participants, Activity Type, CourseNana.COM

    Timeslots, Users. CourseNana.COM

We assume that the main Classes of the UAMS are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  •   Activity Class: Manage all the operations of Activity CourseNana.COM

  •   Users Class: Manage all the operations of Users CourseNana.COM

  •   Activity Type Class: Manage all the operations of Activity Type CourseNana.COM

  •   Timeslots Class: Manage all the operations of Timeslots CourseNana.COM

  •   Attendance Class: Manage all the operations of Attendance CourseNana.COM

  •   Participants Class: Manage all the operations of Participants CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their attributes of UAMS are: CourseNana.COM

  •   Activity Attributes: activity_id, activity_title, activity_type, activity date, activity_description. CourseNana.COM

  •   Users Attributes: user_id, user_name, user_mobile, user_email, user_username, user_password, user_address. CourseNana.COM

  •   Activity Type Attributes: ac_id, ac_title, ac_description. CourseNana.COM

  •   Timeslots Attributes: time_slot_id, time_slot_name, time_slot_duration, time_slot_type, CourseNana.COM

    time_slot_description. CourseNana.COM

  •   Attendance Attributes: attandance_id, attandance_user_id, attendance_date, CourseNana.COM

    attendance_description. CourseNana.COM

  •   Participants Attributes: particiapants_id, particiapants_name, particiapants_mobile, CourseNana.COM

    particiapants_email, particiapants_username,paticipants_password, participants_address. CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their methods of UAMS: CourseNana.COM

  •   Activity Methods: addActivity(), editActivity(), deleteActivity(), updateActivity(), CourseNana.COM

    saveActivity(), searchActivity(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Users Methods: addUsers(), editUsers(), deleteUsers(), updateUsers(), saveUsers(), CourseNana.COM

    searchUsers(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Activity Type Methods: addActivityType(), editActivityType(), deleteActivityType(), CourseNana.COM

    updateActivityType(), saveActivityType(), searchActivityType(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Timeslots Methods: addTimeslots(), editTimeslots(), deleteTimeslots(), updateTimeslots(), CourseNana.COM

    saveTimeslots(), searchTimeslots(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Attendance Methods: addAttendance(), editAttendance(), deleteAttendance(), updateAttendance(), saveAttendance(), searchAttendance(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Participants Methods: addParticipants(), editParticipants(), deleteParticipants(), updateParticipants(), saveParticipants(),searchParticipants(). CourseNana.COM

    Your tasks: CourseNana.COM

  1. Develop the University Activity Management System using Java technology (Java SE, Java Web, or Java Desktop technology) by implementing all above classes with their attributes and methods. CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a report (PDF format) no more than 30 pages and font size 12. (see attached of the report sample) CourseNana.COM

  3. Prepare a PPT (for 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes Q&A) CourseNana.COM

Project 2: Airline Booking System (ABS) CourseNana.COM

The ABS shows the flows between the activity of Booking Enquiry, Airline Enquiry, Airlines Booking, Ticket Booking, Passenger. The main activity involved in Airline Booking System are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin User can search Booking Enquiry, view description of a selected Booking Enquiry, add Booking Enquiry, update Booking Enquiry and delete Booking Enquiry. CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin will be able to login using their username and password. After login user can manage all the operations on Airlines Booking, Booking Enquiry, Airline Enquiry, Passenger, Ticket Booking. All the pages such as Airline Enquiry, Passenger, Ticket CourseNana.COM

Booking are secure and user can access these page after login. User will be able to search CourseNana.COM

and generate report of Airlines Booking, Ticket Booking, Passenger. CourseNana.COM

  •   All objects such as (Booking Enquiry, Airline Enquiry, Passenger) are interlinked CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the full description and flow of Booking Enquiry, Ticket Booking, Passenger, CourseNana.COM

    Airlines Booking, Airline Enquiry. CourseNana.COM

    Classes of Airline Booking System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Ticket Class: Manage all the operations of Ticket. CourseNana.COM

  •   Airlines Booking Class: Manage all the operations of Airlines Booking. CourseNana.COM

  •   Passenger Class: Manage all the operations of Passenger. CourseNana.COM

  •   Ticket Class: Manage all the operations of Ticket. CourseNana.COM

  •   Booking Enquiry Class: Manage all the operations of Booking Enquiry. CourseNana.COM

  •   Airline Enquiry Class: Manage all the operations of Airline Enquiry. CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their attributes of Airline Booking System: CourseNana.COM

    •   Ticket Attributes: ticket_id, ticket_customer_id, ticket_type, ticket_date, ticket_description. CourseNana.COM

    •   Airlines Booking Attributes: airlines booking_id, airlines_passenger_id, airlines. CourseNana.COM

      booking_type, airlines booking_date, airlines booking_description. CourseNana.COM

    •   Passenger Attributes: passenger_id, passenger_name, passenger_mobile, passenger_email, CourseNana.COM

      passenger_username, passenger_password, passenger_address. CourseNana.COM

    •   Ticket Attributes: ticket_id, ticket_type, ticket_booking_id, ticket_Date, ticket_description. CourseNana.COM

    •   Booking Enquiry Attributes: booking enquiry_id, booking enquiry_title, booking CourseNana.COM

      enquiry_type, booking enquiry_date, booking enquiry_description. CourseNana.COM

    •   Airline Enquiry Attributes: airline enquiry_id, airline enquiry_title, airline enquiry_type, CourseNana.COM

      airline enquiry_date, airline enquiry_description. CourseNana.COM

      Classes and their methods of Airline Booking System: CourseNana.COM

Ticket Methods: addTicket(), editTicket(), deleteTicket(), updateTicket(), saveTicket(), searchTicket(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Airlines Booking Methods: addAirlinesBooking(), editAirlinesBooking(), deleteAirlines Booking(), updateAirlinesBooking(), saveAirlinesBooking(), searchAirlinesBooking(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Passenger Methods: addPassenger(), editPassenger(), deletePassenger(), updatePassenger(), savePassenger(), searchPassenger(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Ticket Methods: addTicket(), editTicket(), deleteTicket(), updateTicket(), saveTicket(), searchTicket(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Booking Enquiry Methods: addBookingEnquiry(), editBookingEnquiry(), deleteBooking Enquiry(), updateBookingEnquiry(), saveBookingEnquiry,(), searchBookingEnquiry() CourseNana.COM

  •   Airline Enquiry Methods: addAirlineEnquiry(), editAirlineEnquiry(), deleteAirlineEnquiry(), updateAirlineEnquiry(), saveAirlineEnquiry(), searchAirlineEnquiry(). CourseNana.COM

    Your tasks: CourseNana.COM

  1. Develop the Airline Booking System using Java technology (Java SE, Java Web, or Java Desktop technology) by implementing all above classes with their attributes and methods. CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a report (PDF format) no more than 30 pages and font size 12. (see attached of the report sample) CourseNana.COM

  3. Prepare a PPT (for 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes Q&A) CourseNana.COM

Project 3: Alumni Information System (AIS) CourseNana.COM

The Alumni Information System shows the flows between the activity of Alumni, Student, College Mates, College News, Social Network. The main activity involved are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin User can search Alumni, view description of a selected Alumni, add Alumni, update Alumni and delete Alumni. CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the activity flow of editing, adding and updating of Student CourseNana.COM

  •   User will be able to search and generate report of College Mates, College News, Social CourseNana.COM

    Network. CourseNana.COM

  •   All objects such as (Alumni, Student, Social Network) are interlinked. CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the full description and flow of Alumni, College News, Social Network, College CourseNana.COM

    Mates, Student. CourseNana.COM

    Classes of Alumni Information System Class: CourseNana.COM

  •   Alumni Class: Manage all the operations of Alumni CourseNana.COM

  •   College Class: Manage all the operations of College CourseNana.COM

  •   College Mates Class: Manage all the operations of College Mates CourseNana.COM

  •   Social Network Class: Manage all the operations of Social Network CourseNana.COM

  •   Opportunity Class: Manage all the operations of Opportunity CourseNana.COM

  •   College News Class: Manage all the operations of College News CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their attributes of Alumni Information System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Alumni Attributes: alumni_id, alumni_title, alumni_type, alumni_date, alumni_description CourseNana.COM

  •   College Attributes: college_id, college_name, college_description CourseNana.COM

  •   College Mates Attributes: collegemates_id, collegemates_name, collegemates_mobile, CourseNana.COM

    collegemates_email, college mates_username, collegemates_password, CourseNana.COM

    collegemates_address CourseNana.COM

  •   Social Network Attributes: social_network_id, social_network_name, social_network_type, CourseNana.COM

    social_network_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Opportunity Attributes: opportunity_id, opportunity_type, opportunity_description CourseNana.COM

  •   College News Attributes: college_news_id, college_news_title, college_news_type, CourseNana.COM

    college_news_description. CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their methods of Alumni Information System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Alumni Methods: addAlumni(), editAlumni(), deleteAlumni(), updateAlumni(), saveAlumni(), searchAlumni() CourseNana.COM

  •   College Methods: addCollege(), editCollege(), deleteCollege(), updateCollege(), saveCollege(), searchCollege() CourseNana.COM

  •   College Mates Methods: addCollegeMates(), editCollegeMates(), deleteCollegeMates(), updateCollegeMates(), saveCollegeMates(),searchCollegeMates(). CourseNana.COM

  •   Social Network Methods: addSocialNetwork(), editSocialNetwork(), deleteSocial Network(), updateSocialNetwork(), saveSocialNetwork(),searchSocialNetwork() CourseNana.COM

  •   Opportunity Methods: addOpportunity(), editOpportunity(), deleteOpportunity(), CourseNana.COM

    updateOpportunity(), saveOpportunity(), searchOpportunity() CourseNana.COM

  •   College News Methods: addCollegeNews(), editCollegeNews(), deleteCollegeNews(), CourseNana.COM

    updateCollege News(), saveCollege News(),searchCollege News() CourseNana.COM

    Your tasks: CourseNana.COM

  1. Develop the Alumni Information System using Java technology (Java SE, Java Web, or Java Desktop technology) by implementing all above classes with their attributes and methods. CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a report (PDF format) no more than 30 pages and font size 12. (see attached of the report sample) CourseNana.COM

  3. Prepare a PPT (for 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes Q&A CourseNana.COM

Project 4: Billing and Inventory System (BIS) CourseNana.COM

The Billing and Inventory System (BIS) shows the flows between the activity of Transactions History, Payment, Bills, Transactions, Customer. The main activity involved in BIS are as follows: CourseNana.COM

Customer Activity CourseNana.COM

Features of the Billing and Inventory System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin User can search Transactions History, view description of a selected Transactions History, add Transactions History, update Transactions History and delete Transactions History. CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the activity flow of editing, adding and updating of Payment CourseNana.COM

  •   User will be able to search and generate report of Bills, Transactions, Customer CourseNana.COM

  •   All objects such as (Transactions History, Payment, Customer) are interlinked CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the full description and flow of Transactions History, Transactions, Customer, CourseNana.COM

    Bills, Payment. CourseNana.COM

    Classes of Billing and Inventory System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Bills Class: Manage all the operations of Bills CourseNana.COM

  •   Customer Class: Manage all the operations of Customer CourseNana.COM

    Transactions Class: Manage all the operations of Transactions CourseNana.COM

    Login Class: Manage all the operations of Login CourseNana.COM

  •   Payment Class: Manage all the operations of Payment CourseNana.COM

  •   Transactions History Class: Manage all the operations of Transactions History CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their attributes of Billing and Inventory System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Bills Attributes: bill_id, bill_customer_id, bill_number, bill_type, bill_receipt, bill_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Customer Attributes: customer_id, customer_name, customer_mobile, customer_email, customer_username, customer_password,customer_address CourseNana.COM

  •   Transactions Attributes: transaction_id, transaction_customer_id, transaction_amount, transaction_bill, transaction_number, transaction_type,transaction_history, transaction_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Login Attributes: login_id, login_user_id, login_role_id, login_username, login_password, login_lastlogin CourseNana.COM

  •   Payment Attributes: payment_id, payment_customer_id, payment_date, payment_bill, payment_type, payment_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Transactions History Attributes: transaction_history_id, transaction_ history_customer_id, transaction_history_amount, transaction_history_bill, transaction_history_number, transaction_history_type, transaction_history_description CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their methods of Billing and Inventory System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Bills Methods: addBills(), editBills(), deleteBills(), updateBills(), saveBills(), searchBills() CourseNana.COM

  •   Customer Methods: addCustomer(), editCustomer(), deleteCustomer(), updateCustomer(), CourseNana.COM

    saveCustomer(), searchCustomer() CourseNana.COM

  •   Transactions Methods: addTransactions(), editTransactions(), deleteTransactions(), CourseNana.COM

    updateTransactions(), saveTransactions(),searchTransactions() CourseNana.COM

  •   Login Methods: addLogin(), editLogin(), deleteLogin(), updateLogin(), saveLogin(), CourseNana.COM

    searchLogin() CourseNana.COM

  •   Payment Methods: addPayment(), editPayment(), deletePayment(), updatePayment(), CourseNana.COM

    savePayment(), searchPayment() CourseNana.COM

  •   Transactions History Methods: addTransactionsHistory(), editTransactionsHistory(), CourseNana.COM

    deleteTransactionsHistory(), updateTransactionsHistory(), saveTransactionsHistory(), searchTransactionsHistory() CourseNana.COM

    Your tasks: CourseNana.COM

  1. Develop the Billing and Inventory System using Java technology (Java SE, Java Web, or Java Desktop technology) by implementing all above classes with their attributes and methods. CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a report (PDF format) no more than 30 pages and font size 12. (see attached of the report sample) CourseNana.COM

  3. Prepare a PPT (for 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes Q&A) CourseNana.COM

Project 5: Blood Bank Management System (BBMS)
The Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) shows the flows between the activity of Stock, CourseNana.COM

Blood, Blood cells, Patient, Donor. The main activity involved in the BBMS are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin User can search Stock, view description of a selected Stock, add Stock, update Stock and delete Stock. CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the activity flow of editing, adding and updating of Blood CourseNana.COM

  •   User will be able to search and generate report of Blood cells, Patient, Donor CourseNana.COM

  •   All objects such as (Stock, Blood, Donor) are interlinked CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the full description and flow of Stock, Patient, Donor, Blood cells, Blood CourseNana.COM

    Classes of Blood Bank Management System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood Class: Manage all the operations of Blood CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood Group Class: Manage all the operations of Blood Group CourseNana.COM

    Blood cells Class: Manage all the operations of Blood cells CourseNana.COM

  •   Donor Class: Manage all the operations of Donor CourseNana.COM

  •   Stock Class: Manage all the operations of Stock CourseNana.COM

  •   Order Class: Manage all the operations of Order CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their attributes of Blood Bank Management System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood Attributes: blood_id, blood_donor_id, blood_patient_id, blood_group, blood_bank, blood_cells, blood_tyoe, blood_description. CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood Group Attributes: blood_group_id, blood_group_donor_id, blood_group_patient_id, blood_group_type, blood_group_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood cells Attributes: blood_cells_id, blood_cells_donor_id, blood_cells_patient_id, blood_cells_type, blood_cells_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Donor Attributes: donor_id, donor_name, donor_mobile, donor_email, donor_username, donor_password, donor_address, donor_blood_group CourseNana.COM

  •   Stock Attributes: stock_id, stock_blood, stock_number, stock_type, stock_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Order Attributes: order_id, order_customer_id order_type, order_number, order_description CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their methods of Blood Bank Management System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood Methods: addBlood(), editBlood(), deleteBlood(), updateBlood(), saveBlood(), searchBlood() CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood Group Methods: addBloodGroup(), editBlood Group(), deleteBlood Group(), updateBlood Group(), saveBlood Group(), searchBloodGroup() CourseNana.COM

  •   Blood cells Methods: addBloodcells(), editBlood cells(), deleteBlood cells(), updateBlood cells(), saveBlood cells(), searchBlood cells() CourseNana.COM

  •   Donor Methods: addDonor(), editDonor(), deleteDonor(), updateDonor(), saveDonor(), searchDonor() CourseNana.COM

  •   Stock Methods: addStock(), editStock(), deleteStock(), updateStock(), saveStock(), searchStock() CourseNana.COM

  •   Order Methods: addOrder(), editOrder(), deleteOrder(), updateOrder(), saveOrder(), searchOrder() CourseNana.COM

    Your tasks: CourseNana.COM

  1. Develop the Blood Bank Management System using Java technology (Java SE, Java Web, or Java Desktop technology) by implementing all above classes with their attributes and methods. CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a report (PDF format) no more than 30 pages and font size 12. (see attached of the report sample) CourseNana.COM

  3. Prepare a PPT (for 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes Q&A) CourseNana.COM

Project 6: Boutique Store Management System (BSMS) CourseNana.COM

The Boutique Store Management System (BSMS) which shows the flows between the activity of Product Customers, Boutique, Sales, Inventory, ##Keyword5##. The main activity involved in Boutique Store Management System are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin User can search Product Customers, view description of a selected Product Customers, add Product Customers, update Product Customers and delete Product Customers. CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the activity flow of editing, adding and updating of Boutique CourseNana.COM

  •   User will be able to search and generate report of Sales, Inventory, ##Keyword5## CourseNana.COM

  •   All objects such as (Product Customers, Boutique, ##Keyword5##) are interlinked CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the full description and flow of Product Customers, Inventory, ##Keyword5##, CourseNana.COM

    Sales, Boutique CourseNana.COM

    Classes of Boutique Store Management System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Boutique Class: Manage all the operations of Boutique CourseNana.COM

  •   Stock Class: Manage all the operations of Stock CourseNana.COM

  •   Products Class: Manage all the operations of Products CourseNana.COM

  •   Sales Class: Manage all the operations of Sales CourseNana.COM

  •   Inventory Class: Manage all the operations of Inventory CourseNana.COM

  •   Customers Class: Manage all the operations of Customers CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their attributes of Boutique Store Management System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Boutique Attributes: boutique_id, boutique_owner_id, boutique_name, boutique_type, boutique_description, boutique_place
    Stock Attributes: stock_id, stock_items, stock_number, stock_type, stock_description

  •   Products Attributes: product_id, product_customer_id product_items, product_number, product_type, product_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Sales Attributes: sales_id, sales_customer_id, sales_amount, sales_type, sales_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Inventory Attributes: inventory_id, inventory_items, inventory_number, inventory_type, CourseNana.COM

    inventory_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Customers Attributes: customer_id, customer_name, customer_mobile, customer_email, CourseNana.COM

    customer_username, customer_password, customer_address CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their methods of Boutique Store Management System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Boutique Methods: addBoutique(), editBoutique(), deleteBoutique(), updateBoutique(), saveBoutique(), searchBoutique() CourseNana.COM

  •   Stock Methods: addStock(), editStock(), deleteStock(), updateStock(), saveStock(), searchStock() CourseNana.COM

  •   Products Methods: addProducts(), editProducts(), deleteProducts(), updateProducts(), saveProducts(), searchProducts() CourseNana.COM

  •   Sales Methods: addSales(), editSales(), deleteSales(), updateSales(), saveSales(), searchSales() CourseNana.COM

  •   Inventory Methods: addInventory(), editInventory(), deleteInventory(), updateInventory(), saveInventory(), searchInventory() CourseNana.COM

  •   Customers Methods: addCustomers(), editCustomers(), deleteCustomers(), updateCustomers(), saveCustomers(), searchCustomers() CourseNana.COM

    Your tasks: CourseNana.COM

  1. Develop the Boutique Store Management System using Java technology (Java SE, Java Web, or Java Desktop technology) by implementing all above classes with their attributes and methods. CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a report (PDF format) no more than 30 pages and font size 12. (see attached of the report sample) CourseNana.COM

  3. Prepare a PPT (for 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes Q&A) CourseNana.COM

Project 7: Bus Booking System (BBS) CourseNana.COM

The Bus Booking System shows the flows between the activity of Customer, Ticket, Route, Booking, Bus. The main activity involved in the Bus Booking System are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  •   Admin User can search Customer, view description of a selected Customer, add Customer, update Customer and delete Customer. CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the activity flow of editing, adding and updating of Ticket CourseNana.COM

  •   User will be able to search and generate report of Route, Booking, Bus CourseNana.COM

  •   All objects such as (Customer, Ticket, Bus) are interlinked CourseNana.COM

  •   Its shows the full description and flow of Customer, Booking, Bus, Route, Ticket CourseNana.COM

    Classes of Bus Booking System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Bus Class: Manage all the operations of Bus CourseNana.COM

  •   Booking Class: Manage all the operations of Booking CourseNana.COM

  •   Customer Class: Manage all the operations of Customer CourseNana.COM

  •   Sales Class: Manage all the operations of Sales CourseNana.COM

  •   Ticket Booking Class: Manage all the operations of Ticket Booking CourseNana.COM

  •   Operators Class: Manage all the operations of Operators CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their attributes of Bus Booking System: CourseNana.COM

Bus Attributes: bus_id, bus_name, bus_number, bus_seat_number, bus_ticket, bus_type, bus_description CourseNana.COM


  •   Booking Attributes: booking_id, booking_title, booking_type, booking_ticket, booking_date, booking_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Customer Attributes: customer_id, customer_name, customer_mobile, customer_email, customer_username, customer_password, customer_address CourseNana.COM

  •   Sales Attributes: sales_id, sales_customer_id, sales_ticket sales_amount, sales_type, sales_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Ticket Booking Attributes: ticket booking_id, ticket booking_type, ticket booking_Date, ticket booking_description CourseNana.COM

  •   Operators Attributes: operator_id, operator_name, operator_mobile, operator_email, operator_username, operator_password, operator_address CourseNana.COM

    Classes and their methods of Bus Booking System: CourseNana.COM

  •   Bus Methods: addBus(), editBus(), deleteBus(), updateBus(), saveBus(), searchBus() CourseNana.COM

  •   Booking Methods: addBooking(), editBooking(), deleteBooking(), updateBooking(), CourseNana.COM

    saveBooking(), searchBooking() CourseNana.COM

  •   Customer Methods: addCustomer(), editCustomer(), deleteCustomer(), updateCustomer(), CourseNana.COM

    saveCustomer(), searchCustomer() CourseNana.COM

  •   Sales Methods: addSales(), editSales(), deleteSales(), updateSales(), saveSales(), CourseNana.COM

    searchSales() CourseNana.COM

  •   Ticket Booking Methods: addTicket Booking(), editTicket Booking(), deleteTicket CourseNana.COM

    Booking(), updateTicket Booking(), saveTicket Booking(), searchTicket Booking() CourseNana.COM

  •   Operators Methods: addOperators(), editOperators(), deleteOperators(), updateOperators(), CourseNana.COM

    saveOperators(), searchOperators() CourseNana.COM

    Your tasks: CourseNana.COM

  1. Develop the Bus Booking System using Java technology (Java SE, Java Web, or Java Desktop technology) by implementing all above classes with their attributes and methods. CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a report (PDF format) no more than 30 pages and font size 12. (see attached of the report sample) CourseNana.COM

  3. Prepare a PPT (for 10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes Q&A)  CourseNana.COM

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