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CS 245 Advanced Programming and Data Structures - Assignment 2 - Mouse Simulation
CS245Advanced Programming and Data StructuresJavaMouse Simulation
This assignment will have you practice developing an OOP as a Java solution and have safe trip . You are to write classes that define a Mouse,, and a Cat,
CS480 Operating Systems - Assignment 02 Free Response Questions
CS480Operating SystemsL1 CacheScheduler
A run-time profiling tool shows that a machine with more CPU cores often has better cache hit rate (i.e., more effective caching) than the one with less CPU cores, this is particularly true when running many applications concurrently
TCS3294 Windows Programming - Assignment: Gym Management System
TCS3294Windows ProgrammingC#SQLGym Management System
The aim of the assignment is to expose students to analyse a variety of problem solutions in terms of the design concepts and programming constructs. This assignment will allow the students to produce appropriate system development documentation with complete program using C#.NET Framework programming language and SQL Server. The students should be able to apply their knowledge and skills, creativity, and critical thinking in completing the assignment.
COMP3506/7505 - Algorithms and Data Structures - Assignment Two: Bloom Filter, Pathfinding, Chain Reaction
COMP3506COMP7505Algorithms and Data StructuresPriority QueueBloom FilterGraph
The main objective of this assignment is to extend your knowledge from assignment one to build more complex data structures and solve more complex problems
CMU 95-702 Distributed Systems for ISM - Project 2 Client-Server Computing
95702Distributed Systems for ISMJavaClient-Server ComputingTCPRPC
In Task 0, you will make several modifications to and Note that these two programs are standard Java and we do not need to construct a web application in IntelliJ. Both of these programs will be placed in the same IntelliJ project.
CMU 95-702 Distributed Systems - Project 1: Compute Hash
95702Distributed SystemsJavaServletsJSP
In this assignment, you'll build several web apps to gain more experience. You build your first set of distributed systems. These are two small web applications using Servlets and Java Server Pages.
COMPSYS 705 Formal Methods for Safety Critical Software Test
COMPSYS 705Formal Methods for Safety Critical Software
Consider two processes P,Q shown in Figure 1. Are these processes bisimilar, weakly bisimilar, similar or there is no relationship between them? Justify your selection mat- hematically by either finding the corresponding relation or showing the absence of any such relation.
Database Principles 31061 - Assignment 5: Database Project
Database Principles3106132606DatabaseSQLPostgreSQL
Your choice of database should demonstrate some initiative, and be something that is largely your own idea. It must not resemble closely any database you found in the textbook, or any other book, and it must not resemble closely any database built by a student in a previous semester.
ITECH3108 Dynamic Web Development - Assessment 1 - Front-end Development
ITECH3108Dynamic Web DevelopmentFront-end DevelopmentForum ApplicationJavascriptDOM
For this assessment task, you will use skills acquired through the first six weeks of material to build an interactive front-end to an API. You will be developing a front-end for a simple forum application, using front-end JavaScript, the Document Object Model, and fetch to connect to a RESTful web API. You will also submit a written reflection on your learning.
CS 520 Introduction to Operating Systems - Homework 3: Bus Simulation
CS520Introduction to Operating SystemsBus SimulationJava
Write the bus simulation, as explained in the class and described in the notes. Feel free to look on the web for and then re-use any suitable code for the random number generator or for linked list algorithms. With that, 1) don’t forget to include a reference to the source of any code you re-use and 3) remember to test all re-used code as you are the only one responsible for its performance..
COMP3702 Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 3: Reinforcement Learning
COMP3702Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningPythonPytorchDeep Q-Network (DQN)
In this assignment, you will implement Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms and analyse their parameters and performance. This assignment will test your skills in training and understanding reinforcement learning algorithms for practical problems and understanding of key algorithm features and parameters.
JC4003: Natural Language Processing - Group Assessment: Understanding and Generating Explanations from the RuozhiBa Dataset
JC4003Natural Language ProcessingRuozhiBaData Annotation
In this group assessment, you will explore and experiment with traditional machine learning and deep learning models, including large language models (LLMs), to generate accurate meanings and explanations for the samples provided in the RuozhiBa dataset. The purpose of this exercise is to apply your knowledge from the course to a real-world dataset, practicing your skills in data annotation, model design, and evaluation.
COMP2022 Models of Computation - Assignment 3: Turing Machine and Morphett notation
COMP2022Models of ComputationTuring MachineMorphett notation
Consider the following deterministic Turing Machine M over input alphabet Σ = {a, b}: (5 marks) State five strings that are in L(M), and five that are not. The strings should be over Σ. (5 marks) Provide a low level description in Morphett notation of a (1-tape deterministic) Turing Machine for the language that has time complexity at most 5n + 5.
CMU 95-702 Distributed Systems For Information Systems Management - Project 3 Blockchain and Signatures
95702Distributed Systems For Information Systems ManagementDistributed SystemsJavaBlockchain
In this project, we will illustrate an important nonfunctional characteristic of blockchain technology - its tamper evident design. We will build a stand-alone blockchain in Task 0 and a distributed system where a remote client interacts with a blockchain API in Task 1. In Task 2, we will work with digital signatures.
CT047 Systems Programming and Computer Control - Assignment - Smart Home Controller
CT047Systems Programming and Computer ControlSPCCLabViewSmart Home Control SystemSmart Home Controller
A company has received a contract to design a controller for a Smart Home. A Smart Home is a home fitted with controllers and sensors which permit remote control and automation. The specifications and rules are listed below. Your job is to design a controller using LabVIEW that satisfies all specifications.
COMP10002 Foundations of Algorithms - Assignment 2: Dynamic memory and Cellular Automaton
COMP10002Foundations of AlgorithmsCDynamic memoryCellular Automaton
In this project, you will demonstrate your understanding of dynamic memory and linked data structures (Chapter 10) and extend your program design, testing, and debugging skills. You will learn about cellular automata, implement a tool for performing cellular automata computations, and use this tool to solve a practical problem.
FIT3003 Business intelligence and data warehousing - Assignment 2: M-Stay Residential Service
FIT3003Business intelligence and data warehousingM-Stay Residential ServiceSQL
M-Stay is a residential service that offers homestay and rental services to Monash students and staff around Melbourne. The company has an existing operational database that maintains and stores all of the business transactions information (e.g. properties, hosts, listings, booking, etc.) required for the management's daily operation. As the business grows, M-Stay has decided to build a Data Warehouse to improve their analysis and work efficiency. However, since the staff at M-Stay have limited Business Intelligence and Data
COMP1521 Computer Systems Fundamentals - Assignment 1: Nonograms in MIPS
COMP1521Computer Systems FundamentalsNonograms in MIPSMIPSC
nonograms.c is an implementation of a program to play nonograms (also known as Picross). A nonogram puzzle takes place on a 2D grid, where the player must mark a set of cells, according to number clues placed on the edge of the puzzle.
CS-350 - Fundamentals of Computing Systems Homework Assignment #4 - BUILD
CS350Fundamentals of Computing SystemsCpthreads
To improve throughput and utilize system resources more efficiently, you’ll now modify your server to process requests using multiple worker threads. The new server will still allow to specify a maximum queue size to limit its maximum workload.
COMP1511 Programming Fundamentals - Assignment 1: Moonlander
COMP1511Programming FundamentalsCMoonlander
Moonlander is a small game where the player enters commands to move an astronaut around the moon to collect moon cheese, without running out of oxygen. The aim of the game is to collect some target amount of cheese and make it back to the lander to export the moon cheese back to Earth! Movement has an oxygen cost and to collect the cheese we may have to navigate around rocks and avoid running out of oxygen completely (a player can drop off cheese and refill their oxygen tank at the lander
COMP338 Computer Vision - Assignment 1- Canny Edge Detection, Feature Extraction
COMP338Computer VisionPythonCanny Edge Detection Feature Extraction
OpenCV provides a function canny() to get the edge detection result with an image (you can use any grey image). Please do the following: (25 marks) Reimplement the canny operation without using the built-in canny() function (with some explanations of the code). (10 marks) Test and visualize your implementation results. (with different filters, different thresholds and others) (15 marks) Discuss the difference between your implementation, your results compared with the OpenCV implementation. (Compare the numerical results and the running time and others.)
CS544 Intro to Big Data Systems - P3: Large, Thread-Safe Tables
CS544Intro to Big Data SystemsgRPCPython
In this project, you'll build a server that handles the uploading of CSV files, storing their contents, and performing operations on the data. You should think of each CSV upload as containing a portion of a larger table that grows with each upload.
CS 660 Graduate Introduction to Database Systems - Programming Assignment 2 - B+ Tree
CS660B+ TreeC
In this assignment, we will implement a file with a tree index. The file will store tuples in sorted order and the index will allow us to quickly find tuples based on an integer key.
DPST1091/CPTG1391 Programming Fundamentals - Assignment 1: Sokoban
DPST1091CPTG1391Programming FundamentalsSokobanC
Sokoban is a simple Japanese puzzle game from the 80's, although the rules are simple, levels can be deceptively hard. The main idea of Sokoban is a small grid board, containing walls, boxes, storage locations and a single player. The player moves around the board pushing boxes around until they manage to get all boxes stored in one of the storage locations! Feel free to check out the wikipedia entry for Sokoban too. For this assignment, you will be building both a level generator for the game, as well as the mechanics to play your created levels!
EECS 183 Elementary Programming Concepts - Project 3: Ciphers
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsCiphersC++Encryption AlgorithmCryptography
In this project, you will move on to cryptography and you’ll be asked to encrypt and decrypt messages using three different encryption algorithms. The S’more part of this project will challenge you to “crack” others’ secret messages in ciphertext and convert them back to plaintext.
CITS3402 High Performance Computing - Assignment - Sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using MPI and OpenMP
CITS3402High Performance ComputingMPISparse matrix-matrix multiplicationOpenMPC
Your task is to implement the matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm using MPI and OpenMP taking two sparse matrices in the matrix market representation as the input.
CS 188 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Project 3: Reinforcement Learning
CS188Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningPythonValue IterationQ-Learning
In this project, you will implement value iteration and Q-learning. You will test your agents first on Gridworld (from class), then apply them to a simulated robot controller (Crawler) and Pacman.
ICT340 Application Analysis and Design - Assignment: Drone Service application
ICT340Application Analysis and DesignUML
DroneTech is a technology company that develops numerous unmanned aerial vehicles, called drones for many purposes. DroneTech invests heavily on research and development of its drone products. A new Drone Service application is required to allow clients to request and receive drone services.
COMP3411/9814 24T3 Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 1: Artificial neural networks
COMP3411COMP9814Artificial IntelligenceArtificial neural networksPython
In this assignment, you will use artificial neural networks for drought modelling in the Murray-Darling Basin. You will conduct two tasks: (a) A classification task to predict whether there is ‘a drought’ or ‘no drought’ based on the climate conditions. (b) A regression task to predict the intensity of a drought based on the climate conditions.
CSEE4119 F24 Computer Networks Project 1: Video CDN
CSEE4119Computer NetworksVideo CDNCSocket ProgrammingContent Delivery Network
In this project, you will explore aspects of how streaming video works, as well as socket programming and HTTP. In particular, you will implement adaptive bitrate selection. The programming languages and packages are specified in the development environment section.
CSC148 Introduction to Computer Science - Assignment 2: A Treemap Visualiser
CSC148Introduction to Computer ScienceA Treemap VisualiserPython
For this assignment, you will write an interactive treemap visualisation tool that you can use to visualise hierarchical data. It will have a general API (imple- mented with inheritance, naturally!) and you will define specific subclasses that will allow you to visualise two different kinds of data: the files and folders in your computer, and a categorization of Computer Science Education research papers.
CSC343 Introduction to Databases - Assignment 2 - Warmup
CSC343Introduction to DatabasesSQLPostgreSQL
In this assignment, we will work with a database for a veterinary clinic, with a similar but not identical schema to the one you saw in Assignment 1. Keep in mind that your code for this assignment must work on any database instance (including ones with empty tables) that satisfies the schema.
CY 5010 Cybersecurity Principles and Practices - Lab 2: Cryptosystem Implementation
CY5010Cybersecurity Principles and PracticesCryptosystem ImplementationBash
In this lab assignment, you will implement a cryptographic scheme intended to provide the most important protections for preserving chain of custody of a digital evidence. Your scheme must provide integrity and non-repudiation among the custodians involved, and also the communication with a central ledger, which implements a hash chain of the custodian signatures preventing the modification of the records.
COMP4500/7500 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures - Assignment 2
COMP4500COMP7500Advanced Algorithms and Data StructuresJava
You are in charge of managing a venue for k consecutive days from day 0 to day k − 1 (inclusive), where k ≥ 1. There are n different configurations, c0, c1, . . . cn−1, that the venue can be in, where n ≥ 1. The venue must be in exactly one of the n different configurations at any one time, and is in configuration c0 on day 0.
BFF5555 Financial machine learning - Project: Predict positive market movements
BFF5555Financial machine learningPredict positive market movementsBinary ClassificationHyperparameter TuningCross Validation
You are required to develop a machine learning model to predict positive market movements (uptrend). This prediction task will be treated as a binary classification problem, where the target variable is binary [0, 1].
COMP3095 Web Application Development Using Java - Assignment 1: Room Booking and Event Management System
COMP3095Web Application Development Using JavaJavaRoom Booking and Event Management SystemPostgreSQLMongoDB
The goal of this assignment is to design and implement a microservices-based room booking and event management platform for George Brown College. Your platform should allow students, staff, and faculty to book room resources for events and meetings. The focus will be on microservices creation, database integration using JPA, inter-service communication, containerization with Docker, and integration testing.
COMP517 Data Analysis - Lab 9: Introduction to One-way ANOVA and Simple Linear Regression
COMP517Data AnalysisOne-way ANOVALinear RegressionPython
In this lab, we introduce the fundamental concepts of hypothesis testing using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and simple linear regression models. We will use ANOVA statistical techniques to analyze exam scores across various streams of students.
CSC 485H/2501H: Computational linguistics, Fall 2024 - Assignment 2: The Lesk algorithm & word2vec, BERT and Transformer
CSC485Computational linguisticsThe Lesk algorithmword2vecPythonBERT
Recall the problem of word sense disambiguation (WSD): given a semantically ambiguous word in context, determine the correct sense. A simple but surprisingly hard-to-beat baseline method for WSD is Most Frequent Sense (MFS): just select the most frequent sense for each ambiguous word, where sense frequencies are provided by some corpus
FIT2014 Theory of Computation - Assignment 2- Regular Languages, Context-Free Languages, Lexical analysis, Parsing, Turing machines and Quantum Computation
FIT2014Theory of ComputationRegular LanguagesContext-Free LanguagesLexical analysisParsing
In these exercises, you will: implement a lexical analyser using lex (Problem 3); implement parsers using lex and yacc (Problems 1–6); program a Turing machine (Problem 7);
FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures - Assignment 2: A Fun Weekend Away and Customised Spell Checker
FIT2004Algorithms and data structuresPythonA Fun Weekend AwayCustomised Spell Checker
Given all the hard work during the semester, you and your friends decided that you should better get a weekend off after Week 12 before starting preparing for your final exams. Your plan is to do some fun activity (e.g., surfing, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, etc.) during this weekend getaway
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INFO1113 COMP9003 Object-Oriented Programming - Assignment: Ink Ball
INFO1113COMP9003Object-Oriented ProgrammingOOP
In this assignment, you will create a game in the Java programming language using the Processing library for graphics and gradle as a dependency manager. In the game, balls spawn and move around the screen and the player can draw lines to direct them into holes of the same colour. When balls are reflected off a player-drawn line it disappears. If a ball enters a hole of a wrong colour, score is lost and it respawns. Once all balls are captured by holes, the player wins.
CSC 485H/2501H: Computational linguistics, Fall 2024 - Assignment 1: Transition-based dependency parsing and Graph-based dependency parsing
CSC485Computational linguisticsTransition-based dependency parsingPythonGraph-based dependency parsing
Dependency grammars posit relationships between “head” words and their modifiers. These rela- tionships constitute trees where each word depends on exactly one parent: either another word or, for the head of the sentence, a dummy symbol, “ROOT”. The first part of this assignment concerns a parser that builds a parse incrementally
ECE 4016 Computer Networks - Assignment 1: Local DNS Server
ECE4016Computer NetworksLocal DNS ServerPython
In this assignment, you are required to implement a simple Local DNS Server
CS112 Lab 09: Neural Networks
CS112Introduction to CS IIMachine LearningJavaNeural Networks
Later this semester, you will create a working neural network in Java, using only your own code. In later classes, you will probably use neural network libraries developed by others to learn about many facets of Machine Learning. But in this class, you will learn that there is no magic in making a neural network— it is something you can build yourself...though the fact that neural networks perform so well does seem like magic.
Computer Science 320SC Applied Algorithmics - Programming Assignment 5: Finding partner and Killing enemies.
COMPSCI 320COMP320Applied AlgorithmicsMeet your partner at skyscraperDynamic ProgrammingPython
This 5th assignment lets you get familiar with dynamic programming design and development. It is worth 5% of your total course marks. We would like you to implement efficient dynamic programming algorithms for two tasks: Task 1: Finding partner and Task 2: Killing enemies.
COMP 348 Principles of Programming Languages - Assignment 1: The C Programming Language
COMP348Principles of Programming LanguagesThe C Programming LanguageCSpreadsheet
In this assignment, you will gain hands-on experience with the C programming language. While you are not required to be a C expert to complete the work, you will certainly have the opportunity to explore most of the things that we have discussed in class (and a few other things as well). In terms of your task, you will be creating a simple “spreadsheet” application that can be used to calculate and display final grades in COMP 348
COMP30026 Models of Computation - Assignment 2: Regular Languages, DFA Construction, Context-Free Languages, Closure Properties and Pumping Lemma
COMP30026Models of ComputationRegular LanguagesDFA ConstructionContext-Free LanguagesClosure Properties
To improve your understanding of formal languages, automata, and grammars; to develop your skills in analysis and formal reasoning about complex concepts, and to practise writing down formal arguments with clarity.
ECE 4122/6122 Advanced Programming Techniques - Lab 1: Retro Centipede Arcade Game
ECE4122ECE6122Advanced Programming TechniquesRetro Centipede Arcade GameC++
Create a simple version of the classic arcade game called Centipede. An online version of the game can be found at ( zone/2153/atari-centipede/). The goal of the assignment is to try to reproduce the game play present on the listed web site
COMP3230 Principles of Operating Systems - Programming Assignment One: Implement a LLM Chatbot Interface
COMP3230Principles of Operating SystemsImplement a LLM Chatbot InterfaceLLMChatbotPython
The goals of this programming exercise are: To have hands-on practice in designing and developing a chatbot program, which involves the creation, management and coordination of processes.
CS152 L3D Learning from Limited Labeled Data - HW1: Transfer Learning for the Birds
CS152Learning from Limited Labeled DataTransfer Learning for the BirdsPythonMachine Learning
In this HW1, you'll apply Transfer Learning to a real dataset, and wrestle with several questions: Problem 1: For a specific target classification task of interest, would we rather have a source model trained on a "generic" dataset like ImageNet1k, or a smaller dataset related to our target task? Problem 2: What are the tradeoffs between fine-tuning just the last layer (aka "linear probing") and fine-tuning a few more layers? Can we compose these to do better?
CIT 593 Introduction to Computer Systems - Module 06 Assignment: While Loop, Subroutine, Data Memory and Pointers
CIT 593CIT593Introduction to Computer SystemsLC4Assembly
In this assignment, we will start programming in the LC4 assembly language. We also introduce PennSim, a computer that can assemble and run LC4 programs. Finally, we introduce Codio, a remote hosted Linux platform that provides a standardized environment to ensure consistent grading.
CS 135 Intro to Machine Learning - Project A: Classifying Sentiment
CS 135Intro to Machine LearningClassifying SentimentPythonBag-of-WordsPipeline
As a team, you will work on one semi-open problems, and then a completely open problem. The 2 problems look at different representations of text for a common task. Problem 1 looks at using bag-of-word feature representations Problem 2 is an open-ended problem, where any feature representation is allowed
COMP9414 Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 1: Constraint Satisfaction Search
COMP9414Artificial IntelligenceConstraint Satisfaction SearchPythonGreedy SearchDomain Splitting
More technically, this assignment is an example of a *constraint optimization problem*, a problem that has constraints like a standard Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), but also *costs* associated with each solution. For this assignment, we will use a *greedy* algorithm to find optimal solutions to visitor hosting problems that are specified as text strings.
CS380I Programming Assignment 2: LiveOak - 2 to SaM Compiler
CS380ILiveOakCompilerJavaSaMrecursive-descent parser
Create a handwritten recursive-descent parser and SaM code generator for levels 0, 1, and 2 of the LiveOak language.
CS 135 Intro to Machine Learning - Homework 2: Evaluating Binary Classifiers and Implementing Logistic Regression
CS135Intro to Machine LearningEvaluating Binary ClassifiersLogistic RegressionCancer-Risk ScreeningPython
In this HW, you’ll complete two problems related to binary classifiers. In Problem 1, you’ll implement common metrics for evaluating binary classifiers. In problem 2, you’ll learn how to decide if a new feature can help classify cancer better than a previous model. As much as possible, we have tried to decouple these parts, so you may successfully complete the report even if some of your code doesn’t work. Much of your analysis will use library code in sklearn with similar functionality as what you implement yourself.
CS152 L3D Learning from Limited Labeled Data - HW2: SSL to the Moon
CS152Learning from Limited Labeled DataSSL to the MoonPythonMachine Learningsupervised training
In this HW2, you'll implement a common method for each style of SSL, (self- and semi-), and then evaluate your implementation on a toy dataset. Problem 1: Establish a baseline for supervised training on labeled-set-only. Problem 2: Can we gain value from pseudo-labeling? Problem 3: Can we gain value from SimCLR?
CIT 593 Introduction to Computer Systems - Module 07 Assignment: TRAPs and memory-mapped devices
CIT593Introduction to Computer SystemsTRAPsmemory-mapped devicesLC4
In this assignment, you will continue programming in LC4 Assembly. We will be working in the Operating System portion of memory, so you will learn about TRAPs and memory-mapped devices.
COMP2400/6240 Relational Databases Semester 2, 2024 Assignment 2 (Database Theory)
COMP2400COMP6240Relational DatabasesDatabase TheoryEntity-RelationshipSQL
FlyHigh is an airline company that specializes in providing on-demand charter flight services. The company operates a fleet of ten aircraft, catering to a diverse range of customers who require flexible and personalized flight options. To effectively manage its operations, FlyHigh maintains records for each customer, including their unique customer number, full name, contact phone number, and residential or business address.
COMP5216 Mobile Computing - Assignment 2: Develop a media recording app
COMP5216Mobile ComputingDevelop a media recording appAndroidJava
Camera and Location are two of the most frequently used sensors on an Android device. In this assignment, you are required to write an app that enables the user to take a video or photo and then upload it to Google’s Firebase cloud server for backup
SWD604 Program Design and Construction - Assignment 2: Admin Panel
SWD604Program Design and Construction
You have been hired as an intern at Ahera Taera and have completed the creation of a customer management system for Ahera Taera, a new retail outlet focusing on a varied range of customers from senior citizens to kids. Considering all the requirements were successfully completed by you, the manager and the team has hired you to develop the next project phase. You are entrusted to develop an admin panel for the already developed software.
COMP5511 Artificial Intelligence Concepts - Assignment 1: TSP, GA, Dynamic Optimization and Multi-objective optimization
COMP5511Artificial Intelligence ConceptsTSPGADynamic optimization problemLarge-scale optimization problem
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classical combinatorial problem that is deceptively simple. This problem is about a salesman who wants to visit n customers cyclically. In one tour, the salesman must visit each customer just once and should finish up where he started
FIT9137 Introduction to computer architecture and networks - Assignment 2: An Enterprise Network Design Report
Introduction to computer architecture and networksEnterprise NetworkWired LANsWireless LANsBackbone Network
A public transport company requires its office buildings to be connected over a wired LAN and Wireless LAN (WLAN). You have been asked to respond to the following excerpt from their RFP (Request For Proposals) in the newspaper. Scope of The Work At present, the total number of office employees in Melbourne is 230. Each office worker is provided with an office space or cubicle with a multimedia desktop PC having a wired network connection. Owing to a business acquisition, the number of employees in Melbourne is expected to increase substantially
5SD814 Programming with C/C++ 4: Computer Games in 2D - Assignment 2: COLLISION DETECTION
5SD814Programming with C/C++Computer GamesCOLLISION DETECTIONCC++
The Separating Axis Theorem (SAT) provides a powerful and efficient method for detecting collisions between convex polygons in 2D (and 3D). A convex polygon is a shape where all internal angles are less than or equal to 180 degrees, ensuring it "bulges outwards" rather than inward. SAT simplifies collision detection by focusing on finding one axis (a line) along which the two shapes do not overlap.
COMP2404AB (Fall 24) Introduction to Software Engineering - Assignment 1: Campground
COMP2404ABIntroduction to Software EngineeringC++CRUDCampgroundDatabase
In this assignment you will make a basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) application. You will learn the basics of classes, arrays, and static memory in C++. You will make a few simple classes, populate the members using constructors and write functions to process the data. You will learn how to provide a working Makefile, and implement a small amount of application logic.
CS 0445 Algorithms and Data Structures I Project 1: ReallyLongInt
CS 0445Algorithms and Data Structures IReallyLongIntArrayDSJava
Design and implement a generic class (ArrayDS<T>) that will act as a data structure for accessing sequences of Java Objects. Your ArrayDS<T> class will primarily implement 2 interfaces – SequenceInterface<T> and ReorderInterface. The details of these interfaces are explained in the files and Read these files over very carefully before implementing your ArrayDS<T> class.
INFS4203/7203 Data Mining - Project Phase II: Implementation
INFS4203INFS7203Data Mining
In Phase II, you will be provided with the test data named test_data.csv. The first row describes features’ names. Except the first row, each row in the data file corresponds to one data point. There are 817 test data points in this file, and each column represents the same feature as the training data DM_project_24.csv.
COMP5216 Mobile Computing - Lab 6: Media Access
COMP5216Mobile ComputingJavaAndroid
The Android multimedia framework includes support for playing variety of common media types, so that you can easily integrate audio, video and images into your applications. You can play audio or video from media files stored in your application's resources (raw resources), from standalone files in the file system, or from a data stream arriving over a network connection.
FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2024 - Assignment 2: Markdown to HTML
FIT2102Programming ParadigmsMarkdown to HTMLJavascriptHaskell
- Students will create a parser for a subset of the Markdown specification using functional programming techniques in Haskell. - Demonstrate understanding of functional programming, including documentation of design decisions.
CS 174C Computer Animation - Assignment 1: Hermite Spline Modeling, Mass-Spring-Damper System and Simulate a Chain
CS174CComputer AnimationHermite Spline ModelingMass-Spring-Damper SystemSimulate a ChainJavascript
The code for this part should be written in `part_one_hermite.js` (you can implement the spline and helper classes in another file, but if you do so please specify this in your README document). All input/output behaviors should be implemented using the top input and output text boxes, and operations triggered by clicking buttons.
FIT2014 Theory of computation - Assignment 2: Implement a lexical analyser using lex
FIT2014Theory of computationLexYACCTuring machinePumping Lemmas
In these exercises, you will: - Implement a lexical analyser using `lex` (Problem 3). - Implement parsers using `lex` and `yacc` (Problems 1 - 6). - Program a Turing machine (Problem 7). - Learn about some aspects of quantum circuits and quantum registers by applying our methods to calculations with them (Problems 2 - 6). - Practise your skills relating to the Pumping Lemmas and Context-Free Languages (Problem 8).
COMP3702 Artificial Intelligence (Semester 2, 2024) Assignment 2: BeeBot MDP
COMP3702Artificial IntelligenceBeeBot MDPPython
You have been tasked with developing a planning algorithm for automatically controlling BeeBot, a Bee which operates in a hexagonal environment, and has the capability to push, pull and rotate honey ‘Widgets’ in order to reposition them to target honeycomb locations. To aid you in this task, we have provided support code for the BeeBot environment which you will interface with to develop your solution. To optimally solve a level, your AI agent must efficiently find a sequence of actions so that every Target cell is occupied by part of a Widget, while incurring the minimum possible action cost.
CS6601 Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 3: Bayes Nets
Artificial IntelligenceBayes NetsPythonProbabilistic ReasoningQuantifying UncertaintyMarkov Chain
In this assignment, you will work with probabilistic models known as Bayesian networks to efficiently calculate the answer to probability questions concerning discrete random variables.
Major Assignment 2: Probability & Hypothesis Testing Case Study
Probability & Hypothesis Testing Case StudyStatisticsHypothesis TestingProbability ModelingInferential Statistical Modeling
You are the manager of a well-established supermarket chain with multiple business operations, including a popular retail store and a factory that produces essential goods. As part of your role, you regularly analyse business data to make informed decisions and optimise performance, leveraging statistical tools and insights.
CYBR3000 Information Security - Assignment 1: Intrusion Prevention and Intrusion Detection
CYBR3000Information SecurityIntrusion PreventionIntrusion DetectionPythonICMP
You are required to write iptables rule sets for each of the following tasks. Each rule set for each of the tasks needs to be written in a separate .txt file. Each line in the .txt file refers to one single iptables rule. The name of the .txt file must match the name of the corresponding task (e.g. task1.txt). No marks will be given if the name of the .txt file is incorrect or mislabelled. The rules in each .txt file are supposed to be ready to use, which means others could copy-paste and run each rule of the rule set in the terminal to meet the requirements of the task.
CS537 Introduction to Operating Systems - Project 3: Build a Unix Shell - wsh
CS537Introduction to Operating SystemsBuild a Unix ShellwshCC++
In this project, you’ll build a simple Unix shell. The shell is the heart of the command-line interface, and thus is central to the Unix/C programming environment. Mastering use of the shell is necessary to become proficient in this world; knowing how the shell itself is built is the focus of this project.
CS537 Introduction to Operating Systems - Project 2: xv6 System Call
CS537Introduction to Operating Systemsxv6 System CallCC++
In this assignment, you will create a system call in xv6 which returns the name of the parent process of the current process.
CS537 Introduction to Operating Systems - Project 1: Letter Boxed
CS537Introduction to Operating SystemsLetter BoxedCC++
In this assignment, you will write a program which checks solutions to the word game Letter Boxed. The rules of letter boxed are simple. Given a letter boxed board, you must use each letter in the board at least once to form words found in the dictionary. You can start on any letter, but the first character of each subsequent word must be the same as the last character of the previous word
EECS 492 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Designing Agents, Search Tree, Brick Sorting Machine, Heuristics and Hill Climbing
EECS492Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceDesigning AgentsSearch TreeBrick Sorting MachineHeuristics
Tic - tac - toe is a game for two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three - by - three grid with X or O. The game’s objective is to be the first in placing three of their markers in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row (see Figure 1). **Figure 1**: A game of Tic - Tac - Toe where the O player has won, as it has three markers in a diagonal row. You are now tasked with developing an AI algorithm for a tic - tac - toe agent. The agent is a robot that can play against another agent (human or robot) on a piece of paper using a pen.
DPST1092 Computer Systems Fundamentals - Assignment 1: Breakout in MIPS
DPST1092Computer Systems FundamentalsBreakout in MIPSMIPS
breakout.c is an implementation of a version of Breakout, a popular and influential video game. An example game of Breakout can be seen to the right. A game of Breakout takes place on a 2D grid, where the player must move a paddle to bounce a ball (*) into a group of bricks (digits). You can move the paddle left (a and A) and right (d and D). Hitting bricks with the ball will destory the bricks, and reward the player with score points. Every 10 bricks destroyed will spawn a new ball, with up to 3 balls on the screen at any given time.
COMP4161 T3/2024 Advanced Topics in Software Verification - Assignment 1: Syntactic Conventions, Reduction, Type Derivation, Propositional logic and higher-order logic
COMP4161Advanced Topics in Software VerificationSyntactic ConventionsReductionType derivation treePropositional Logic
Simplify the term $(pq)(\lambda p\cdot(\lambda q\cdot(\lambda r\cdot(q(rp))))))))$ syntactically by applying the syntactic conventions and rules. Justify your answer
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CS 164 Programming Languages and Compilers - Homework 5: Fun with Files
CS164Programming Languages and Compilers
In this homework, you'll implement string support and file handling. You'll get more practice dealing with data on the heap and learn how to extend your compiler's functionality via the C runtime. At the end of this homework assignment, your interpreter and compiler should support the following grammar (we've highlighted what you'll be adding):
CSC373 Algorithm Design, Analysis and Complexity F24: Divide and conquer, Dynamic Programming
CSC373Algorithm Design Analysis and ComplexityDynamic programmingBellman equationDivide and conquer algorithm
Using your recurrence from the previous question, give a dynamic programming algorithm to compute the smallest possible total tension of a set S of k GRS members that includes the president (root of the tree). Your algorithm should run in time polynomial in the total number of GRS members n. Give pseudocode for your algorithm, and analyze its worst case running time.
CEG 4136 Computer Architecture - Lab1: Optimizing Forest Fire Simulation with CUDA
CEG4136Computer ArchitectureOptimizing Forest Fire Simulation with CUDACUDAC
In this lab, you will work on a forest fire simulation code that uses a 1000×1000 grid. The fire starts at 100 distinct locations in the forest. The provided code is implemented sequentially. It simulates the propagation of fire, the burning of trees, and their eventual extinction. The grid is displayed using the OpenGL library, where each cell represents a tree or an empty space.
ELE8072 Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking - Main Assessment: Penetration Testing, Risk-based Vulnerability Management, App Security Score Calculation, Reachability Analysis and Blast Radius
ELE8072Penetration Testing & Ethical HackingPenetration TestingRisk-based Vulnerability ManagementApp Security Score CalculationReachability Analysis and Blast Radius
CyberColony is a cybersecurity start-up company. Before using their services, a potential client has asked for an internal penetration testing report of the CyberColony network environment as part of their due diligence. CyberColony has tasked you with assessing the security of its internal infrastructure and producing a penetration testing report.
COMPSCI 367 Artificial Intelligence Assignment 2: PDDL
COMPSCI 367Artificial IntelligencePDDLPrologvariable elimination algorithm
For this question, you are asked to solve a classical planning problem using PDDL. Read the problem description carefully. Polynesian navigators trained in schools (wānanga) to learn a body of wayfinding techniques that provided the skills necessary to travel to other locations throughout the Pacific, including over vast distances.
48024 Programming 2 Assignment 1: Supplier management system
Programming 248024JavaPythonSupply management system
The team at the Prog2 Warehouse has hired a software engineer to develop a new management system. The company owns many stores (referred to as suppliers) in the Sydney region, each supplier is managed by a Manager. The main goal of the software is to be able to interact with each supplier from both the Customer and Manager side.
Computer Organization HW 0: Environmental Setup
RISC-VProxy kernel
This document can guide you through the process of preparing the experimental environment required by the programming assignments (HWs) in the Computer Organization course. In particular, to build the experimental environment, we will show the procedures to install: 1. GNU toolchian for RISC-V (commit hash 59ab58e), 2. RISC-V ISA simulator (Spike; commit hash a22119e), and 3. Proxy kernel (commit hash f036859).
Computer Systems, Data Structures and Data Management 4CM508 - Coursework 1: Design and analyse data management solutions
4CM508Computer SystemsData StructuresData ManagementDatabase
Design and analysis of a data engineering solution such as a database (table, structure, formats) for a given scenario.
CSCI 571 Web Technologies Assignment 2: Search Server-side Scripting using Python Flask, JSON, and API
In this exercise, you are asked to create a webpage that allows you to search for weather information using the API, and the results will be displayed in a card and tabular format. The page will also provide day’s weather details.
FIT5137 Advanced Database Technology Assignment 2: MStay
FIT5137Advanced Database TechnologyMStayDatabaseData Warehouse
M-Stay is a residential service that offers homestay and rental services to Monash students and staff around Melbourne. The company has an existing operational database that maintains and stores all of the business transactions information (e.g. properties, hosts, listings, booking, etc.) required for the management's daily operation. As the business grows, M-Stay has decided to build a Data Warehouse to improve their analysis and work efficiency
COMPS201 Computing Fundamentals with Java: Assignment 02: Backpack, Conversion
COMPS201Computing Fundamentals with JavaJava
Learning debugging is important if you like to be a programmer. To verify a program is doing what it should, a programmer should know the expected (correct) values of certain variables at specific places of the program. Therefore make sure you know how to perform the instructions by hand to obtain these values. Remember, you should master the technique(s) of debugging.
CS 530 Systems Programming Assignment 1 - Parsing Object Code Text Records
Systems ProgrammingCC++Parsing Object Code Text RecordsSDSU
This first assignment will be focused on reading and parsing the SIC/XE object code and printing out the details of each instruction in the text records of the object code in the order of how they appear in the object code. Each instruction has its opcode (mnemonic), operand/s, and addressing mode/s. The composition of the object code structure includes the header record, the text records where each text record contains a series of instructions, modification records (if there are any), and the end record. In this assignment, you would ONLY need to focus on the text records.
31927 Application Development with .NET ASSIGNMENT 1: Hospital Management System
31927Application Development with .NET.NETC#Hospital Management System
In this assignment, you are required to model the dotnet Hospital Management System by developing a console application using C#. The application should have appropriate data structures to distinguish between a Doctor, Administrator and Patient as well as store the necessary links between them (such as an appointment, between a Doctor and a Patient). You are given complete control in how you create these data structures, but guidance has been given overpage.
CS660 Graduate Introduction to Database Systems - Programming Assignment 0: Buffer Pool
CS660Introduction to Database Systems ProgrammingBufferPoolC++
The `Database` consists of a collection of the `DbFiles` that are currently in the database and a BufferPool (a collection of pages currently in memory). This class should support adding a new file, as well as retrieve information about stored files. The Database class is partially implemented.
CS660 Graduate Introduction to Database Systems - Programming Assignment 1: Heapfiles / Catalog / Tuple descriptor
CS660Introduction to Database SystemsHeapfilesCatalogTuple descriptorC++
In this assignment, we will implement implement a file that can store and retrieve tuples from disk. Each page of the file will store some metadata (header) and the data (tuples). Each `Tuple` is a collection of fixed length fields (i.e.`INT`, `DOUBLE`, `CHAR(64)`).
CS6027 Advanced Computer Networking - Introduction to Network Simulator 2 (NS2)
KennesawCS6027Advanced Computer NetworkingComputer NetworksNS2
The purpose of today’s lab is to familiarize yourself with the network simulation tool: “Network Simulator (Version 2)”, widely known as NS2 that is an open-source event-driven simulator designed specifically for research in computer communication networks. NS2 contains modules for numerous network components such as routing, transport layer protocol, application, mobility, etc.
Computer Science 21A (CS21A) - Data Structures and Algorithms - Programming Assignment 0: Up and Down
Computer Science 21AData Structures and AlgorithmsBrandeisJavaElevator
In this assignment, you will be simulating a building that contains a single elevator. However, this elevator is somewhat simplified: it only moves a person to a floor and then the person will remain on that floor forever. That is, the elevator cannot pick people up from any floor besides the lobby.
Programming with C/C++ 1: Introduction - 5SD802 Assignment 1
5SD802Programming with C/C++C++
Modify the content of the function render_circle_square_image() so that it recreates the image in Figure 1 using the functions: draw_rectangle(), draw_circle()
COMP SCI 3004/7064 Operating Systems Practical 2 - Virtual Memory Simulation
COMP SCI 3004COMP SCI 7064COMP3004Operating SystemsCOMP7064Virtual Memory Simulation
By doing this practical work, you will learn how to implement page replacement algorithms, gain experience in creating and evaluating a simple simulator, and develop your skills in scientific writing.
COMP2140 Web/Mobile Programming - React Web Assessment Item
COMP2140Web/Mobile ProgrammingReactCSSBootstrapJavascript
StoryPath is a location experience platform designed to allow users to create and explore virtual museum exhibits, location-based tours, and treasure hunts with clues. The platform features a Web app built in React that enables users to author these experiences (React Web Assessment Item), and a React Native Player for deploying them (React Native Assessment Item), making it easy to bring location-driven narratives to life.
SOFTENG 752 Formal Specification and Design Assignment #1: Formal Modelling
SOFTENG 752Formal Specification and DesignB Specification and System Property ModellingFormal Modelling
You will be required to use the B formal modelling language to specify the design of a software system in an exact and unambiguous way. You must also use the associated tool, i.e., the ProB model checker, to validate and analyse the design, checking for consistency, completeness, and correctness. It helps in providing evidence that the design accurately represents the intended behaviour of the system, and it helps in uncovering any hidden errors or inconsistencies.
48730-32548, Cyber Security Week-5 Understanding TCP/IP based Attacks
Cyber SecurityTCP/IPLinuxWiresharkNetwoxNetwork traffic sniffer
In this lab, you need to conduct attacks on the TCP/IP protocols. You can use the Netwox or Netwag, Wireshark, Tshark tools in the attacks. All the attacks are performed on Linux operating systems.
FIT1051 - Programming fundamentals in java - Assessment Two: User registration application
FIT1051Programming fundamentals in javaJavaUser registration application
For this assignment, you need to make a simple user registration application that allows users to register for some system by entering their email address and chosen password. Once a user has registered, they can then log in to the system to change their email or password, or delete their account.
ECOS3010: Monetary Economics: Assignment 1: Monetary equilibrium
ECOS3010Monetary EconomicsMonetary equilibriumLatexMonetary policy
What is the condition that represents the clearing of the money market in an arbitrary period t? Determine the real return of fiat money in a monetary equilibrium. How does the percentage of holding endowment affect the real return of fiat money?
FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures 2024 Semester 2 Assignment 1 - Two-Gather
FIT2004Algorithms and data structuresPythonTwo-GatherGraphOptimal Route Planning
You and your friends have just recently moved to a new city in order to further your studies. Before coming over, you all made a pact – to never do anything alone. Thus wherever you go, you should always go with someone. Unfortunately due to budget constraints, you are all living separated all over the city. Besides that, none of your friends own a vehicle, so they need to commute by train.
CS 480 OPERATING SYSTEMS Assignment 01: Page Trace
CS480OPERATING SYSTEMSPage TraceMemory ManagementMemory SpacePage Table
Operating systems manage memory space in pages or blocks, this is done for many reasons that we will discuss in the memory management topic later in the class. For this assignment, you are asked to implement a tree data structure to store the memory page (block) information and use it to track the memory page access stats in simulating memory accesses from a memory trace file. Assume a 32-bit system, each memory address has 32 bits.
SWD604 Program Design and Construction Assignment 1: Customer Management System
SWD604Program Design and ConstructionCustomer Management SystemC#
You have been hired as an intern at Ahera Taera and have been designated to the software developer team. As a team member you are required to create a customer management system for Ahera Taera, a new retail outlet focusing on a varied range of customers from senior citizens to kids. The customer management system should help to main customer data, products bought by customers, discounts, and delivery mechanism.
COMPSCI 210 : Computer Organisation - Assignment 1: LC-3 Calculator
COMPSCI 210Computer OrganisationLC-3 CalculatorLC-3 simulatorAssembly
You are to implement a basic calculator using the LC-3 simulator. The finished product can take inputs from the user and perform calculations according to the operands and arithmetic operation specified by the user. The calculator then displays the calculation results in the console in a well-formatted manner. The arithmetic operations supported by the calculator are: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo.
FIT2102 Programming Paradigms - Assignment 1: Functional Reactive Programming
FIT2102Programming ParadigmsFunctional Reactive ProgrammingGuitar HeroTypescriptRxJS
In this assignment, we will use the RxJS Observable stream explored from Week 3 to create the classic Guitar Hero game in an SVG canvas.
Random Number Generation: ICDF Method for Inhomogeneous Exponential Distribution
Random Number GenerationICDFInhomogeneous Exponential Distribution
The Inverse Cumulative Distribution Function (ICDF) method is a general technique for generating random numbers from any probability distribution for which the CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) has a well-defined inverse. Here's how to apply the ICDF method to generate random numbers from an inhomogeneous exponential distribution:
Building Your Data Pipeline with Azure Databricks: A Beginner's Guide
Data PipelineDatabricksData warehousesETLScalaData lake
Imagine a data pipeline as a conveyor belt, transporting valuable information from its origin, like raw materials from a factory, to a designated area for further processing and analysis, similar to a warehouse. Databricks acts as the control center for this conveyor belt, ensuring the information flows smoothly and is prepared for its final destination.
COMP528 Multi-Core and Multi-Processor Programming Assignment 2: Laplace solver
COMP528Multi-Core and Multi-Processor ProgrammingCLaplace solverPartial differential equation
Modelling heat transfer in a room can be done by using the Laplace equation, a second-order partial differential equation. This can be approximated using a iterative stencil method
COMP528 Multi-Core and Multi-Processor Programming Assignment 1: Travelling Salesman Problem
COMP528Multi-Core and Multi-Processor ProgrammingCTravelling Salesman ProblemSmallest Sum Insertion
The travelling salesman problem is a problem that seeks to answer the following question: ‘Given a list of vertices and the distances between each pair of vertices, what is the shortest possible route that visits each vertex exactly once and returns to the origin vertex?’
COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Term 2, 2024 Assignment - Characters and Hidden Unit Dynamics
COMP9444Neural Networks and Deep LearningPythonCharacters and Hidden Unit DynamicsJapanese Character RecognitionMulti-Layer Perceptron
For Part 1 of the assignment you will be implementing networks to recognize handwritten Hiragana symbols. The dataset to be used is Kuzushiji-MNIST or KMNIST for short.
COMP9417 - Machine Learning Homework 2: Bias, Variance and an application of Gradient Descent
COMP9417Machine LearningPythonBiasVarianceGradient Descent
In this homework we revisit the notion of bias and variance as metrics for characterizing the behaviour of an estimator. We then take a look at a new gradient descent based algorithm for combining different machine learning models into a single, more complex, model.
18-213/18-613: Computer Systems, Summer 2024, Shell Lab: Writing Your Own Linux Shell
Computer SystemsShell LabCWriting Your Own Linux ShelltshProcess Control
The purpose of this assignment is to help you become more familiar with the concepts of process control and signalling. You’ll do this by writing a simple Linux shell program, tsh (tiny shell), that supports a simple form of job control and I/O redirection
Machine Learning Fundamentals Group Assessment: Model comparison
Machine LearningRMSEFeature EngineeringKNNRegression
Background Information Kevin is a professional real-estate manager. In the past, he relied on using a few important features for home valuation. His boss recently asked him to take the initiative to learn to use big data and machine learning algorithms to value home prices in order to better communicate with customers.
EL3147 Digital Signal & Image Processing A Assessment: Non-Destructive Identification of Mechanically Stronger Composite Plates
EL3147Digital Signal & Image ProcessingMatlabDSIPSignal analysisNoise reduction
This assignment is designed to give students an introduction to digital signal and image processing (DSIP) through their applications in ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of engineering structures. You are required to use the Matlab software package to design and implement a DSIP system to identify a mechanically stronger plate manufactured using composite carbon fibre materials.
Mathematics for Computer Science Project 2: PAs-Modeling and CSI-Prediction
Behavioral modelingCSI-PredictionNMSEPython
The project requires completing one of the following two tasks, and when submitting, include the project code and a report. Various methods such as non-linear regression or deep learning can be employed.
COMP643 Advanced Database Management Assignment 3: QUERYING AND UPDATING THE DOCUMENT DATABASE
COMP643Advanced Database ManagementMongoDBDocument DatabaseNoSQL
MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database that is designed to store large scale data. It is categorised as a NoSQL (Not only SQL) database because the storage and retrieval of data in the MongoDB is not in the form of tables and querying does not have to be done using SQL. Additional learning materials for MongoDB can be found on COMP643 LEARN Page.