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FIT3003 Business intelligence and data warehousing - Assignment 2: M-Stay Residential Service

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MonashFIT3003Business intelligence and data warehousingM-Stay Residential ServiceSQL

FIT3003 Assignment 2 - S2 2024 (Weight = 40%) Due - Friday, 11 October 2024, 4:30 PM CourseNana.COM

Version: 3.0 – 17/09/2024 CourseNana.COM

General Information and Submission CourseNana.COM

o This is an individual assignment.
o Submission method: Submission is online through Moodle.
o Penalty for late submission: 5% deduction for each day.
o Assignment FAQ: There is an Assignment Frequently Asked Questions page set up for CourseNana.COM

the Assignment 2 on EdStem Forum. CourseNana.COM

Problem Description CourseNana.COM

M-Stay is a residential service that offers homestay and rental services to Monash students CourseNana.COM

and staff around Melbourne. The company has an existing operational database that CourseNana.COM

maintains and stores all of the business transactions information (e.g. properties, hosts, CourseNana.COM

listings, booking, etc.) required for the management's daily operation. As the business

grows, M-Stay has decided to build a Data Warehouse to improve their analysis and work CourseNana.COM

efficiency. However, since the staff at M-Stay have limited Business Intelligence and Data CourseNana.COM

Warehouse knowledge, they have decided to hire you to design, develop and quickly generate BI reports from a Data Warehouse. CourseNana.COM

The operational database tables can be found at the MStay account. You can, for example, execute the following query: CourseNana.COM

select * from MStay.<table_name>; CourseNana.COM

The data definition of each table in MStay is as follows: CourseNana.COM

Table Name CourseNana.COM

Attributes,Data Types and Key Constraints CourseNana.COM

Review_ID CourseNana.COM

Number (PK) CourseNana.COM

The table stores review information of the related booking order. CourseNana.COM

Review_Date CourseNana.COM

Review_Comment CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Booking_ID CourseNana.COM

Number (FK) CourseNana.COM

Booking_ID CourseNana.COM

BOOKING The table stores booking CourseNana.COM

Booking_Date CourseNana.COM

Guest_ID Number CourseNana.COM

Number (PK) CourseNana.COM

information. CourseNana.COM

Guest_ID Number CourseNana.COM

Booking_Stay_Start_Date CourseNana.COM

Booking_Duration CourseNana.COM

Booking_Cost CourseNana.COM

Booking_Num_Guests CourseNana.COM

Listing_ID CourseNana.COM

Number (FK) CourseNana.COM

The table stores all (PK) guest information. CourseNana.COM

Guest_Name Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Listing_ID Number The table stores all (PK) listing information. CourseNana.COM

Listing_Date CourseNana.COM

Listing_Title CourseNana.COM

Listing_Price CourseNana.COM

Listing_Min_Nights CourseNana.COM

Listing_Max_Nights CourseNana.COM

Prop_ID CourseNana.COM

Type_ID CourseNana.COM

Host_ID CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Number (FK) CourseNana.COM

Number (FK) CourseNana.COM

Each listing has one property and one host information. CourseNana.COM


The table stores the verification information between host and CourseNana.COM

Host_ID CourseNana.COM

Host_Name CourseNana.COM

Host_Since CourseNana.COM

Host_Location CourseNana.COM

Host_About CourseNana.COM

Host_Listing_Count CourseNana.COM

Host_ID CourseNana.COM

Number (PK) CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Number (PF) CourseNana.COM

The table stores all host information. CourseNana.COM


CHANNEL Channel_ID Number The table stores the (PK) channel of verification for the Channel_Name Varchar2 hosts. CourseNana.COM

LISTING_TYPE Type_ID Number The table stores all  CourseNana.COM


Type_Description CourseNana.COM

Prop_ID CourseNana.COM

Prop_Description CourseNana.COM

Prop_Neighbourhood_Overv iew CourseNana.COM

Prop_Num_Beds CourseNana.COM

Prop_Num_Bedrooms CourseNana.COM

Prop_Num_Bathrooms CourseNana.COM

Prop_Num_Reviews CourseNana.COM

(PK) listing types. CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Number (PK) CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

The table stores all property information. CourseNana.COM

Prop_Rating_Location CourseNana.COM

Prop_Rating_Cleanliness CourseNana.COM

Prop_Rating_Value CourseNana.COM

Prop_Average_Rating CourseNana.COM


Prop_ID CourseNana.COM

Number (PF) CourseNana.COM

The table links property and amenity tables CourseNana.COM

Number (PF) CourseNana.COM


Number (PK) CourseNana.COM

The table stores all amenities information CourseNana.COM

Amm_Description CourseNana.COM

Varchar2 CourseNana.COM

A. Transformation Stage CourseNana.COM

The first stage of this assignment is divided into TWO main tasks:. CourseNana.COM

Design a data warehouse for the above M-Stay database. CourseNana.COM

You are required to create a data warehouse for the M-Stay database. The management is especially interested in the following indicators: CourseNana.COM

o (Spring: 9 to 11, Summer: 12 to 2, Autumn: 3 to 5 and Winter: 6 to 8) CourseNana.COM

Listing maximum stay duration [short-term: less than 14 nights, medium-term: 14 to 30 nights, long-term: more than 30 nights] CourseNana.COM

(find appropriate fact measures that can CourseNana.COM

calculate the average booking cost) CourseNana.COM

The following is a list of dimension attributes that you should include in your data CourseNana.COM

warehouse: CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Listing price range [low: less than $100, medium: $100 to $200, high: more than $200] CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Channels CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Booking duration [short-term: less than 30 nights, medium-term: 30 to CourseNana.COM

    90 nights, long-term: more than 90 nights] CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Review time [Month, Year] CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Booking cost range [low: less than $5000, medium: $5000 to $10000, high: more than $10000] CourseNana.COM

    For the attribute, ensure that it meets the requirements of the range or group specified in your submission, if required in the specification. CourseNana.COM

- Preparation stage. CourseNana.COM

Before you start designing the data warehouse, you have to ensure that you have explored the operational database and have done sufficient data cleaning. Once you have done the data cleaning process, you are required to explain what strategies you have taken to explore and clean the data. CourseNana.COM

The outputs of this task for Report are:

a) If you have done the data cleaning process, explain the strategies you used in this CourseNana.COM

process (you need to show the SQL to explore the operational database and SQL CourseNana.COM

of the data cleaning, as well as the screenshot of data before and after data cleaning).

- Designing the data warehouse by drawing star/snowflake schema.

Design task A: CourseNana.COM

The star schema for this data warehouse may contains multi-facts. You need to identify the fact measures, dimensions, and attributes of the star/snowflake schema. The following queries might help you to determine the fact measures and dimensions: CourseNana.COM

  • ●  How many long-term stay duration listings are listed on Facebook? CourseNana.COM

  • ●  How many listings are listed in June 2015? CourseNana.COM

  • ●  How many listings are there in summer for an “Entire home/apt” in a medium CourseNana.COM

    price range? CourseNana.COM

  • ●  How much is the average booking cost in March 2013? CourseNana.COM

  • ●  How many bookings were there for “Private rooms” with a short-term stay CourseNana.COM

    duration in 2015? CourseNana.COM

  • ●  How many high-cost bookings were made in April 2014? CourseNana.COM

  • ●  How many reviews were given in February 2016? CourseNana.COM

    Note: the star schema you created in Design Task A as the highest level of aggregation CourseNana.COM

Design task B:
In this assignment, consider the star schema you created in Design Task A as the highest level of aggregation. The M-Stay company manager wants to implement a drill-down function to explore more detailed information. Your task is to
suggest several ways to increase the granularity of your fact tables from Design Task A. In other words, the manager wants to decrease the aggregation level of the fact tables you created in Design Task A. CourseNana.COM

The outputs of task A & B for Report are: CourseNana.COM

  1. b)  A star/snowflake schema diagrams for design task A (You can use Lucidchart to CourseNana.COM

    draw the star schema). CourseNana.COM

  2. c)  List suggestion of increase the granularity of your fact tables for design task B. CourseNana.COM

2. Implement design task A star/snowflake schema using SQL.
You are required to implement the star/snowflake schema that you have drawn in CourseNana.COM

design task A. This implies that you need to create the fact and dimension tables in

SQL. The output is a series of SQL statements to perform this task. You will also need CourseNana.COM

Note: CourseNana.COM

ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace ‘TABLE_NAME’, please check your SQL code whether you have properly joined all tables. This issue was mainly caused when you did not do the table join properly as the number of records multiplied during the process. CourseNana.COM

The outputs of this task for Report are: CourseNana.COM

a) Screenshots of the table structure you created for Design Task A, including the dimension table and fact tables. CourseNana.COM

to show that this task has been carried out successfully. CourseNana.COM

If your account is full, you will need to drop all of the tables that you have  CourseNana.COM

previously created during the tutorials.
If you have dropped all tables in your account and you still encounter the CourseNana.COM

A sample of screenshots of the table structure CourseNana.COM

B. Data Analytic Stage CourseNana.COM

Conduct a data analysis using the star schema you created in Design Task A by writing SQL queries to explore the data further. Present your findings in a clear and concise manner, demonstrating your understanding of the dataset and highlighting any noteworthy observations or patterns. CourseNana.COM

The outputs of this task for Report are CourseNana.COM

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