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TCS3294 Windows Programming - Assignment: Gym Management System

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SEGITCS3294Windows ProgrammingC#SQLGym Management System

Subject Name CourseNana.COM

TCS3294 Windows Programming CourseNana.COM

Windows Programming Assignment Sept - Dec 2024
Wednesday, 9
th October 2024 CourseNana.COM


Release Date CourseNana.COM

Due Dates CourseNana.COM

Total Marks CourseNana.COM

Friday, 1st November 2024 @ 11.59pm (Stage 1) Tuesday, 3rd December 2024 @ 11.59pm (Stage 2) 100 CourseNana.COM

PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION CAREFULLY. This assignment contributes 100% to your final course mark. CourseNana.COM

  1. This is a GROUP assignment (maximum of TWO (2) members per group). CourseNana.COM

  2. You are required to compile all your work into one folder (ZIP file) and upload the softcopy CourseNana.COM

    on blackboard. CourseNana.COM


You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University Infringement of Assessment Regulations. Plagiarism, paraphrasing and downloading large amounts of informationfromexternalsourceswillnotbetoleratedandwillbedealtwithseverely. However, you should make full use of any source material, which would normally be an occasional sentence and/or paragraph (duly referenced) followed by your own critical analysis/evaluation. CourseNana.COM

The work must be entirely your own. You will receive ZERO (0) mark for work that is not your own. The safety of your assessments is your responsibility. You must not permit another student access to your work. Where referencing is required, APA referencing system must be used. CourseNana.COM

1. Assignment Aims: CourseNana.COM

The aim of the assignment is to expose students to analyse a variety of problem solutions in terms of the design concepts and programming constructs. This assignment will allow the students to produce appropriate system development documentation with complete program using C#.NET Framework programming language and SQL Server. The students should be able to apply their knowledge and skills, creativity, and critical thinking in completing the assignment. CourseNana.COM

2. Assignment Instructions:
This is a group assignment which carries 100% coursework. Submit your final documentation on CourseNana.COM

Blackboard (BB) before/by the DUE DATE. CourseNana.COM

TCS3294 Windows Programming CourseNana.COM

3. Case Study CourseNana.COM

Design and implement a Gym Management System. The system includes two modules: MANAGER and RECEPTIONIST. CourseNana.COM

The Manager is responsible for maintaining the overall database containing data regarding the gym. The Manager can add, delete, update, and search details of receptionists, trainers, members, training session, products, and appointments. The Manager can also generate reports on receptionists, trainers, members, training session, products, and appointments at any given time. CourseNana.COM

To register a receptionist, the following information is required: Receptionist ID, password, name, phone number, email address, home address, and employment status (part-time or full-time). The receptionist can log in and view or update their personal details. Receptionists can also add, delete, update, and search details of trainers, members, training session, products, and appointments. CourseNana.COM

Trainer details include Trainer ID, name, phone number, email address, home address, and employment status (part-time or full-time). Trainers are assigned to conduct personal training sessions. CourseNana.COM

Member details include Member ID, name, phone number, email address, and home address, etc. CourseNana.COM

Training session details include Training ID, name, price, category, etc. CourseNana.COM

Product details include Product ID, product name, product category, number of units ordered from the supplier, number of units currently in stock, number of units sold, and the selling price. Products may include protein shakes, protein bars, supplements, etc. CourseNana.COM

When an appointment is made for a personal training session, the system must verify the trainer's availability. If the trainer is unavailable, the system should display an error message and prompt the receptionist to either reschedule the appointment for a different date and/or time or assign the appointment to another available trainer. CourseNana.COM

The system should be menu-driven, offering users various functions based on their roles. These functions may include checking and updating trainer and member details, booking appointments for personal training sessions, ordering and selling products, verifying product availability, and CourseNana.COM

TCS3294 Windows Programming CourseNana.COM

generating reports. When a product is sold, the system and database should be updated to reflect the change in product inventory. CourseNana.COM

You are required to model your design based on the scenario above. The quality of your system will be evaluated based on the detail and completeness of your design. CourseNana.COM

Program requirements: CourseNana.COM

  • The system should have the following:
    Insert and modify data as necessary to demonstrate the functionality of the system.
    Save data to the database.
    Capable of handling invalid input and null values from users by displaying error messages CourseNana.COM

    and prompting users to re-enter the correct input. CourseNana.COM

  • You must follow the naming convention for your forms, controls, and attribute names. CourseNana.COM

  • The program should be compiled and executed using Visual Studio and SQL Server. CourseNana.COM

    4. Tasks CourseNana.COM

    • Your DESIGN should include: CourseNana.COM

      • ✓  Functional and Non-Functional Requirements with descriptions CourseNana.COM

      • ✓  Use Case Diagram CourseNana.COM

      • ✓  Database Design (Table Description & ERD) your database’s tables should have CourseNana.COM

        primary keys and foreign keys wherever required. CourseNana.COM

      • ✓  Wireframe / Prototype your system’s initial interface. CourseNana.COM

    • NOTE: You should describe the design process with reasonable justification(s) to support your design approach. You will get very low marks if you simply dump the entire system design (tables & diagrams) with no justifications provided. CourseNana.COM

      PART B STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT [60%] CourseNana.COM

    • The deliverables of this stage would be IMPLEMENTATION and TESTING of your system. You are required to implement ALL functionalities proposed in Stage 1, as well as input validations. CourseNana.COM

    • You are also required to submit a REPORT detailing the system’s development. The report should contain: CourseNana.COM

      • ✓  User Manual to guide the user on how to use your system. CourseNana.COM

      • ✓  Reasonable justifications for the changes made to the design if there are any CourseNana.COM

        changes made to the initial design of your system (which was proposed in Stage 1). CourseNana.COM

TCS3294 Windows Programming CourseNana.COM

PART A – STAGE 1 DESIGN [20%] CourseNana.COM

Test Plan to test your system. Your test plan should include a set of possible inputs along with the expected outputs and the results produced by the tests in the test plan. CourseNana.COM

Source Code
NOTE: All files must contain the following information: your name, student id, course, and CourseNana.COM

date within comments (in the header) in the source code and the report document. CourseNana.COM

The DEMONSTRATION session enables the lecturer to access the originality of your work and test on your understanding of the assignment. CourseNana.COM

5. Assignment Timeline CourseNana.COM

The following is a guideline for completing your assignment. CourseNana.COM

Document the design rationale. CourseNana.COM

Develop a complete system. CourseNana.COM

  1. 3  Prepare documentation of system’s development. (Stage 2) CourseNana.COM

  2. 4  Demonstration of the complete system. CourseNana.COM


(Stage 1) CourseNana.COM

(Stage 2) CourseNana.COM

Mode of Submission CourseNana.COM

Softcopy CourseNana.COM

Softcopy CourseNana.COM

Softcopy CourseNana.COM

Week 12 CourseNana.COM

Demonstration during class sessions CourseNana.COM


  • Please submit your assignment by or before the deadline. CourseNana.COM

  • LATE SUBMISSION will be DEDUCTED 5% penalty A DAY up to a maximum of FIVE (5) days, CourseNana.COM

    where subsequently, the assignment will be awarded ZERO (0) mark. CourseNana.COM

  • ZERO (0) mark will be given if there is any form of copying/plagiarism. CourseNana.COM

  • ZERO (0) mark will be given if you fail to submit your work or fail to submit all the necessary CourseNana.COM

    files. CourseNana.COM

TCS3294 Windows Programming CourseNana.COM

meets all the requirements CourseNana.COM

specifications. CourseNana.COM

Minor details of the program specification are violated, program functions incorrectly for some inputs. CourseNana.COM

Executes with one or two minor errors. CourseNana.COM

System interface is pleasant looking, clean, well-organized. CourseNana.COM

Significant details of the specification are violated, program often exhibits incorrect behaviour. CourseNana.COM

Overly cluttered interface. The workings of the features are unclear. CourseNana.COM

Good (61-80%) CourseNana.COM

Needs Improvement (41-60%) CourseNana.COM

TCS3294 Windows Programming Marking Rubric CourseNana.COM

Stage 1: Design (20%) CourseNana.COM

Needs Improvement (41-60%) CourseNana.COM

  • Complete 50% and above functional requirements and use case diagrams. CourseNana.COM

  • Average showing of the program design in the system, but some parts were omitted. CourseNana.COM

  • Justifications are provided but not well justified CourseNana.COM

    Stage 2: Development (60%) CourseNana.COM

Unsatisfactory (0-40%) CourseNana.COM

SYSTEM (30%) CourseNana.COM

Exemplary (81-100%) CourseNana.COM

Good (61-80%) CourseNana.COM

functional requirements and use CourseNana.COM

case diagrams. CourseNana.COM

Complete 90% and above CourseNana.COM

  • Complete 75% and above functional requirements and use case diagrams. CourseNana.COM

  • Good showing of the program design in the system but some parts were omitted. CourseNana.COM

  • Reasonable justifications provided CourseNana.COM

Unsatisfactory (0-40%) CourseNana.COM

  • The program performs tasks that it was not supposed to perform. CourseNana.COM

  • Program only functions correctly in very limited cases or not at all CourseNana.COM

  • System interface seems inappropriate for problem area. CourseNana.COM

Exemplary (81-100%) CourseNana.COM

The application works well and CourseNana.COM


Exemplary (81-100%) CourseNana.COM

Good (61-80%) CourseNana.COM

Excellent effort in planning and communicating the project idea effectively. CourseNana.COM

Stage 3: Demonstration (20%) CourseNana.COM

Good (61-80%) CourseNana.COM

Good effort in planning and communicating the project idea. CourseNana.COM

Reasonable justifications provided (if needed) CourseNana.COM

Testing was carried out.
Complete user manual provided, CourseNana.COM

but some explanation can be quite confusing. CourseNana.COM

CODE (10%) CourseNana.COM

Needs Improvement (41-60%) CourseNana.COM

Unsatisfactory (0-40%) CourseNana.COM

The code is huge and appears to be patched together. CourseNana.COM

None or very weak implementation of sub-units. CourseNana.COM

Validations are not implemented / implemented incorrectly. CourseNana.COM

No comments included or other documentation provided. CourseNana.COM

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