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  3. Operating Systems 操作系统
CPEN 212 Computing Systems II - Lab 6: Cache Performance
CPEN212Computing SystemsCCache Performance
To complete this lab, you will need to measure the number of cache hits and cache misses caused by a program that you run. Because caches on real hardware are shared among processes (and users), we will instead use a cache emulator called ``cachegrind`` that runs your code and reports cache performance as if it were the only active process.
CS202 Operating Systems - Lab 5: File system
CS202Operating SystemsFile systemC
In this lab, you will implement (pieces of) a simple disk-based file system. There is not a lot of code to write; instead, a lot of the work of the lab is understanding the system that you’ve been given.
CS202 Operating Systems: HW 9: Disk performance, file systems
Operating SystemsCS202CSCI202Disk performanceFile systemsDisk Scheduling
In this question, you will implement swtch(), which switches between two user-level threads. You will do so for a user-level threading package, running on the TeensyArch processor.
CS202 Operating Systems Lab 4: WeensyOS
CS202CSCI202Operating SystemsWeensyOS
In this lab, you will implement process memory isolation, virtual memory, and a system call (fork()) in a tiny (but real!) operating system, called WeensyOS.
COMP9334 Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and Networks Project: Computing clusters
COMP9334Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and NetworksComputing clustersPythonCC++
This project consists of two main parts. The first part is to develop a simulation program for the system in Figure 1. The system has already been described in Section 3 and illustrated in Section 4. In the second part, you will use the simulation program that you have developed to solve a design problem.
COMP50007.3 - Advanced Laboratory 2 - The Wacc Compiler: Milestone 3 Extensions
COMP50007Computing Practical 2WaccC++CompilerOperating Systems
For the final milestone of the Wacc project, you are expected to extend your compiler and/or the Wacc language with some new features. You are free to add any features you want to any aspect of the compiler, from the language specification to the code generation. This is your chance to implement some of the more exciting compiler features that you were exposed to during the lectures.
COMP9334 Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and Networks Assignment
COMP9334Capacity Planning of Computer Systems and NetworksMarkov chain
Assuming that you are the administrator of an interactive computer system. The computer system consists of a 2-core CPU1 and a disk. During an observation time of 1800 seconds, you obtained the following measurements from the system
CSCI2250 Operating Systems Lab 2: New Yet Usable SHell
CSCI2250Operating SystemsCShell
The shell is the main command-line interface between a user and the operating system, and it is an essential part of the daily lives of computer scientists, software engineers, system administrators, and such. It makes heavy use of many OS features. In this lab, you will build a simplied version of the Unix shell called the New Yet Usable SHell
CPEN 212 Computing Systems II - Lab 5: A Shell Game
CPEN212Computing Systems IIA Shell GameC
In this lab, you will build a simple shell called ``crash`` — a (very) pared-back version of what you interact with when you log into a UNIX machine.
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