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CSCI2250 Operating Systems Lab 2: New Yet Usable SHell
CSCI2250Operating SystemsCShell
The shell is the main command-line interface between a user and the operating system, and it is an essential part of the daily lives of computer scientists, software engineers, system administrators, and such. It makes heavy use of many OS features. In this lab, you will build a simplied version of the Unix shell called the New Yet Usable SHell
CPEN 212 Computing Systems II - Lab 5: A Shell Game
CPEN212Computing Systems IIA Shell GameC
In this lab, you will build a simple shell called ``crash`` — a (very) pared-back version of what you interact with when you log into a UNIX machine.
Operating systems and system programming: Exercise (Project) 1 Mutual exclusion and synchronization with semaphores
system programmingsemaphoresProcess synchronizationJob SchedulingDynamic Partition AllocationC
POSIX semaphores come in two forms: named semaphores and unnamed semaphores. Unnamed semaphores are mainly used for synchronization between threads, and can also be used for synchronization between processes (generated by fork).
COMP 310 Operating Systems Assignment 2 - Paging System
COMP 310Operating SystemsCC++Paging System
Your tasks for this assignment are as follows: 1. Implement a paging system. 2. Implement a demand paging system. 3. Implement the LRU page replacement policy in demand paging. On a high level, in this assignment we will allow programs larger than the shell memory size to be run by our OS. We will split the program into pages
CPEN 212 Computing Systems II - Lab 4: Fake Virtual Memory
CPEN 212Computing Systems IIFake Virtual MemoryMemory AllocationC
In this lab, you will create a (much) simplified emulation of virtual memory system. Of course you won't be doing this inside a kernel, so we have instead defined an API that can be used to map and unmap pages, and so on.
Sussex Operating Systems Assignment Brief - CPU Scheduling
COMS 221Operating SystemsJavaCPU scheduling
The aim of this assignment is to investigate the performance of different CPU scheduling algorithms. You will use a discrete event simulator to conduct experiments on different processor loads and schedulers, and analyse the results to determine in which situations each scheduling algorithm works most efficiently. You will then write a report on your experiments, communicating your findings in an effective manner.
CS 433 / CSE 422: Computer System Organization HW 06: MSI and MESI cache
CSE 422IllinoisComputer System Organization
You will implement the MESI cache coherence protocol in Python, along with any necessary movement of data, in a cache subsystem.
TCSS 422 Operating Systems - Assignment 2: Parallel Matrix Multiplier
TCSS 422Operating SystemsParallel Matrix MultiplierC
The purpose of this assignment is to implement a multi-threaded C program that uses a shared bounded buffer to coordinate the production of NxM matrices for consumption in matrix multiplication
CS3026/CS4096 Operating Systems - Assessment 02 - Virtual Disk
University of AberdeenCS3026CS4096Operating SystemsVirtual DiskC
In this assessment, you will implement a simple file system that allows you to manage files and directories in a virtual in-memory disk. The file system is to be based on simplified concepts of a File Allocation Table (FAT)
COMPSCI2024 Networks & Operating Systems Essentials 2 (NOSE 2) Assessed Exercise 2: Scheduling
COMPSCI2024Networks & Operating Systems Essentials 2NOSE 2SchedulingPython
The aim of this exercise is for you to apply the knowledge you have acquired on events, waiting queues, processes, and process scheduling and dispatching to implement and discuss scheduling algorithms (NOSE2 ILOs 10 and 9).
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