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EE4204/TEE4204 Computer Networks (Part 1) - Socket Programming Assignment (Sem1, 2024-25)
EE4204TEE4204Computer NetworksSocket ProgrammingTCP
Develop a TCP-based client-server socket program for transferring a large message. Here, the message transmitted from the client to server is read from a large file. The message is split into short data-units which are sent by using stop- and-wait flow control. Also, a data-unit sent could be damaged with some error probability.
CSEE4119 F24 Computer Networks Project 1: Video CDN
CSEE4119Computer NetworksVideo CDNCSocket ProgrammingContent Delivery Network
In this project, you will explore aspects of how streaming video works, as well as socket programming and HTTP. In particular, you will implement adaptive bitrate selection. The programming languages and packages are specified in the development environment section.
ECE 4016 Computer Networks - Assignment 1: Local DNS Server
ECE4016Computer NetworksLocal DNS ServerPython
In this assignment, you are required to implement a simple Local DNS Server
CS6027 Advanced Computer Networking - Introduction to Network Simulator 2 (NS2)
KennesawCS6027Advanced Computer NetworkingComputer NetworksNS2
The purpose of today’s lab is to familiarize yourself with the network simulation tool: “Network Simulator (Version 2)”, widely known as NS2 that is an open-source event-driven simulator designed specifically for research in computer communication networks. NS2 contains modules for numerous network components such as routing, transport layer protocol, application, mobility, etc.
EE450 Introduction to Computer Networks - Final Project: Conference booking system
EE450Introduction to Computer NetworksC++Socket ProgrammingTCPUDP
For this project, you will develop a simple conference booking system for two buildings, RTH and EEB, available to students. Students can check the availability of conference rooms and make reservations for the following week. They need to specify the room, day (e.g., Monday, Tuesday), and time (e.g., 4 pm) to reserve a room.
COMP2009J Computer Networks - Assignment 2 - Packet Tracer: Routing
COMP2009JComputer NetworksPacket TracerRouting
Previously, we set up a single router that connects two networks, so no routing policy needs to be configured. In this lab, you will first need to learn from the next section, “Router CLI terminal”, how to set up sta7c/dynamic rou7ng policies.
COMP30023 Computer Systems Project 2: Email client
COMP30023Computer SystemsCEmail clientIMAPfetchmail
The aim of this project is to familiarize you with socket programming. Your task is to write a simple email client that downloads and parses email from a standards-compliant IMAP server.
FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and security - S1 2024 Assignment 3 - Networks
FIT1047Introduction to computer systemsComputer SecurityComputer Networks
Students will record data from a real-world wireless network and demonstrate that they can analyse it, identify its properties and potential issues. Students also need to analyse Internet traffic and identify servers, clients and protocols used.
Data Communications and Networking Assignment 2: Chat Application
Data Communications and NetworkingC++Chat ApplicationSocket Programming
A chat application allows users to interact or communicate by texting, audio, and video. It can be useful for social or commercial activities. In this assignment, students are required to write a Chat Program based on Windows Socket Programming C++.
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