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Exercise Sheet 2 - Parallel-Beam filtered back-projection (FBP) algorithm

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Parallel-BeamSinogram GenerationBackprojectionRamp filteringMedical EngineeringGermany Friedrich-Alexander University

Exercise Sheet 2 - Parallel-Beam CourseNana.COM

April 27, 2023 In this exercise, we will implement a parallel-beam filtered back-projection (FBP) algorithm, and test it on the phantom which we created in Exercise 1. It is recommended to use smaller grid sizes for development (e.g. [64, 64]) to avoid long execution times, and test with a full scale phantom at the end. CourseNana.COM

1.Sinogram Generation: Before you can perform a back-projection, you rst need to generate a sinogram of the phantom, i.e. simulate an ac- quisition. For this purpose, implement the Radon transform. Projections should be generated using the ray-driven approach. The following input parameters are mandatory: number of projections, detector spacing, num- ber of detector pixels and the angular range. You can assume that your source-to-detector distance is large enough to cover the full phantom. To read out your phantom at arbitrary positions, you need interpolation. Set the origin of the sinogram Grid to 0 degrees in one dimension and to the middle of the detector in the other dimension (you can e.g. add a method set_origin() to your Grid class). CourseNana.COM

Task: Create and implement the method create_sinogram(phantom, number_of_projections, detector_spacing, detector_sizeInPixels, angular_scan_range) CourseNana.COM

2.Backprojection : Now that you have created the sinogram, you can im- plement a pixel-driven back-projector. For each rotation angle, the back- projector needs to project the position of each pixel in the result image onto the detector, read-out the value and add it to the corresponding pixel. How does the backprojection result look like? Explain this e ect. The back-projection should be able to deal with the sinograms you gener- ated in Exercise 1. That means you should incorporate, e.g., the detector spacing, and other variables from your sinogram. It takes the size and pixel spacing of the reconstructed image as inputs. The origin can be assumed to be in the center of the image. Task: Create and implement the method backproject(sinogram, reco_size_x, reco_size_y, spacing) CourseNana.COM

3.Ramp and RamLak lter : Implement a row-wise ramp and a RamLak lter on your Grid class. Start implementing the ramp filter in Fourier domain. Afterwards, implement the RamLak filter in spatial domain. Compare both implementations. Ramp filtering is a convolution of each detector line of your sinogram with the ramp- ltering kernel. Because the ramp ltering kernel is best known in Fourier domain we perform the convolution by element-wise multiplication in the Fourier domain. Some details are important to de ne the ramp- ltering kernel: (a) FFT algorithms swap the positive and negative frequency axes. The vector you obtain by the forward FFT starts with the zero frequency up to the positive maximum located in the center of the vector, then it continues from the negative maximum to almost zero at the end of the vector. (Hint: That means if you visualize/plot your kernel, it should look like a pyramid.) (b) Bear in mind that the ramp filter needs to be defined over the full length in Fourier domain. For fastFourier transform, you may apply zero-padding to have a array size of 2n, e.g., 512. This is optional. The same holds for the Ram-Lak lter except that it is implemented in spatial domain and then Fourier-transformed. (c) To compute the ramp kernel you need to know the spacing of your frequency axis. This depends on the amount of zero-padding and your detector spacing. It can be computed by: f=1 sK; (1) where  fis the frequency spacing,  sis the detector spacing and Kis the length of your signal after zero-padding. (d) Recall complex multiplication! (e) RamLak lters are initialized in spatial domain. Use the formula from the lecture to initialize the lter. Task: Create a helper method next_power_of_two(value) . This method should round up value to the next power of two, multiply that value by two, and return that value. Task: Create and implement the method ramp_filter(sinogram, detector_spacing) Task: Create and implement the method ramlak_filter(sinogram, detector_spacing) 4.Filtered Back Projection : Combine the backprojector and the lter to create a reconstruction from your sinogram. Task: Combine your previously implemented methods to obtain a recon- struction: sinogram generation, ltering, and backprojection. 2 Expected results: Using a 180scan angular range, using the 64 64 Shepp-Logan phantom, the following sinograms and reconstruction image are expected. The ramp ltering and Ram-Lak ltering should have very similar e ects. (a) Shepp-Logan phantom (b) Reconstruction without ltering (c) Reconstruction with ramp ltering (d) Sinogram (e) Sinogram with ramp ltering Figure 1: The Shepp-Logan phantom, its parallel-beam sinogram and recon- struction. CourseNana.COM

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