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COMPX322-23A Advanced Web Development - Assignment Four: Project Management Application

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New ZealandThe University of Waikato COMPX322Advanced Web DevelopmentProject Management ApplicationReactJavascriptBootstrap

COMPX322-23A: Assignment Four Due Date: Friday June 9th t, 5pm Libraries and Frameworks: Project Management Application CourseNana.COM

For this coursework you are required to build a project management application which allows users to manage their projects. You will use : • React to build the front -end user interface. • HTML • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) • JavaScript • Bootstrap for designing [Optional] • jQuery [Optional] CourseNana.COM

Application Description • This is a simple application for managing projects. Users can see all the available projects, add more projects, delete projects and sort projects. • The application lists all the projects from a file as shown in the screenshot . Note: this is just an example. Y ou have to write your own CSS to display the projects in an aesthetically pleasing manner. CourseNana.COM

• User can also delete the project by clicking on the “X” button as shown in the above screenshot. • When a user clicks on the “Create a New P roject” button, a form should appear for adding a new project, as show n in the screenshot . • The f orm consists of a text boxes for Project Name, Project ID, Project Description, Start Date, End Date and a Submit Button as shown in the screenshot below (Note: aspects of the design may vary depending upon the forms of interactiv ity you develop, based on your own creativity ). CourseNana.COM

• On clicking the submit button, a new project should appear in the list of projects displayed . • The user can also search and sort the projects. Projects can be sorted in ascending or descending order by project name and start date. CourseNana.COM

Implementation Node .js and npm are installed on the R -block Linux lab machines. Set up the project using ‘Create React App ’ in a terminal : npx create-react-app react -assn4 You should see the following files and directories in your react -assn 4 folder. CourseNana.COM

Change directory to react -assn 4 in your terminal using the following command: cd react -assn4 The most frequent command you'll be using is npm start . That's going to start a development server that will live preview as you code. You will also likely to want to CourseNana.COM

install some extra dependencies using npm install command. Remember to include -- save , so your package.json file is updated appropriately. You will also benefit from installing the React developer tools extension in your web browser, which gives you some additional abilities to inspect elements with respect to the React framework . Directory struc ture is really important. You need to create a components folder and css folder inside the src folder. All your JavaS cript files should be in the components folder and CSS files in the css folder. CourseNana.COM

In Moodle you have been provided with the data.json file which contains some sample examples of projects. Download this file from Moodle and copy it in the public folder of your application. Your public folder will contain the following files: CourseNana.COM

What to submit and how All pertinent material you have developed for this assignment must be submitted electronically using Moodle. The submitted files must be sufficient to recreate your app by running npm install followed by npm start . Do not include your node_modules directory, as this can run to hundreds of MBs, and is not needed to reconstitute your project using npm install . You may choose between submitting a ZIP file or a ‘tar -ball’ (.tar.gz) . For t he former, use the name react -assn 4.zip and react -assn 4.tar.gz for the latter. Marks will be deducted for submitted a ssignments that do meet these requirement s. In the COMPX322 M oodle site, you will see an Assignment 4 hyperlink to the submission page. This link allows you to upload your tar.gz /zip file. You can do this as many times as you want up to the submission deadline for the assignment. When you submit a file , Moodle will ask you to confirm that what you have submitted is your ow n work, and will provide you with a ‘receipt’ that establishes that you have indeed submitted something. No other mechanism for submission will be accepted. CourseNana.COM

How your work will be ass essed The assignment will be marked out of 50 as follows: CourseNana.COM

Application meets minimum functional requirements , designing and coding for the components. 15 marks CourseNana.COM

Display list of projects 5 marks Delete function to delete the project from the list 5 marks Processing the form to add projects 10 marks Sorting the projects in ascending or descending order by Project Name and Start Date 5 marks Appropriate folder structure and code is clearly formatted and commented 5 marks Lab Demonstration (mandatory) 5 marks CourseNana.COM

The deduction for in correctly submitted files is capped at 2 marks. CourseNana.COM

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