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ISCG6421 GUI Programming - Assignment 2: Breakout

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New ZealandUnitecISCG6421GUI ProgrammingBreakoutC#CSharp

ISCG6 421 - GUI Programming Semester 1, 2023 CourseNana.COM

Assignment 2: Breakout CourseNana.COM

Deadline Time: 12:30pm Checkp oint 1: Thursday 04th May 2023 Checkp oint 2: Thursday 18th May 2023 Deadline Date: Thursday 1st June 2023 CourseNana.COM

Course Weighting : 20% CourseNana.COM

Marks : 100 School of Computing Electrical and Applied Technology CourseNana.COM


The assignment is intended to help you gain experience with designing and building C# Windows applications and testing them with requirements -based testing . CourseNana.COM

Problem statement CourseNana.COM

Breakout is and arcade game developed in 1970. In Breakout a layer of bricks lines are at the top of the form and the goal is to destroy them b y bouncing ball off a paddle into the bricks . The user can move the paddle back and forth at the bottom of the screen with arrow keys or mouse . The ball bounce off the paddle and off the s ides of the form. if the ball miss the paddle at the bottom the game ends . CourseNana.COM

Your Task is to create Breakout game using C# and .NET Framework Windows Forms. CourseNana.COM

The sc reenshot show in example of Breakout game . CourseNana.COM

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakout_(video_game) CourseNana.COM

Requirements CourseNana.COM

You are provided with a C# starter pr oject that you must use for this assignment. The sta rter project contain s all necessary classes and file for you to complete the assignment. However, you can add more Forms or classes. CourseNana.COM

• Your solution must be Object oriented . • There must be a Welcome window or sp lash scr een which will allow user to play the game . • The game Form must p rovide a ball, paddle, and a layer of bricks at the top of the screen . • Each brick must have a firmness 1 to 4 . o Randomly assign the firmness to each brick ,1 is weaker and 4 is firm. o You can colour code the firmn ess on each brick or display n umber to repre sent the firmness. • The ball must als o bounce off the bricks at the top of the screen and causing the brick weaker (reduce the firmness ) or explode /disappe ar (the firmness is zero) . • Add two r andom bomb bricks (with special colour or animation ) if user hit it directly shoul d destroy all the bricks . • The ball m ust bounce from the edges of the Form. • The ball must also bounce off the paddle at the bottom of the Form and if the ball misses the paddle the game ends. • The user must be able to control the paddle usin g mouse or the arrows keys . • The game must use sin gle Timer to control animation . • You can give user an option t o pause the game . • To enhance the user experience, it is essential to display the user's score. Every time a brick is hit, the user should be aw arded 10 points. In addition, if the brick dis appears, the user will receive an additional 5 points. For instance, if the brick has a firmness level of 1 and the ball hits it, the user will earn a total of 15 points. • Suggest an app ropriate scoring system f or when the user hits bomb bricks . • When the game is lost the user should get an appropriate feedback and option to replay the game . • When all the bricks destroyed then the game is won, and you need to give appropriate feedback to user and option to replay the game . • You must add at least two extr a features of your choice . • The game needs to be aestheti cally pleasing. CourseNana.COM

Class es CourseNana.COM

Your project must be ob ject or iented . You should add followin g classes: • Ball • Brick • Paddle • Manager CourseNana.COM

Your c lass will need field s and methods. For example for the ball , brick and Paddle object s need s to know where it is on the screen , its size and colour . The ball and paddle also n eed to know how to ISCG 6421 – GUI Programming Page 3 of 13 move . The ba ll should also know if it is collided with br icks or paddle . The Mange r will manage all the objec ts, manage anim ation and cal culate game . CourseNana.COM

Extra Features E xamples CourseNana.COM

• Add different level s to game • Add appropriate sounds to game • Keep track of use r score espe cially record the highest s core or top three scores • Allow s the play ers to start, pause, resume, and restart g ames. • Provides a way to Save the cu rrent game to a file. • Provides a way to Load a saved game from a file and contin ue playing the load ed game . CourseNana.COM

Getting input from the Keyboard CourseNana.COM

When a user presses a key on the keyboard, a KeyDown event is generated. F or the Form’s KeyDown event, the event method signature is: CourseNana.COM

private void Game_KeyDown( object sender, KeyEventArgs e) CourseNana.COM

Game is the nam e of the for m. Following is the sa mple code private void Game_KeyDown( object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Left: //write code in resp onse to the left arrow key break; case Keys.Right: //write code in response to the right arro w key break; CourseNana.COM


The Form’s KeyPreview property must be set to True. Ot herwise, it won’t b e able to re spond to the KeyDown event CourseNana.COM

This is the minimum n umber of tests you need in your testing do cumentation: CourseNana.COM

  1. Interface is displayed correctly when the program runs
  2. Brick s are displayed correctly
  3. Paddle is move with key Press or mouse move
  4. The ba ll is moving
  5. The ball is bouncing off the paddle
  6. The ball is making the bricks disappe ar when hit by t he ball .
  7. Score is calculated correctly
  8. The won mess age displayed w hen the user won
  9. The lost message displayed wh en the user lost
  10. User is getting an option to replay the ga me when the game is won or lost

Pleas e note that your tests ca n involve more th an one step and must be reproducible (i.e. explicit test data and user actions) and independent of each other (i.e. please do not use the output o f one test as the input to a nother test.) CourseNana.COM

Test Cases CourseNana.COM

Please using the following format for your test cases CourseNana.COM

Requirement to test Test Data Input Expected Out comes Actual Outcomes CourseNana.COM

Required Unit Tests CourseNana.COM

You must write at least 7 Unit tests to test methods for your choice . You can select methods from any class , consi der following classes . • Ball • Paddle • Brick CourseNana.COM

Delivery A sof t copy must be uploaded ont o Moodle as a single .zip file prior to the dea dline and it must comprise: • The testing documentation. • ALL files needed to comp ile and run yo ur application from the Visual Studio Commun ity 2022 or 2019 . 20-30 marks will be de ducted i f this is not done. CourseNana.COM

Page 6 of 13 Please note that it is important to upload the correct version of yo ur assignment onto Moodle. If y ou submit the wrong version ont o Moodle, please notify me by email be fore the deadline d ate or l ate penalties may be incurred. CourseNana.COM

Checkpoints CourseNana.COM

There is an expectation that y ou will hav e completed cert ain aspe cts of your assignment at each checkpoint submission. If yo ur submission does not meet the expectations of the chec kpoint , you r overall mark for t he final su bmission may be penalised. CourseNana.COM

Expecta tions Checkp oint 1: • User interface s are designed, and the ball is coded for the game Checkp oint 2: • Classes are added for Ball, Paddle , Bricks and Manager class is managing the game . CourseNana.COM

Dem o CourseNana.COM

You must give demo of your assignment and answer all questions about your code . 50 marks will be deducted if this is not do ne. Without demo and Q&A your assignment will not be marked . CourseNana.COM

ISCG6421 – GUI Programming CourseNana.COM

Criteria Marks Actual • Game Interface set up correct ly (similarly to the one shown on pa ge 11). • Main functionali ties are added to the game form . CourseNana.COM

  1. The ball m ust bounc e from the edges of the Form.
  2. Firmness is added to bricks (1 to 4)
  3. Ball hi t is reducing the firmness .
  4. Bomb bricks are added .
  5. The ball must als o bounce off the bricks at the top of the screen and causing the brick to explode (disappe ar) if the firmness is 1 .
  6. The ball must also bo unce off the paddle at the bottom of the Form and if the ball misses the paddle the game ends.
  7. The user must be able to control the paddle using mouse or the arrows keys .
  8. The game must use sin gle Timer to control animation . (3 Marks for each ) • Score is calculated co rrectly 5 • Appropriate scor ing calculated when user hit bomb bricks 4 • Appr opriate message s displayed when the game is lost o r won 5 • An opti on is added to replay the game 3 • Appropriate two extra features are added . 6 • Main or welcome form is added which a llows the user to begin a game. 5 • Application is object o riented (6 marks) , Modular (4 marks) and Algorithmic elega nce ( 4 Marks) 14 • Game is aesthetically pleasing 5 Testing documentation with appropriate test s 8 7 Unit test s for appropriate m ethods 7 Naming conven tions and correct interna l documentation 6

You must give demo of your assignment and answer all questions about your code . 50 marks will be deducted if this is not do ne. CourseNana.COM

Total: 100 CourseNana.COM

• Marks will be deducte d for any requirement (or for mult i-part requirements , or each pa rt of a requirem ent) that is not fully implement ed or has no or insuffi cient testing . • In the inter face behaviour and data processing section , marks will be deduc ted for any requirement (or for multi -part require ments , or each part of a requir ement) that is n ot well covered i n the test plan or is reported as work ing in the test plan but does not work wh en the ISCG 6421 – GUI Programming Page 8 of 13 assignmen t is mar ked. You are also expe cted to handle ex ceptions, using message boxes and “try and catch ” blocks. • Check “Programming St andards for C Sh arp Courses ” You can also find some at the end of this document . The sta ndards for C# programming in t his documen t MUST be follow ed. In particular, this includes putting meanin gful comments at the beginning of each and every method in the s tandard format as given in the do cument. CourseNana.COM

Do you wan t to do the be st that you can do i n this ass ignment a nd improve your gr ades? You could: ❖ Talk it over with your lectur er ❖ Visit Te Pune Ako or Maia for l earning advice and support ❖ Visit the Centre for Pacific Development and Support ❖ Cont act the USU Advocate for independe nt advice ❖ For contact details and more information, go to www.us u.co.nz CourseNana.COM

ISCG 6421 – GUI Programming Page 9 of 13 Assignment Delive ry CourseNana.COM

Electron ic submission of all necessary fil es is required for ALL assignments and must be submitted prior to the due date and time. Assignments su bmitted after the due date and time without having received an extensio n throu gh Affected Performa nce Consideration (APC) will be penalised according to the following: • 10% of marks deducted if submitted within 24hrs of the dea dline • 20% of marks deducted if submitted after 24hrs and up to 48hrs of the deadline • 30% of marks deducted if submitted a fter 48hrs and up to 72hrs of the deadline • No marks will be awarded for an assignment that is submitted later than 72hrs after the deadline. CourseNana.COM

For the purposes of academic integrity, students who haven’t demonstrated progress work in the class time can be asked to demo/test their working cod e and explain logic to the lecturer individually after assignment su bmission. CourseNana.COM

Affected Performance Consideration CourseNana.COM

A student, who due to circumstances beyond his or her control, misses a test, final exam or an assignment deadline or considers his or her p erformance in a test, final exam or an assignment to have been advers ely affected, should complete the Affected Performance Consideration (APC) form available from Student Central . CourseNana.COM

When requesting an APC for a n assignment, the APC application form must be submitte d (along with work completed to -date) within the time frame of the extension requested; i.e. if the Doctor’s certificate is for one (1) day, then the APC application form and work completed must be sub mitted within one (1) day. CourseNana.COM

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