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Simulation laboratory CourseNana.COM

Instructions: CourseNana.COM

  1. You are welcomed to use any software to develop and simulate your solutions.
  2. A compressed file containing Matlab scripts called “simulation lab” is available to assist with drawing the figures and simulating the system.
  3. Note it is highly unlikely that students will develop similar systems, please ensure you work on your own as it will prepare you for the exam.
  4. Ensure you upload you answer sheet by the due date in PDF format .

Question CourseNana.COM

A negative unity feedback system has a feedforward function defined as CourseNana.COM

𝐺(s)=10𝐾(2𝑠+5)(𝑠2 +6𝑠+34) (𝑠+7)(50𝑠4+644 𝑠3+996 𝑠2−739 𝑠−3559 ) CourseNana.COM

The input to the system is r(t) = u(t). Answer all the questions below and only submit the answer sheet for assessment. CourseNana.COM

a) Derive the transfer function for the system . CourseNana.COM

b) Derive a Routh table and calculate for which values of K the system will be stable? CourseNana.COM

c) Sketch the root locus for the given system. Refine the sketch to include all asymptotes, break points and jω -crossings . Ensure all calculated values are present on the sketch. CourseNana.COM

d) Find the gain K and closed loop pole locations that will provide output response with a 41% overshoot, motivate if a second order approximation is acceptable? CourseNana.COM

e) For the system specified in (d), please complete the corresponding column of table 1 in the answer sheet. CourseNana.COM

f) Design an ideal PD which will have less than one-fifth of the settling time of the system specified in (d). Complete the corresponding column of table 1 in the answer sheet. CourseNana.COM

g) Design an ideal PID which will reduce the steady state error of the system of question (f) to have error less than 0.01 . Complete the corresponding column of table 1 in the answer sheet. CourseNana.COM

h) Plot output responses for all 3 systems over time. These outputs include the uncompensated, ideal PD and ideal PID system. CourseNana.COM

i) Design a passive PD which will have less than one -fifth of the settling time of the system specified in (d). Complete the corresponding column of table 1 in the answer sheet. CourseNana.COM

j) Design a passive PID which will reduce the steady state error of the system of question ( i) to have error less than 0.01. Complete the corresp onding column of table 1 in the answer sheet. CourseNana.COM

k) Plot output responses for all 3 systems over time . These outputs include the uncompensated, passive PD and passive PID. CourseNana.COM

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