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CSE 320 Systems Fundamentals II - Homework 4 Debugger

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Stony BrookCSE 320Systems Fundamentals IIDebuggerDeetC

Homework 4 Debugger - CSE 320 - Fall 2023

Professor Eugene Stark

Due Date: Friday 11/16/2023 @ 11:59pm


The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with low-level Unix/POSIX system calls related to processes, signal handling, files, and I/O redirection. You will implement a simplified debugger program program, called deet, which is capable of managing and performing some basic debugging operations on a collection of target processes. CourseNana.COM


After completing this assignment, you should: CourseNana.COM

  • Understand process execution: forking, executing, and reaping.
  • Understand signal handling and asynchronous I/O.
  • Understand the use of "dup" to perform I/O redirection.
  • Have gained experience with C libraries and system calls.
  • Have enhanced your C programming abilities.

Getting Started

Here is the structure of the base code: CourseNana.COM

├── .gitignore
├── .gitlab-ci.yml
└── hw4
    ├── demo
    │   └── deet
    ├── hw4.sublime-project
    ├── include
    │   ├── debug.h
    │   └── deet.h
    ├── lib
    │   └── logger.o
    ├── Makefile
    ├── src
    │   └── main.c
    ├── test_output
    │   └── .git-keep
    ├── testprog
    │   ├── tp
    │   └── tp.c
    └── tests
        ├── basecode_tests.c
        ├── rsrc
        │   ├── hello_world.err
        │   ├── hello_world.in
        │   ├── hello_world.out
        │   ├── sleep_no_wait.err
        │   ├── sleep_no_wait.in
        │   ├── sleep_no_wait.out
        │   ├── sleep_wait.err
        │   ├── sleep_wait.in
        │   ├── sleep_wait.out
        │   └── startup_quit.in
        ├── test_common.c
        └── test_common.h

The include and src directories contain header and source files, as usual. The lib directory contains headers and binaries for some library code that has been provided for you. The demo directory contains an executable demonstration version of the program. The testprog directory contains code for a very simple program that you can use as a target for debugging. The tests directory contains some very basic tests. All of these are discussed in more detail below. CourseNana.COM

The executable bin/deet_tests runs only some very basic tests, which cover some easily overlooked cases that come up during startup and termination of the program. Most of the functionality is not exercised at all by these tests. CourseNana.COM

Hints and Tips

  • Due to the fact that the kind of program you will write in this assignment will most likely be unfamiliar to you and you will need to use a number of new system calls to do it, it is almost certainly not a good idea for you to just set about writing the whole program at one go and trying to make it work. Instead, you should develop the program in an incremental fashion, experimenting with each of the system calls (ideally in the context of simple test programs) to develop an understanding of how they work. Then you can put the pieces together.
  • We strongly recommend that you check the return codes of all system calls and library functions. This will help you catch errors.
  • You should use the debug macro provided to you in the base code. That way, when your program is compiled without -DDEBUG, all of your debugging output will vanish, preventing you from losing points due to superfluous output. Your program should only produce output that has been specified in this document,
  • BEAT UP YOUR OWN CODE! Exercise your code thoroughly with various numbers of processes, problem mix, and timing situations, to make sure that no sequence of events can occur that can crash the program.
  • Your code should NEVER crash, and we will deduct points every time your program crashes during grading. Especially make sure that you have avoided race conditions involving process termination and reaping that might result in "flaky" behavior. If you notice odd behavior you don't understand: INVESTIGATE.

:nerd: When writing your program, try to comment as much as possible and stay consistent with code formatting. Keep your code organized, and don't be afraid to introduce new source files if/when appropriate. CourseNana.COM

Reading Man Pages

This assignment will involve the use of many system calls and library functions that you probably haven't used before. As such, it is imperative that you become comfortable looking up function specifications using the man command. CourseNana.COM

The man command stands for "manual" and takes the name of a function or command (programs) as an argument. For example, if I didn't know how the fork(2) system call worked, I would type man fork into my terminal. This would bring up the manual for the fork(2) system call. CourseNana.COM

Now, you may have noticed the 2 in fork(2). This indicates the section in which the man page for fork(2) resides. Here is a list of the man page sections and what they are for. CourseNana.COM

Section Contents
1 User Commands (Programs)
2 System Calls
3 C Library Functions
4 Devices and Special Files
5 File Formats and Conventions
6 Games, et al
7 Miscellanea
8 System Administration Tools and Daemons

From the table above, we can see that fork(2) belongs to the system call section of the man pages. This is important because there are functions like printf which have multiple entries in different sections of the man pages. If you type man printf into your terminal, the man program will start looking for that name starting from section 1. If it can't find it, it'll go to section 2, then section 3 and so on. However, there is actually a Bash user command called printf, so instead of getting the man page for the printf(3) function which is located in stdio.h, we get the man page for the Bash user command printf(1). If you specifically wanted the function from section 3 of the man pages, you would enter man 3 printf into your terminal. CourseNana.COM

😱 Remember this: man pages are your bread and butter. Without them, you will have a very difficult time with this assignment. CourseNana.COM

Development and Test Strategy

You will probably find it the most efficient approach to this assignment to write and test your code incrementally, a little bit at a time, to develop your understanding and verify that things are working as expected. You will probably it overwhelmingly difficult to debug your code if you try to write a lot of it first without trying it out little by little. CourseNana.COM

Putting some effort into creating useful, understandable, debugging trace output will also be very helpful. CourseNana.COM

The killall Command

In the course of debugging this program, you will almost certainly end up in situations where there are a number of "leftover" target processes that have survived beyond a particular test run of the program. If you allow these processes to accumulate, it can cause confusion, as well as consume resources on your computer. The ps(1) (process status) command can be used to determine if there are any such processes around; e.g. CourseNana.COM

$ ps alx | grep a.out

will find all processes currently running the program a.out. If there are a lot of them, it can be tedious to kill them all using the kill command. The killall command can be used to kill all processes running a program with a particular name; e.g. CourseNana.COM

$ killall a.out

It might be necessary to use the additional option -s KILL to send these processes a SIGKILL, which they cannot catch or ignore, as opposed to the SIGTERM, which is sent by default. CourseNana.COM

The strace Command

An extremely useful (but rather advanced) feature that Linux provides for debugging is the strace(1) command. When a program is run via strace, you can get an extremely detailed trace of all of the operating system calls made by the main process of this program, as well as child processes. This can be useful when all else fails in trying to understand what a program is doing, however the down side is that to understand the voluminous output produced by strace requires a fair amount of technical knowledge about Linux system calls. You might want to give it a try, though. CourseNana.COM


Description of Behavior

The deet program is a highly simplified version of a debugger, in the spirit of gdb. It provides the user with a command-oriented interface that permits "target" processes to be started, stopped, examined, modified, and killed. CourseNana.COM

Deet is able to manage multiple target processes at once. It maintains information about all the targets that are currently being debugged and their current state. Commands given by the user name the target process that is to be manipulated by specifying an integer "deet ID". When a target process is started, it receives the smallest unused deet ID (starting from 0). Later, when the target process has terminated, deet will forget about it and make its deet ID available for re-use. The rules for when deet will forget about a target process are given later in this document. CourseNana.COM

Here is an example of a deet session. First, deet is started from the Linux shell and it prompts the user: CourseNana.COM

$ bin/deet

The prompt consists of the string deet>, which contains a single space at the end, and no newline. The user enters a blank line, in which case the prompt is simply given again, without any other output. Next, the user asks for help: CourseNana.COM

deet> help
Available commands:
help -- Print this help message
quit (<=0 args) -- Quit the program
show (<=1 args) -- Show process info
run (>=1 args) -- Start a process
stop (1 args) -- Stop a running process
cont (1 args) -- Continue a stopped process
peek (2-3 args) -- Read from the address space of a traced process
poke (3 args) -- Write to the address space of a traced process
bt (1 args) -- Show a stack trace for a traced process

The commands understood by deet are listed, together with information about the number of arguments each takes. Each command has a minimum number of arguments that it requires and a maximum number of arguments that it permits. For some commands, the minimum and maximum are the same; for those commands, exactly that number of arguments must be given. For some other commands (such as run), no maximum is specified; in that case, an arbitrary number of arguments greater than or equal to the minimum may be given. CourseNana.COM

Issuing a command that is not in the list causes deet to report an error: CourseNana.COM

deet> bogus

This is how deet reports an error: by a single question mark ? followed by a newline output to the standard output. This applies to all error situations. For debugging/explanatory purposes, deet is permitted to issue an error message, but this must go to the standard error output. CourseNana.COM

The user then issues the run command to start a process to be debugged: CourseNana.COM

deet> run echo a b c
0   137480  T   running     echo a b c

Here the program echo has been run, with three command-line arguments: a, b, and c. A process with Linux process ID 137480 has been created, and deet ID 0 has been assigned to it. A status line has been printed by deet, giving the essential information about this process. The status line contains: the deet ID, the Linux process ID, the character T indicating that the process is being traced by deet and finally the command that was executed to start the process. The fields in the output are separated by single TAB (i.e. '\t') characters, except within the command, which is printed as the last field on the line and shows the words from the command line separated from each other by a single space character. The status line is terminated by a single newline ('\n') character. CourseNana.COM

The process that has been started then immediately stops before actually doing anything. This is to allow deet to take control of it: CourseNana.COM

deet> 0 137480  T   stopped     echo a b c

A status line similar to the first has been printed, with the difference that the state of the process is now reported as stopped, rather than running. Notice that the status line has appeared after the deet> prompt. This is because the target process started executing concurrently with deet and then deet received an asynchronous notification (via a SIGCHLD signal) that the target process had stopped. By this time, deet had already printed the prompt and was waiting for input from the user, but the asynchronous notification interrupted the reading of user input and caused deet to print the new status line. After that, it will go back and print another prompt and continue to wait for user input. CourseNana.COM

Next, the user started another process to be debugged; this time running the sleep command with an argument of 10 (sleep is a command that simply waits for a specified number of seconds before terminating): CourseNana.COM

deet> run sleep 10
1   137935  T   running     sleep 10
deet> 1 137935  T   stopped     sleep 10

Notice that the process has stopped immediately as before. It has been assigned deet ID 1 and is running a process with Linux process ID 137935. CourseNana.COM

The user now asks for information about all the processes currently being debugged. The current status of both processes is shown: CourseNana.COM

deet> show
0   137480  T   stopped     echo a b c
1   137935  T   stopped     sleep 10

Next, the user starts a process running a test program testprog/tp, which has been provided for you: CourseNana.COM

deet> run testprog/tp
2   138055  T   running     testprog/tp
deet> 2 138055  T   stopped     testprog/tp

The program stops, as before. Next, the user tells the test program (which has deet ID 2) to continue: CourseNana.COM

deet> cont 2
2   138055  T   running     testprog/tp
deet> function a @ 0x5607f22551cd, argument x @ 0x7ffeac24a4ec (=666)
function b @ 0x5607f225521b: argument x @ 0x7ffeac24a4cc (=667)
function c @ 0x5607f2255269: argument x @ 0x7ffeac24a4ac (=668)
function d @ 0x5607f22552b7: argument x @ 0x7ffeac24a48c (=669)
function e @ 0x5607f2255305: argument x @ 0x7ffeac24a46c (=670)
function f @ 0x5607f225535b called
static_variable @ 0x5607f2258030 (=0)
local_variable @ 0x7ffeac24a440 (=29a)
2   138055  T   stopped     testprog/tp

Deet is informed that the test program is now running. The test program prints out some information about itself which will aid in testing the debugging features of deet. It prints the addresses (in its text segment) of six functions, called a, b, c, d, e, f. Each function prints the address (in the stack segment) of its argument x, together with the current value of that argument. The test program also prints the address and value of a variable static_variable, which lives in the data segment, and of a local variable local_variable, which lives in the stack segment, in the stack frame for function f. The test program then uses the kill() system call to send itself a SIGSTOP signal. As a result, it stops execution and deet receives an asynchronous notification that the test process has stopped. In response, deet prints a status line showing the changed status of this process. CourseNana.COM

The user then asks deet to give a stack trace for the stopped test process: CourseNana.COM

deet> bt 2
00007ffeac24a470    00005607f2255302
00007ffeac24a490    00005607f22552b4
00007ffeac24a4b0    00005607f2255266
00007ffeac24a4d0    00005607f2255218
00007ffeac24a4f0    00005607f22551c6
00007ffeac24a510    00007fc824f52d90

Each line shows two addresses in hexadecimal, separated by a single TAB character (the addresses were printed using the printf conversion specifier %016lx). The first address on each line is the address of the stack frame for a function activation. These addresses are in the stack segment of the test process. The second address on each line is the return address that is stored in that stack frame. These addresses are in the text segment of the test process, except for the last one, which is in C library code that has been mapped into a different part of the address space by the dynamic loader. The return addresses reflect the chain of calls that was made leading to the current state: (start) -> main -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f. Here (start) stands for some anonymous startup code in the C library that runs first and makes the initial call to main. Note that the stack frames are traversed and printed in the reverse order from which the functions were called, so that the first line gives the address of the stack frame for the most-recently called function f and the return address reflects the point within the code for function e just after the call of function f. CourseNana.COM

The user then requests that the test process continue execution: CourseNana.COM

deet> cont 2
2   138055  T   running     testprog/tp
deet> function f @ 0x5607f225535b called
static_variable @ 0x5607f2258030 (=0)
local_variable @ 0x7ffeac24a440 (=29a)
2   138055  T   stopped     testprog/tp

A status line is printed by deet when it is notified that the test process has continued execution. In the test program, function f returns to function e and is then called again, resulting in the same printout as before being repeated, and then the test process uses SIGSTOP to stop itself once again. Deet is notified that the test process has stopped and it prints an updated status line. CourseNana.COM

Next, the user uses the peek command to examine the contents of the argument x stored in the stack frame for function c: CourseNana.COM

deet> peek 2 7ffeac24a4ac
00007ffeac24a4ac    ac24a4d00000029c

The two least-significant bytes of the word printed contains the value 029c, which is hexadecimal for 668, the current value of the argument x to function c. CourseNana.COM

The user then uses the poke command to modify the value of the global variable static_variable stored in the data segment: CourseNana.COM

deet> poke 2 5607f2258030 1023

The user then allows the test process to continue: CourseNana.COM

deet> cont 2
2   138055  T   running     testprog/tp
deet> function f @ 0x5607f225535b called
static_variable @ 0x5607f2258030 (=1023)
local_variable @ 0x7ffeac24a440 (=29a)
2   138055  T   stopped     testprog/tp

Once again, the test process returns from f to e, the function f is called again, and the current values of the variables are printed. Now the value of static_variable is seen to be 1023. CourseNana.COM

At this point, the user has decided that enough has been done with the test process, and so uses the kill command to cause it to terminate: CourseNana.COM

deet> kill 2
2   138055  T   killed      testprog/tp
deet> 2 138055  T   dead    0x9 testprog/tp

Execution of the kill command causes SIGKILL to be sent to the test process, and at the same time deet reports that the state of this process is now killed, though the process has not yet terminated. Shortly thereafter, the test process receives the SIGKILL and actually does terminate. Deet is then notified of the termination and it reports that the process is now dead. The exit status (obtained via the waitpid() system call is also reported by deet). In this case, the program terminated as a result of SIGKILL, which is signal number 9, so the exit status is 0x9 (had the program terminated normally, the low-order byte would be 0 and the exit status passed to exit() would appear in the next-most-significant byte). CourseNana.COM

The user then decides to allow the process running sleep to continue: CourseNana.COM

deet> cont 1
1   137935  T   running     sleep 10
deet> 1 137935  T   dead    0x0 sleep 10

Initially, deet reports that the process is running and then (after a 10-second delay) it reports that the process has terminated with exit status 0x0 returned by waitpid(). CourseNana.COM

Finally, the user decides to quit deet: CourseNana.COM

deet> quit

Although there was no output to document it, before it terminated, deet arranged to kill the remaining process (running echo), and await its termination, before exiting itself. CourseNana.COM

Details of the Commands

The previous section illustrated most aspects of deet's functionality; the current section fills in some more specific details about the commands. The behavior of your implementation should match these descriptions. CourseNana.COM

  • The help command (zero or more arguments) ignores any arguments it is given and prints a message listing information about the available commands.
  • The quit command (no arguments required or allowed) causes deet to terminate, after first killing any processes being debugged to be killed and then waiting for them to actually terminate before it itself exits.
  • The show command may be given with no arguments, in which case it outputs one line of information about the status of each of the processes currently being managed by deet. It also may be given a single optional integer argument, in which case it gives only information about the process having that integer as its "deet ID". If an invocation of the show command causes no output to be printed (either because there are no processes currently being managed or because a process with the specified deet ID does not exist), then an error is reported instead.
  • The run command serves to start a process to be debugged. At least one argument is required, which is interpreted as the name of the program to be run. There may be additional arguments, which taken together with the first argument form the argv[] vector for the program to be executed. A process started with run begins execution with tracing enabled (more on this below). Tracing remains enabled until the process terminates or a release command is executed on that process.

In order to explain the remaining commands, we first need to look at the states that a process may be in, from the point of view of deet. The following list (defined in deet.h) enumerates these states: CourseNana.COM

    PSTATE_NONE,        // State of a nonexistent process.
    PSTATE_RUNNING,     // State of a process immediately following successful fork().
    PSTATE_STOPPING,    // State of the process while attempting to stop it,
                        // but before receiving the subsequent notification via SIGCHLD.
    PSTATE_STOPPED,     // State of the process once it is known to have stopped.
    PSTATE_CONTINUING,  // State of the process after having continued it,
                        // but before receiving the subsequent notification via SIGCHLD
                        // that the process has continued.
    PSTATE_KILLED,      // State of the process after sending SIGKILL but before
                        // receiving the subsequent notification via SIGCHLD
                        // that the process has terminated.
    PSTATE_DEAD         // State of the process once it is known to be terminated.

:nerd: Note that the PSTATE_NONE state does not correspond to the state of any actual process. This value may be used, for example, as a place-holder value to identify a free slot in the table of processes that deet maintains. CourseNana.COM

When the user issues a run command, deet creates a child process using the fork() system call. Upon a successful call to fork(), the newly created process is considered by deet to be in the PSTATE_RUNNING state. The child process first uses the dup2() system call to close its original standard output and arrange for any subsequent output to STDOUT_FILENO to be redirected to the file open on STDERR_FILENO. This is so that output from the child process can be separated from the output produced by deet itself. The child process uses the PSTATE_TRACEME request to the ptrace() system call to request that it be traced by deet (more on this below). As a result of this request, the child immediately receives a SIGSTOP signal and stops execution. At the same time, SIGCHLD signal is sent by the Linux kernel to the deet process. When the deet process receives this signal, it uses the waitpid() system call to determine which of the potentially several processes it is managing has changed state, and what that state change was. When deet learns that the newly created child process has stopped, it records that that process is now in the PSTATE_STOPPED state and it arranges for updated status information to be printed for the user. CourseNana.COM

😱 Any time deet changes the state of a process, it should arrange for an updated status line for that process to be printed before deet issues its next prompt to the user. This will not be explicitly mentioned again in the sequel. CourseNana.COM

  • A process in the PSTATE_STOPPED state may be caused to continue execution by the user entering a cont command and specifying the deet ID of that process. Upon seeing such a command, deet arranges for a SIGCONT signal to be sent to the process, and it records the process as being in the PSTATE_CONTINUING state. When the process receives the SIGCONT signal and actually does continue execution, the Linux kernel notifies deet by sending it a SIGCHLD signal. Upon receiving this SIGCHLD, deet again uses waitpid() to determine what has occurred, and upon finding that the child process has continued execution it records it as now being in the PSTATE_RUNNING state.
  • A process in the PSTATE_RUNNING state may be caused to stop execution by the user entering a stop command and specifying the deet ID of that process. Upon seeing such a command, deet arranges for a SIGSTOP signal to be sent to the target process, and it records that process as being in the PSTATE_STOPPING state. When the target process receives the SIGSTOP signal and actually stops execution, the OS kernel once again notifies the deet process via the SIGCHLD/waitpid() mechanism. When the deet process learns that the child process has actually stopped, it records it as being in the PSTATE_STOPPED state.
  • The release command, like the cont command, causes the specified target process to continue. However, in this case, further tracing is turned off for this process, using the PTRACE_DETACH request to ptrace(). The result is that although deet can still stop and continue this process (by sending it SIGSTOP and SIGCONT), it will no longer be possible to "peek" or "poke" into the address space of that process, or in general to apply any further ptrace() requests to that process.

A process in any state other than PSTATE_NONE or PSTATE_DEAD may terminate, either by exiting normally (if it was running) or as a result of receiving a signal (a SIGKILL signal will cause the process to terminate even if it was stopped, but other signals will only be received and acted on by the process while it is actually running). When termination of a target process occurs, deet is notified by the SIGCHLD/waitpid() mechanism. It then marks the state of the target process as PSTATE_DEAD and it records the exit status returned by waitpid(). CourseNana.COM

  • A process in any state other than PSTATE_NONE, PSTATE_KILLED, or PSTATE_DEAD may be induced by the user to terminate by the user entering a kill command and specifying the deet ID of that process. Upon seeing such a command, deet sends a SIGKILL signal to the process, and it records the process as being in the PSTATE_KILLED state. When the target process actually does terminate, the deet process is notified via the SIGCHLD/waitpid() mechanism, and deet then records the target process as being in the PSTATE_DEAD state and it saves the exit status as for any other termination event.

Once a process has entered the PSTATE_DEAD state, it no longer exists from the point of view of the Linux kernel, however deet will retain information about it until the next time the user uses the run command. As part of the processing of the run command, deet "garbage collects" its table of processes: that is, it finds all processes that are in the PSTATE_DEAD state and it deletes them from the table. This is done before allocating a deet ID for the new process to be run. By delaying the deletion of information about dead processes in this way, the user can see the final status of a dead process, but it avoids requiring the user to explicitly delete processes in order to avoid unbounded accumulation of information about dead processes. CourseNana.COM

  • The wait command causes deet to wait until a specified target process has either entered a specified state or has terminated. The first argument is the deet ID of the process to wait for. The (optional) second argument is a string specifying the desired state. Possibilities for this argument are: running, stopping, stopped, continuing, killed, and dead. The default if this argument is not given is dead. Once this command has been entered, no further prompt will be issued until the target process has either entered the specified state or terminated. If the process never enters the specified state or terminates, then the only way for the wait command to terminate is if deet receives SIGINT; for example, as a result of the user typing CTRL-C.
  • The user may enter the show" command to obtain information about the processes currently being managed by deet. Simply entering show without any arguments causes deet to show the status of every process it knows about, in the format described above. The show command may also be given an optional integer argument, which is interpreted as the deet ID of a particular process for which information is requested. In that case, deet will report on only this one process. If invocation of the show command does not result in information on any processes being printed, either because a specified process does not exist or because the set of processes currently being managed is empty, then an error is reported.
  • A quit command entered by the user causes deet to terminate, but only after it has sent SIGKILL to all existing processes that it is managing and it has learned (via SIGCHLD/waitpid()) that those processes have actually terminated. As soon as all extant processes have entered the PSTATE_DEAD state, then deet will itself terminate without undue delay.

Deet provides three commands that can be used to query or manipulate a process that is in the PSTATE_STOPPED state: CourseNana.COM

  • The peek" command allows the user to retrieve the value stored at a specified address in the target process' address space. The address is specified in hexadecimal. Deet uses the PTRACE_PEEKDATA request to retrieve data one word at a time (where a "word" is a 64-bit value). The address and the associated value are printed (in hexadecimal) as described earlier. The peek command will also accept an optional additional integer argument (specified in decimal) which is interpreted as the number of successive words to access using the specified address as a starting point. If no additional argument is specified, a single word is retrieved by default. If multiple words are retrieved, each word is printed together with its associated address on a separate line.
  • The poke command allows the user to modify the value stored at a specified address in the target process' address space. The address is specified in hexadecimal as for the peek command. For poke the second argument (which is not optional) is interpreted as a 64-bit word of data to be written at the specified address. The poke command only stores one full word; there is no way to store only part of a word, and there is no option for treating multiple words as there was for the peek command.
  • The bt ("backtrace") command is used to obtain a stack trace for a stopped process. A backtrace consists of the sequence of return addresses stored in the frames on the stack, starting from the top frame (for the function in which the process was executing when it was stopped), and working back toward the base of the stack. The trace is printed in the format shown previously. The bt command takes an optional additional argument, which if given is interpreted as a decimal number that specifies the maximum length of the stack trace. A stack trace that would end up being longer than the specified length is truncated (this also protects against deet going into an infinite loop in case for some reason it does not get a valid pointer to start the stack trace). If no limit argument is given, then the default limit of 10 is used.

Stack Traces

Extracting a stack trace requires a basic understanding of the format of the process' stack. The frames on the stack are chained together in a linked list, whose head is maintained in the rbp ("base pointer" or "frame pointer") register. Normally, the value in rbp is a pointer to the top frame on the stack (corresponding to the currently executing function). Stored at this address is a pointer to the next frame (the caller's frame) and so on. The chain terminates at a frame for the caller of main(), which is a function in the runtime startup code in the C library. The invalid pointer value (void *)0x1 is used as a sentinel to indicate the end of the chain. CourseNana.COM

The value stored in the rbp register can be retrieved by deet using the PTRACE_GETREGS request to the ptrace() system call. This request requires that the data argument to the ptrace() call be the address of a C "struct" into which the register values are to be stored. The struct in question is struct user_regs_struct, which is defined in the header file <user.h>. You will probably want to refer to the actual header file itself, which may be found in /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/user.h. The field rbp is the field to read to get the value of the rbp register, once the registers have been stored into this structure using the system call. The PTRACE_PEEKDATA request to ptrace() can then be used to follow the chained stack frames from the starting address in rbp. CourseNana.COM

Within each stack frame, the return address is stored in the next word "above" (i.e. at the next higher address than) the place where the link to the caller's stack frame is stored. For example, the return address for the top stack frame consists of the 64-bit quantity stored starting at address rbp+0x8. This organization is the result of the following "preamble code" that is executed at the beginning of every function that is called: CourseNana.COM

        pushq   %rbp
        movq    %rsp, %rbp

The first instruction pushes the value of rbp, which is a pointer to the caller's stack frame. The second instruction sets the new value of rbp to be the top of the stack, which is the place where the old rbp was just stored. This links a new stack frame at the front of the list headed by rbp. CourseNana.COM

NOTE: Under certain conditions (such as when a process is stopped within a function in the C library, rather than in normal C code) the rbp register will contain the value 0x0, rather than the address of the top frame on the stack. In this case, ptrace() will return an error when you attempt to access the value stored at that location. You will need to be careful to check for error returns from ptrace() and to terminate the backtrace as soon as there is any error, to avoid "garbage" output. CourseNana.COM

Implementation Notes

The deet program makes extensive use of processes, signals, and handlers to create and manage the processes being debugged. A number of system calls are involved in this, most of which will have been discussed at least briefly in lecture. When a program to be debugged is started, deet uses the fork() system call to create a child process for it. Once the child process has started, it uses the dup2() system call to redirect standard output, it uses a PTRACE_TRACEME request to the ptrace() system call to request that it be traced by deet, and then it uses the execvp() system call to execute the program that was specified by the user. CourseNana.COM

Deet itself needs to arrange to receive asynchronous notifications about changes in state of the processes that it is managing. It does this by using the sigaction() system call to install handler for the SIGCHLD signal. Upon receipt of SIGCHLD, deet uses the waitpid() system call to find out what process or processes have changed state and what that state change was. You will want to use the WNOHANG, WUNTRACED, and WCONTINUED options to waitpid() to ensure: (1) that it does not block if there are no further state changes to find out about; (2) that it finds out about processes that have stopped as a result of receiving SIGSTOP; and (3) that it finds out about processes that have continued as a result of receiving SIGCONT. The WIFxxx, etc. macros should be used to extract information from the exit status returned by waitpid() (as discussed in class and in the man page for waitpid()). CourseNana.COM

Deet should also install a handler for SIGINT in order to arrange to clean up (i.e. kill and await termination of) any processes being debugged before exiting if CTRL-C should be typed by the user. Deet should also be sure to detect any EOF condition that may arise on the standard input and to treat it as if a quit command had been typed by the user. For testing purposes, an EOF condition may be generated on the terminal by typing CTRL-D at the beginning of a line (or typing CTRL-D twice if a partial line of input has already been entered). CourseNana.COM

For robust behavior, when implementing deet attention should be paid to using only async-signal-safe functions within a signal handler. The sigprocmask() function should be used to temporarily prevent the execution of a signal handler during periods of time when such an execution could interfere with what is going on in the main program. Examples of such situations are when examining or modifying process state information that might change as a result receiving an asynchronous signal that triggers the execution of a handler. The use of sigprocmask() implies the use of the associated "signal set" macros such as sigemptyset(), sigaddset(), etc. CourseNana.COM

Deet should use the kill() system call to send signals to processes being managed. It will be necessary to use at least SIGSTOP, SIGCONT, and SIGKILL. Exercise caution that you only invoke the kill() system call with a positive value for the process ID of the process to be signalled, as invoking it with a a negative value or zero could cause the termination of deet itself. CourseNana.COM

Deet should use the sigsuspend() system call in order to suspend execution while waiting for a process to transition to the specified state or to terminate. CourseNana.COM

Deet should use the getline() function to read user input (from the standard input stream). It may use fprintf(), fputc(), and the like to emit output for the user (to the standard output stream). Note that fflush() should be called on the standard output at any point where user interaction is required (such as after printing a prompt); otherwise the output could remain buffered in memory without the user seeing it. If the deet process is blocked in getline() waiting for user input, then the receipt of a signal will cause the getline() call to be interrupted. After the execution of any handler, the interrupted call to getline() will return. This situation can be detected by checking for an error return from getline() and looking for errno having an associated value EINTR. Should this occur, the getline() function should be called again after re-printing the user prompt. CourseNana.COM

The ptrace() System Call

Versions of the ptrace() system call have been provided in Unix-like systems since the early days. The name stands for "parent trace", and the system call is intended to support the implementation of a debugger such as gdb. The basic model is that of a parent process using this system call to manipulate a child process being debugged. In order for ptrace() to work at all, the parent process must first "attach" to the child process. There are various ways to do this, but for deet we will use what is perhaps the simplest: when a child process is forked by deet, before calling execvp() to execute another program it first invokes ptrace() with the PTRACE_TRACEME request. Note that this is the only time that ptrace() is used by the child process -- all the rest of the calls are made by the parent process (i.e. deet itself). Once the child has attached, then it is possible for the parent process to manipulate the child using various ptrace() requests. The parent process can relinquish the ability to trace the child by invoking the PTRACE_DETACH request. After that, the child process runs normally and it is no longer possible to manipulate it using ptrace(). CourseNana.COM

For deet, it is only necessary to use a few of the requests supported by ptrace(); namely, PTRACE_TRACEME, PTRACE_CONT, PTRACE_DETACH, PTRACE_GETREGS, PTRACE_PEEKDATA, and PTRACE_POKEDATA. In order to complete this assignment, you will need to refer to the man page for ptrace(). It is quite long, but you only have to know about this small subset of the requests described there. CourseNana.COM

Event Logging Functions

It is somewhat of a challenging problem for us to automatically evaluate for grading purposes the behavior of a program like deet. In order to allow us to track the behavior of your program, we require that you call certain functions, which we have provided in binary form, in specific situations arising during execution. These functions are listed below, together with a description of when they are required to be called. Failure to call these functions exactly as specified will negatively impact your grade. Note that implementations of these functions have been provided for you in binary form: the Makefile will automatically include the file lib/logger.o when linking your program. The basecode implementations of these functions will print out tracing information on stderr so that you can verify that they have been called properly. You may also find this information helpful for debugging. When we grade your program, we will replace the basecode implementations of these functions by different implementations that communicate automatically with a "tracker" program to check the correctness of what your program is doing. CourseNana.COM

The list of logging functions that you must call is given below. Function prototypes for these functions have been included in the header file deet.h. CourseNana.COM

  • void log_startup(void); This function must be called when deet starts up, before it does anything else.
  • void log_shutdown(void); This function must be called as the last action taken before the deet program terminates.
  • void log_prompt(void); This function must be called immediately before each place where your program issues a prompt for the user. For technical reasons, even if the actual printing of the prompt has been suppressed because the -p command-line option was given, you still need to call this function just before the place where the prompt would otherwise have been printed.
  • void log_error(char *msg); This function must be called every time execution of a user command results in an error.
  • void log_signal(int sig); This function must be called as the first action in the signal handler, whenever your program handles a SIGCHLD or SIGINT.
  • void log_input(char *line); This function must be called every time your program reads a line of input from the user. The argument should be the line of input read, including any terminating newline character.
  • void log_state_change(pid_t pid, PSTATE old, PSTATE new, int status); This function must be called every time deet determines that the state of a process has changed, either as the direct result of some action it takes to manipulate the process (such as starting it or continuing it), or as the result of information it receives from handling a SIGCHLD signal (such as the process having stopped, continued, or terminated). The meaning of the arguments is as follows: CourseNana.COM

    • pid The Linux process ID of the process, as returned from fork().
    • old The state the process was in before the change. For a newly created process, this will be PSTATE_NONE. For an existing process, this state must match the new state that was given on the immediately preceding call to log_state_change() for that process.
    • new The state the process is now in after the change.
    • status If the new state is PSTATE_DEAD, then this must be its exit status, as returned, for example, by waitpid().

The following is an example of the type of tracing output that the basecode version of these functions will produce (all of the tracing output goes to the standard error output): CourseNana.COM

$ bin/deet
[00000.000000] STARTUP
[00000.000069] PROMPT
[00004.224843] INPUT 
[00004.224861] PROMPT
deet> bogus
[00008.326146] INPUT bogus
[00008.326161] ERROR bogus
[00008.326168] PROMPT
deet> run echo a b c
[00017.982799] INPUT run echo a b c
[00017.983064] CHANGE 142211: none -> running
0   142211  T   running     echo a b c
[00017.983147] PROMPT
deet> [00017.983868] SIGNAL 17
[00017.983895] CHANGE 142211: running -> stopped
0   142211  T   stopped     echo a b c
[00017.983931] PROMPT
deet> run sleep 10
[00036.619853] INPUT run sleep 10
[00036.620021] CHANGE 142212: none -> running
1   142212  T   running     sleep 10
[00036.620088] PROMPT
deet> [00036.620490] SIGNAL 17
[00036.620506] CHANGE 142212: running -> stopped
1   142212  T   stopped     sleep 10
[00036.620527] PROMPT
deet> cont 1
[00042.853035] INPUT cont 1
[00042.853058] CHANGE 142212: stopped -> running
1   142212  T   running     sleep 10
[00042.853105] PROMPT
deet> [00052.854331] SIGNAL 17
[00052.854372] CHANGE 142212: running -> dead
1   142212  T   dead    0x0 sleep 10
[00052.854407] PROMPT
deet> show
[00059.644313] INPUT show
0   142211  T   stopped     echo a b c
1   142212  T   dead    0x0 sleep 10
[00059.644383] PROMPT
deet> quit
[00064.028144] INPUT quit
[00064.028169] CHANGE 142211: stopped -> killed
[00064.028309] SIGNAL 17
[00064.028335] CHANGE 142211: killed -> dead
[00064.028344] SHUTDOWN

Each line of tracing output includes a timestamp that gives the number of seconds and microseconds since deet was started, the type of event that is being logged, and associated information about this event. By default, the tracing information is enabled, as it will likely be helpful to understanding and debugging. The tracing output can be suppressed by declaring: CourseNana.COM

extern int silent_logging;

and setting this variable to a nonzero value. CourseNana.COM

Demonstration Program and Test Program

I have found that providing a demonstration version of what is to be implemented generally seems to help students to understand the assignment specifications and serves to reduce the number of questions about those specifications. To that end, a demonstration version of deet can be found as demo/deet in the basecode distribution. The behavior of this program will hopefully match the description in the present document, but in case of any discrepancy the text in this document takes precedence over the behavior of the demonstration program. By default, the demonstration version sends the tracing output produced by the logging functions to the standard error. If it is desired that the tracing output not be produced, you may invoke demo/deet with the -q option. CourseNana.COM

Please note that the demonstration program is provided only for you to execute as an aid to your understanding of what I am asking you to do. It is not intended that you should attempt to deconstruct the binary or reverse-engineer source code from it. In the end, you are to write your own code for this assignment. Any evidence that source code you submit for this assignment has been reverse-engineered from the binary demonstration version I have provided will be considered as evidence of Academic Dishonesty and will result in charged being filed against you. CourseNana.COM

I have also provided a very simple test program that can be used as a target for debugging. The use of this program, called testprog/tp, was illustrated earlier in this document. The source code for tp has been provided (in testprog/tp.c) and you should take a look at it to understand what it is doing. You are free to make any modifications you like to it for your own purposes. CourseNana.COM

Suggested Plan of Attack

Although the amount of code required to implement deet is not that great, the complexity of its behavior is much higher than what we have done so far, and you will need to use a lot of new, unfamiliar system calls for it. As a result, there is a substantial chance that many students will not succeed in implementing the full functionality. This is not a disaster, as long as your implementation does some things correctly. To have the greatest likelihood of being able to submit something that has at least some testable correct functionality, it is suggested that you attack this assignment in an incremental fashion, as described below. CourseNana.COM

  • Start by implementing at least a rudimentary version of code for interacting with the user. This should be able to prompt the user, read a line of input, separate it into words, identify the command to be executed, and dispatch to a function to execute that command. Initially the command execution functions can just be "stubs", which you will flesh out as you go along. Make the user interface conform to the specifications in this document, so something still can be tested about your program even in case you don't manage to implement everything.

😱 Note that the user interface is not really the main point of this assignment, so you should try not to get bogged down in minute details of it that prevent you from getting on to implementing the actual features of deet. CourseNana.COM

  • Experiment with signal handling, to the point where you understand how to install how to use sigaction() to install a handler for SIGINT that will be invoked in case the user types CTRL-C. You will then be prepared to implement the handler for SIGCHLD that is required in order to manage processes.
  • Implement some of the functionality of the run command. Use fork() and execvp() to create a child process and verify that you can get it to execute a specified command. Verify that you know how to use waitpid() to retrieve the exit status of a child process.
  • Implement a SIGCHLD handler to receive asynchronous notifications about the state of a child process. Verify that this handler gets called when a child process is stopped, continued, or terminated. Note that the Bash shell provides a kill command that can be used to manually send signals to a process from the terminal. You might find it helpful to do this before having deet send these signals programmatically.
  • Implement the stop, and kill commands.
  • Add the functionality provided by the ptrace() system call and implement the cont command.

:nerd: Note that the PTRACE_CONT request should be used to continue a stopped process that is being traced. To continue a stopped process that is not being traced, you should use the kill() system call to send it a SIGCONT signal. CourseNana.COM

  • Identify situations in which asynchronous execution of a signal handler could interfere with what is going on in the main program and use sigprocmask() to temporarily mask signals at such times.

Hand-in instructions

As usual, make sure your homework compiles before submitting. Test it carefully to be sure that doesn't crash or exhibit "flaky" behavior due to race conditions. Use valgrind to check for memory access errors and leaks. CourseNana.COM

Submit your work using git submit as usual. This homework's tag is: hw4. CourseNana.COM

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