- COM668 Project
Assessment and Feedback
Assessment and feedback
One staged coursework comprising four Assessment Tasks (perhaps easier to think of it as four individual pieces of coursework).
NB – All tasks must be submitted to successfully complete the module.
Task 1 not directly assessed
Task 2 contributes 30% of the module marks
Task 3 contributes 45% of the module marks
Task 4 contributes 25% of the module marks
Assessment rubrics are available in the Project Handbook
NB – All work products (including the final product) and the process of their creation will all be assessed
• We are looking for a good professional approach
Assessment is by panel (Supervisor and a second Marker)
Feedback usually available within 20 working days
Task 1
Concept proposal
Submission – one report (one a4 side)
• PDF only
Contribution to overall mark for COM668 is - zero,
Formative verbal feedback will be provided by the supervisor.
Concept Proposal - BRIEF
The concept proposal task results in a brief draft report that should propose a software development challenge to be addressed during the module. The proposal should: briefly describe the proposed concept; define the aim of the project; identify any resources required; and identify any intellectual property right concerns. The material in this report is not assessed but is required to facilitate agreement of a project challenge and early-stage review of the project proposal regarding ethics, health and safety, intellectual property rights, and validation against the BCS accreditation guideline for major projects.
Task 2•
Challenge Definition (Worth 30% of the overall marks for COM668)
Submission – one report (word count = 10,000 words)
• PDF only
Contribution to overall mark for COM668 is 30%
Summative written feedback will be provided by the supervisor and the second examiner
Challenge Definition – BRIEF
The challenge definition task results in a technical report that should define a software development challenge to be addressed during the module. The challenge definition report should describe the agreed concept, define the aim and objective of the project, investigate the related context (literature, similar solutions and societal constraints, e.g. data security and accessibility legislation), justify the selected software development process, define the requirements of the project; and assess the project risks. References should
be included where appropriate.
Task 3
Project Review (Worth 45% of the overall marks for COM668)
Submission – one report (word count = 15,000 words)
• PDF only
Contribution to overall mark for COM668 is 45%
Summative written feedback will be provided by the supervisor and the second examiner.
Project Review – BRIEF
The project review task results in a technical report that details and discusses the work undertaken during the project, and the resulting outcomes. The project report should: detail the design of the product and review the software implementation (plan, process, practice and tools), detail how verification, validation and testing were applied during the project, evaluate the project outcomes (including process and plan), and reflect on the student's own learning during the project.
Task 4
• •
Software Demonstration (Worth 25% of the overall marks for COM668)
Submission – one Video demonstration and one code listing
• Submission of code is advised.
• Potentially allowing examiners to clarify topics in video submission.
Contribution to overall mark for COM668 is 25%
Summative written feedback will be provided by the supervisor and second examiner.
Software Demonstration Brief
The software demonstration is a 15-minute presentation, recorded to video, comprising a software demonstration and code review. The presentation should provide insight into the scope and quality of the resulting software product, the extent to which it meets requirements and of the student's understanding of the underlying source code. Written summative feedback will be provided.
For all Tasks ...
Rubrics are available in the Module Handbook on Blackboard
Details about the process of submission and the stakeholders are available in the Module Handbook on Blackboard
Typical contents/approaches are available in the appendix of the Module Handbook on Blackboard
• Thereisalottodo
• At times, the schedule is busy
• This accumulates to a major piece of work (40 credit points)
• It is not going to be easy
COM668 Project
First steps
Initial Considerations
Make sure you can access Blackboard COM668 (46775 – Ulster Sem1 & 2).
• Beoncontinuallook-outforanyannouncementsmadefromthe site or indeed emails via your Ulster account
Review the structure and content of COM668 Blackboard site and become familiar with it.
Become familiar with the Ulster University Policy on Plagiarism, the details of which are on the Blackboard site.
• CheatingandPlagiarism(ulster.ac.uk)
First few weeks in a nutshell
• Week1and2
• Discuss & agree a concept proposal with your Supervisor (Mentor)
• Week3
• Submit agreed proposal to Blackboard, using form provided
• Week4
• Supervisor (Mentor) completes ethics and BCS review on your behalf
• Week1-onwards
Read Handbook
Watch lecture videos
Attend PSG meetings with your Supervisor (Mentor)
Ask questions if you have any
Start working towards Task 2
Start early and work consistently
COM668 Project
Next, meet your Supervisor (Mentor) Good Luck!