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[2021] UOW - CSCI251 Advanced Programming - C++ - Final Exam - Part A

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Part A: 16 questions worth 1mark each. (Total 16 Marks) 


1) What do exceptions allow us to separate? Give an example of when this separation is appropriate. CourseNana.COM


2) Explain what the idea that main() should tell a story means, particularly in procedural programming. CourseNana.COM


3) Function swapTwo() below is used by which method: pass by value or pass by reference? Explain what is the main difference between two methods. CourseNana.COM

void swapTwo(int& a, int& b){ CourseNana.COM

int tmp = a; CourseNana.COM

a = b; CourseNana.COM

b = tmp; CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM

4) How many types of overloading in C++? Give examples to illustrate. CourseNana.COM


5) The following code segment fails to initialize the array elements to 1. State the usage of the keyword auto. Rewrite the code segment so that it could work. CourseNana.COM


int *ptr = new int[7]; CourseNana.COM

for(auto& x : ptr) CourseNana.COM

x = 1; CourseNana.COM

6) Show two ways to insert “comments” in C++ code CourseNana.COM


7) An array name is often considered as a “constant pointer”  to an array. Consider the following statements and state whether there is any difference in terms of the byte size of ptr1 and ptr2. CourseNana.COM


int ptr1[5]; CourseNana.COM

int * const ptr2 = new int[5]; CourseNana.COM

8) What a loop in C++ is used for and when you would use one? CourseNana.COM


9) What is the role of a makefile? How to produce a makefile? CourseNana.COM

10) What are the roles of constructors and destructors, related to the lifetime of an object? Give an example header for a constructor and destructor for a class X. CourseNana.COM


11) How do static and dynamic libraries differ? Give one advantage of using each. CourseNana.COM


12) What does it mean to provide .h and .o files to a “client”? Why would we do this? CourseNana.COM


13) State one advantage of smart pointers (not iterators from STL) over regular pointers. CourseNana.COM


14) Explain the idea of class templates being blueprints of blueprints. CourseNana.COM


15) Describe a scenario where the use of an STL vectormakes more sense than the use of an STL CourseNana.COM

deque, STL set or STL map. Justify your answer. CourseNana.COM


16) Describe advantages of using a container class rather the classical array. CourseNana.COM

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