Question 5 (15 points) Approximately 15 mins
Scenario 5
When Edward Snowden (ES) wanted to contact journalists to share the information he had stolen from the NSA, he had a problem to overcome. He wanted to communicate via PGP (a public key encryption program) but couldn't communicate with the journalists because he didn't have their keys. To solve this problem, he used a trusted person, Micah Lee (ML) who was also a friend of the journalist Laura Poitras (LP). ES had the keys of ML.
Question 5.1 (15 points)
Using your knowledge of public key encryption, describe a sequence of messages to get ES the key he needed to communicate with LP. When answering, consider:
[1] What key did ES need to communicate with LP?
[2] How could he trust that he had the correct key from LP?
In all these communications, ES wanted all communications to be encrypted and to be sure that people could trust the sender's identity.
[3] Describe how ES, ML and EP could know with certainty that the sender of an email was the person they claimed to be?