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CS440 Programming Languages - Midterm Exam - Part 3: Interpreter modifications

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CS 440 Midterm Exam (Take-Home) CourseNana.COM

This midterm exam consists of 7 separate exercises --- 3 on recursion and lists, 3 on higher order functions, and 1 involving an addition to an interpreter. They are described below: CourseNana.COM

Part 3: Interpreter modifications CourseNana.COM

For this part you will add a case expression to the same interpreter provided for MP2. A CourseNana.COM

case expression has the following form: CourseNana.COM

(case TEST-EXPR [INT-VAL1 EXPR1] [INT-VAL2 EXPR2] ... CourseNana.COM

[else ELSE-EXPR]) CourseNana.COM

The TEST-EXPR is first evaluated, and its result is compared to the various INT-VALs --- if one matches, the corresponding EXPR is evaluated and becomes the result of the case expressions. If none of the INT-VALs match, the ELSE-EXPR is evaluated. CourseNana.COM

E.g., CourseNana.COM

> (case 1 [1 10] [3 20] [5 30] CourseNana.COM

[else 40]) 10 CourseNana.COM

> (case (+ 2 3) [1 (* 2 3)] [3 (+ 3 4)] CourseNana.COM

[5 (* 2 (+ 3 8))] CourseNana.COM

[else (+ 30 10)])))) 22 CourseNana.COM

You may choose to implement the
case statement either by desugaring it to if expressions or by modifying the eval function directly. If you choose to use desugaring, feel free to reuse your code from MP2. CourseNana.COM

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