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[2021] CMPSC311 Introduction to Systems Programming - Q7 Prevent Race Condition

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Question 7 CourseNana.COM


Your city has an online vaccine reservation portal. Two functions make_reservation and cancel_reservation are shown below. Multiple users can simultaneously call the functions. CourseNana.COM


1.    Describe one race condition CourseNana.COM

2.    Assume you have a mutex lock named mutex with the operation mutex.acquire() and mutex.release(). Indicate where the locking needs to be placed to prevent all race conditions. You don't need to worry about performance. CourseNana.COM


#define MAX_SEAT 255 int num_of_people = 0; CourseNana.COM


int make_reservation() { CourseNana.COM

int id; CourseNana.COM


if (num_of_people == MAX_SEAT) { CourseNana.COM

id = -1; CourseNana.COM

} else { CourseNana.COM

++num_of_people; CourseNana.COM

id = register_user(); CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM


return id; CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM


void cancel_reservation(int id) { CourseNana.COM

if (is_valid_user(id)) { CourseNana.COM

--num_of_people; CourseNana.COM

deregister_user(id); CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM

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