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[2021] CMPSC311 Introduction to Systems Programming - Q8 Cache

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Question 8 CourseNana.COM


In assignment 4, we implemented the cache_create function to dynamically allocate memory space for num_entries cache entries. We also implemented the cache_destroy function to deallocate that memory space. Below is a partial implementation of the cache_create and cache_destroy functions: CourseNana.COM


int cache_create(int num_entries) { CourseNana.COM

int ret_value = -1; CourseNana.COM

if (cache == NULL && num_entries >= 2 && num_entries <= 4096) { CourseNana.COM

cache = __[1]___(__[2]__, __[3]__);  // Allocate cache CourseNana.COM

if (cache != NULL) { CourseNana.COM

cache_size = num_entries; CourseNana.COM

ret_value = 1; CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM


} CourseNana.COM

return ret_value; CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM


int cache_destroy(void) { CourseNana.COM

int ret_value = -1; CourseNana.COM

if (cache != NULL) { CourseNana.COM

__[4]___(__[5]__); // Deallocate cache CourseNana.COM

cache = __[6]__; // Avoid dangling pointer CourseNana.COM

cache_size = 0; CourseNana.COM

ret_value = 1; CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM

return ret_value; CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM


Please specify what goes into the blanks marked with [numbers]. Below are some hints for each blank: CourseNana.COM


[1]. Function name. CourseNana.COM

[2]. First parameter. CourseNana.COM

[3]. Second parameter. CourseNana.COM

[4]. Function name. CourseNana.COM

[5]. Parameter. CourseNana.COM

[6]. Value assigned to cache. CourseNana.COM


FYI: cache is the global pointer variable of type cache_entry_t * that stores the address of the dynamically allocated memory space, and cache_size is the global variable of type int that stores the number of entries of the cache. CourseNana.COM

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