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[2020] CMPSC311 Introduction to Systems Programming - Q14 Performance Speedup

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Question 14 CourseNana.COM


Suppose you have a program with 3 modules (a), (b), and (c). The total run time of the program is 1000ms, and the modules run for 10%, 40%and 50% of that time respectively. You modify the code to improve each module. The improvements lead to the modules speeding up 80%, 20%and 90% respectively. Answer each of the following questions: CourseNana.COM

What is the speedup s for (a)? CourseNana.COM

What is the speedup s for (b)? CourseNana.COM

What is the speedup s for (c)? CourseNana.COM

What is the total improved execution time? CourseNana.COM

What is the speedup s for the entire program? CourseNana.COM

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