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[2020] CMPSC311 Introduction to Systems Programming - Q13 I/O Throughput

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Question 13 CourseNana.COM


You have a sequential transaction system that processes incoming requests at a rate of 4 per second, of which 60% of that time is spent waiting for I/O. Answer the following questions: CourseNana.COM

1. (1 pts) What is the total time spent waiting for I/O per transaction (in milliseconds)? CourseNana.COM

2. (1 pts) What it the total time in computation for each transaction? CourseNana.COM

Now assume you are transitioning the system to be concurrent. CourseNana.COM

3. (4 pts) Assume that the concurrency overhead is 10% of the computation time, what is the transactions per second? CourseNana.COM

4. (4 pts) What is the theoretical maximum throughput (in TPS) that the system could ever achieve? CourseNana.COM

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