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[2021] CMPSC311 Introduction to Systems Programming - Q10 Performance Optimization

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Question 10 CourseNana.COM


We have 4 modules each being measured before and after optimization, as shown below. Now suppose that the runtime of the original execution is 2000 usec. What is the speedup? CourseNana.COM



Module CourseNana.COM

Before optimization(usec) CourseNana.COM

After optimization(usec) CourseNana.COM

A CourseNana.COM

200 CourseNana.COM

60 CourseNana.COM

B CourseNana.COM

450 CourseNana.COM

11 CourseNana.COM

C CourseNana.COM

1000 CourseNana.COM

600 CourseNana.COM

D CourseNana.COM

125 CourseNana.COM

1 CourseNana.COM

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