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[2021] CMPSC311 Introduction to Systems Programming - Q11 Parallel Sum

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Question 11 CourseNana.COM


The following program declares a global integer array called x with 1000 elements. It then launches two threads to sum the elements of the array in parallel. The first thread adds the first 500 elements of x and the second thread adds the second 500elements of the array. After they return, the main function adds the results returned from both threads and prints out the result. Please specify what goes into the blanks numbered [1] through [8]. CourseNana.COM


int x[1000]; CourseNana.COM

typedef struct { CourseNana.COM

int *array; CourseNana.COM

int size; CourseNana.COM

} arg_t; CourseNana.COM


void *sum_array(void *a) { CourseNana.COM

arg_t *arg = a; CourseNana.COM

int *sum = __[1]__; CourseNana.COM

*sum = 0; CourseNana.COM


for (int i = 0; i < arg->size; ++i) CourseNana.COM

*sum += __[2]__; CourseNana.COM


return sum; CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM

int main(void) { CourseNana.COM

pthread_t t1, t2; CourseNana.COM

arg_t arg1 = {__[3]__, 500}, arg2 = {x + 500, __[4]__}; CourseNana.COM

pthread_create(&t1, NULL, sum_array, __[5]__); CourseNana.COM

pthread_create(&t2, NULL, __[6]__, &arg2); CourseNana.COM


int *sum1, *sum2; CourseNana.COM

pthread_join(t1, __[7]__); CourseNana.COM

pthread_join(t2, __[8]__); CourseNana.COM


int sum = *sum1 + *sum2; CourseNana.COM

printf("sum is = %d\n", sum); CourseNana.COM

} CourseNana.COM


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