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CPEN 221 Principles of Software Construction - Mini Project: n-grams, Autocompletion, and Gender Bias
CPEN 221CPEN221Principles of Software Constructionn-gramsAutocompletionsentiment analysis
In this mini-project you will learn a bit about both of these ideas, and you will get to explore some methods for sentiment analysis.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development - Project 2 - Shadow Dimension: Role-playing Game (Second Part)
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Java
Welcome to the first project for SWEN20003, Semester 2, 2022. Across Project 1 and 2, you will design and create a fantasy role-playing game in Java called ShadowDimension (inspired by Stranger Things). In this project, you will create the first level of the full game that you will complete in Project 2B.
CSCI-GA 3033-009 Rigorous Software Development - Programming Project 1 - Perfect Minesweeper Solver
Rigorous Software DevelopmentMinesweeper SolverJava
The goal of this project is to implement a minesweeper game together with a perfect minesweeper solver. The game is played on a two-dimensional grid of cells that may contain mines. The player wins the game if all cells containing mines have been marked.
CPT106 C++ Programming and Software Engineering II - Project 2: Fundamental of class and object
XJTLUCPT106C++ Programming and Software Engineering IIC++Fundamental of class and object
The class contains three data members, denoting the year, the 3 -letter abbreviation of the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) and the date (Note that it is assumed that, for this assignment, Feb. has 28 days.).
[2022] COMP(2041|9044) 22T2 Software Construction — Week 06 Weekly Test Questions
COMP9044Softeware ConstructionWeekly Test QuestionsUNSW
COMP(2041|9044) 22T2 Software Construction — Week 06 Weekly Test Questions. Set up for the test by creating a new directory called test06 and changing to this directory.
[2022] COMP1531 Software Engineering Fundamentals - Major Project: Treats Backend Javascript Server
Software Engineering Fundamentals COMP6080UNSWProgramming HelpJavascript
The 22T2 cohort of COMP1531 students will build the backend Javascript server for a new communication platform, UNSW Treats (or just Treats for short). I plan to task future COMP6080 students to build the front-end for Treats, something you won't have to worry about.
[2022] Queensland - CSSE6400 Software Architecture - Assessment - Capstone Project
CSSE6400Software Architecture Documenting an ArchitectureCapstone Project
Now, as the capstone project, you are required to propose a non-trivial software project, identify the primary quality attributes which would enable success of the project, design an architecture suitable for the aims of the project, deploy the architecture, utlising any techniques you have learnt in or out of the course, and evaluate and report on the success of the software project.
[2022] Queensland - CSSE6400 Software Architecture - Assessment - Case Study Presentation
CSSE6400Software Architecture Documenting an ArchitectureCase Study Presentation
In this assignment, you will be asked to demonstrate your ability to understand, communicate, and critique an architecture of an existing software project.
ProgSD Team Project Specification 2023: E-Vehicle Share System
Your task is to create a software system to support an electric vehicle share programme. You need to create a functioning end-to-end prototype and demonstrate it with appropriate data. Your product is meant to provide an interface for customers to reserve and return vehicles and to pay their bills; for operators to assess the state of the vehicles in the system and make changes; and for managers to view usage reports.
[2022]Deakin - SIT323 Practical Software Development - Assessment Task 2
AzureWCF Service Software Development
You need to create software to help determine a set of allocations such that each allocation specifies which tasks are allocated to run on a particular processor. These allocations are based on data from within a configuration file.
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