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[2022] Queensland - CSSE6400 Software Architecture - Assessment - Case Study Presentation

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The University of QueenslandCSSE6400Software Architecture Documenting an ArchitectureCase Study Presentation

Case Study Presentation Software Architecture CourseNana.COM

Semester 1, 2022 CourseNana.COM


Summary CourseNana.COM

In this assignment, you will be asked to demonstrate your ability to understand, communicate, and critique an architecture of an existing software project. CourseNana.COM

1. You will present the key information about the architecture of the project you documented in your case study assignment to your practical class. CourseNana.COM

2. This will include an updated critique of the architecture and any other relevant updates to the information originally provided in your report. CourseNana.COM


1 Introduction CourseNana.COM


You will give a presentation describing the project you selected for the documentation assignment. The intent is to give everyone in the course a broader view of howsoftware architectures are used to solve problems. CourseNana.COM


Your presentation should take advantage of what you have learnt in this course since you submitted your documentation report. This may allow you to provide a more insightful critique of the architecture or to provide a more accurate description of the project’s architecture. CourseNana.COM


2 Presentation Content CourseNana.COM


You are free to structure your presentation however you wish, though you should use some form of slides to support the delivery of information. Your presentation needs to deliver the following content. CourseNana.COM


Title Slide                   Name of the software project, and your name and student number. CourseNana.COM

Introduction                Describe the software project, explaining the its key functionality and target users. CourseNana.COM

Quality Attributes       Describe the quality attributes of most importance to the project. CourseNana.COM

Context                       Provide an overview of the software system’s context and its external dependencies. CourseNana.COM

Architecture                Describe the software’s architecture. CourseNana.COM

Critique                       Analyse the software’s architecture, describing how well it delivers its ASRs1. CourseNana.COM

Conclusion                  Highlight the key points or lessons learnt about the software’s architecture. CourseNana.COM


Your presentation should introduce the software project. Give an elevator pitch style summary of what problem the project solves and its key features. Describe which quality attributes you think are most important for the project, and why. Describe the project’s software architecture. Use appropriate views and notation to convey the important aspects of its architecture. Summarise your critique of the software architecture, highlighting howwell it supports delivering the project’s architecturally significant requirements. CourseNana.COM


Your audience is other students in this course. You may assume the audience has knowledge of the course content, though you should not assume they are familiar with the project you are describing. CourseNana.COM


2.1 Citations & References CourseNana.COM


You may cite references in your presentation to support the points you are making. These should be cited and referenced using the IEEE referencing style. The final slide(s) of your presentation should include the references to any cited material. You should display the reference slide(s) for about 3 seconds at the end of your presentation. You are not required to speak to the reference slides, aside from possibly thanking CourseNana.COM

your audience for listening and stating these are your references. CourseNana.COM


3 Presentation CourseNana.COM


Presentations will take place in your practical class sessions during weeks 10 to 13. You will have a maximum of eight minutes for your presentation, plus three minutes for questions. There is no minimum time required for your presentation, it is up to you to determine when you have described all relevant information about the software architecture within your eight minute limit. CourseNana.COM


If your presentation exceeds eight minutes, the marker will ask you to stop your presentation. No content of your presentation past eight minutes will be marked. CourseNana.COM


4 Identity Verification CourseNana.COM


The presentation is an identity verified assignment. You must make your presentation in-person. The marked result of your presentation will be used to determine any caps applied to your grade. (That means a late penalty on the submission of your slides will not affect the mark used to determine a grade cap.) CourseNana.COM


The first slide of your presentation must contain your full name, as recorded in UQ’s student enrolment system, and student number. CourseNana.COM


4.1 Online Identity Verification CourseNana.COM


If you are presenting online, at the start of your presentation youmust show your UQ student card (it does not matter if yourUQstudent card has expired), or official government photo id that shows your full name. CourseNana.COM


Your id must be clearly visible for at least 3 seconds. If a marker cannot view your card clearly enough, they will ask you to move it so it is clearly readable. CourseNana.COM


If your government id does not show your name in Roman characters, as recorded in UQ’s student enrolment system, you need to include a clear image of your government id on your first slide and a textual representation of your name that can be selected and copied from your slide so that it may be pasted into a translator. (e.g. If you use your China Resident Identity Card, you must provide clear images of the front and back of the card. You also need to provide a textual representation of your name in Chinese characters, e.g. 蒙晶.) CourseNana.COM


Your face must be visible throughout the presentation to show that you are the one speaking during the presentation. This may be through Zoom’s participants window. If you cannot arrange for your face to be visible throughout the presentation, youmust contact the course coordinator before 3 May 2022 to discuss your constraints. CourseNana.COM


4.2 On-Campus Indentity Verification CourseNana.COM


If you are presenting on-campus, at the start of the practical session in which you are presenting youmust show the marker your valid UQ student card. Like in an exam situation, if you have lost your student card you must obtain a temporary identity verification document from the UQ student centre before the presentation. CourseNana.COM





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