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Web Server Technology - Coursework 2: PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Site - Online Music System

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UKUWSUniversity of the West of ScotlandWeb Server TechnologyOnline Music SystemPHP/MySQL Database-driven Web SitePHPMySQL

PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Site - Online Music System CourseNana.COM


The aim of the project is to develop a fully functional Web site by working as a team with other students, 5 students per group. Each team should elect one team leader. As a small development team, you are going to develop a Web based song playing system, allowing user to create personal playlists of songs based on their musical tastes such as a user's favourite songs and moods. Songs could be rated by users. Users also have the option to turn on/off explicit lyrics while listening to the songs. CourseNana.COM

The online music website will be implemented using PHP, MySQL, XHTML and JavaScript when necessary. CourseNana.COM

The online Web site will be made available on your Apache Web Server. Objectives CourseNana.COM

• Manage the development and maintenance of Web Application. CourseNana.COM

• Develop server-side application. CourseNana.COM

• Interface application with a database. CourseNana.COM

• Design and implement basic database-driven websites appropriate to a given objective CourseNana.COM

Tasks CourseNana.COM

In order to evaluate your possible contribution, we would like each team to develop a number of database-driven web pages, using PHP programming language and MySQL database system, meeting at least the following criteria: CourseNana.COM

1. The system should support three type of users: Editor, Registered User and Guest user. CourseNana.COM

1.1.  Editor, who is system administrator, can do anything on the system such as delete a user, add or delete playlist and songs. Editor’s login username is ‘root’ and default password is ‘localhost1’. CourseNana.COM

1.2.  Registered user can only manage content related to his/her own account. For example, add, amend or delete his/her playlist. CourseNana.COM

2.     A database should consist of various tables of songs, moods, users and playlist etc. It must include at least 50 different Chinese songs and at most 3 English songs of your own choice. Ideally the chosen songs should be your genuine favorite songs. At least 5 different Moods must be included. Each mood should link to at least 6 different songs. Each song might link to two or more moods. There are two type of playlists: user playlist and editor playlist. Editor playlist consists of pre-selected songs (at least 6 songs each). At least 7 editor playlists should be included. Songs between different playlist may be overlapping but cannot exceed 20% on each playlist. You can choose any name for the 7 editor playlists. CourseNana.COM

2.1. Song information must include, at least, song name (Chinese song should be in Pinyin and Chinese, songID, lyrics, playlist, duration, and locationID. You need a SongPool table to keep song location information. CourseNana.COM

2.2. Song track is in MP3 format. CourseNana.COM

2.3. The database should include all appropriate moods, editor playlist information, as well as appropriate information of users and their comments etc. CourseNana.COM

3.     The song web site presents a home page with a menu bar on the top of the web page, which should include at least Home, Library, Playlist, Search and Login menu. You can choose your own Web site name. CourseNana.COM

3.1. Library and Editor’s playlists are displayed by default for all users all the time. Library should be able to show all songs based on the time the song was added in the database. For example, the last added song will be displayed on the top and played first. CourseNana.COM

3.2. Users can click a song from the Library or any playlist to play the song. Viewing number of the song is displayed. When the selected song finishes playing, the system will play the next song available in the Library or playlist automatically. CourseNana.COM

Advanced functions CourseNana.COM

You can implement many advanced functions in addition to what are listed below. The more the better. For examples: CourseNana.COM

  1. The Editor can put 3 songs at the top of Library all the time, can upload, add/remove songs, edit playlists/Library and songPool through online form. Editors can hide viewing number of songs, enable/disable visibility of songs in Editor’s playlist and Library in order to customize the visibility of certain songs to public and registered users.
  2. Editor can reverse and shuffle the order of songs displayed in the Library and Editor’s playlists
  3. Registered users have the option to turn on/off explicit lyrics while listening to songs.
  1. The Library shown to the registered users (VIP user) may contain more songs than the Library shown to the public.
  2. Provide an English version and Chinese version of the site, and users can have options to switch between two versions.
  3. Editor can customize the settings of the system such as web site name, editor username, password, database name, the max number of the playlist for different type of users. Is it possible reset it via a global configuration file which can update the whole system in one go?
  4. The same song could have multiple versions such as test version and production version. How to design the database to store and manage the relevant information as well as song location for different versions?
  5. User could rate a song on a 5-star, like/dislike (depending on one's preference) scale. How can the system use those ratings to create personalized lists of songs based on user’s favourite songs, moods or playlists?
  6. If a user has not participated in the rating system, how can the system recommend similar songs or even songs recommended by users with similar musical tastes?

Team Report CourseNana.COM

Each team needs to submit one team report via the module Moodle site and must include the following sections: CourseNana.COM

a)  Cover page (Web site name, Team members’ student IDs and full names) CourseNana.COM

b)  Table of contents CourseNana.COM

c)  A team work report. The report must include the following as a minimum. CourseNana.COM

d)  Design and implementation of the online music system CourseNana.COM

Describe the overall design of the online system, database and your code structure. You should explain how you implemented each main function/component, and any other details that you consider essential for understanding how your system works. You may use diagrams to help in your description. All components must be covered in detail. This should include details about the design and implementation. You should comment on how the components interact, how they are used and accessed and highlight features beyond the required specification. CourseNana.COM

e)  Testing CourseNana.COM

You need to test your system thoroughly. All test procedures and results need to be fully documented. CourseNana.COM

f)  Evaluation CourseNana.COM

You should include a critique of the overall system design along with suggestions for variations in the system. You will also need to provide a critique on the components. In writing this section, you need to consider the following: CourseNana.COM

g)  Conclusions: CourseNana.COM

You should include a brief summary of the work done, analysis of your achievements and system limitations, suggestions for future work. CourseNana.COM

h)  Appendix:
Instructions on how to install and run your system.

i)  Program code:
This must include all the source code files and any other resources necessary to run your system.
This must be submitted in a separate ZIP archive. CourseNana.COM

Your code should match your structure chart and report. In your source code, you are required to adhere to the following coding standards: CourseNana.COM

●  You should use descriptive names for all of your variables and methods. CourseNana.COM

●  You should include a good comment. You should include appropriate inline commenting in the code detailing its functions. CourseNana.COM

●  You should use a consistent and readable scheme for indentation, spacing and blank lines. CourseNana.COM

System Demonstration CourseNana.COM

The SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION will consist of the following: CourseNana.COM

●  Demonstration of installation – start from a zip file containing all song mp3 files, PHP/HTML, other scripts and MySQL database in a folder named using group leader’s studentID_last2digitsOfGroupMember1ID_last2digitsOfGroupMember2ID_last2digits OfGroupMember3ID_etc. For example, ‘sa202221011_12_13_14_15’ as the zip file name. CourseNana.COM

Then extract it and install it on a ‘clean’ system with only XAMPP as originally installed. And the web server on the running XAMPP should not require reconfiguration during the demonstration.
The site will be approached by http://localhost/sa202221011_12_13_14_15.

●  The username of MySQL database is ‘root’ and no password is needed. The database name is the same as the folder name required as above. CourseNana.COM

●  Demonstration of the working system – your system will be put through a number of test situations to see how your system reacts/handles them. CourseNana.COM

●  Inspection of the program code and discussion of the code structure and design – you will be required to explain and discuss your program design, and to demonstrate your familiarity with the code. CourseNana.COM

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UK代写,UWS代写,University of the West of Scotland代写,Web Server Technology代写,Online Music System代写,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Site代写,PHP代写,MySQL代写,UK代编,UWS代编,University of the West of Scotland代编,Web Server Technology代编,Online Music System代编,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Site代编,PHP代编,MySQL代编,UK代考,UWS代考,University of the West of Scotland代考,Web Server Technology代考,Online Music System代考,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Site代考,PHP代考,MySQL代考,UKhelp,UWShelp,University of the West of Scotlandhelp,Web Server Technologyhelp,Online Music Systemhelp,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Sitehelp,PHPhelp,MySQLhelp,UK作业代写,UWS作业代写,University of the West of Scotland作业代写,Web Server Technology作业代写,Online Music System作业代写,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Site作业代写,PHP作业代写,MySQL作业代写,UK编程代写,UWS编程代写,University of the West of Scotland编程代写,Web Server Technology编程代写,Online Music System编程代写,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Site编程代写,PHP编程代写,MySQL编程代写,UKprogramming help,UWSprogramming help,University of the West of Scotlandprogramming help,Web Server Technologyprogramming help,Online Music Systemprogramming help,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Siteprogramming help,PHPprogramming help,MySQLprogramming help,UKassignment help,UWSassignment help,University of the West of Scotlandassignment help,Web Server Technologyassignment help,Online Music Systemassignment help,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Siteassignment help,PHPassignment help,MySQLassignment help,UKsolution,UWSsolution,University of the West of Scotlandsolution,Web Server Technologysolution,Online Music Systemsolution,PHP/MySQL Database-driven Web Sitesolution,PHPsolution,MySQLsolution,