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Web application Development Project: Northwind sales enterprise

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UKUWSWeb application DevelopmentNorthwind sales enterpriseASP

Project Brief for Resit

You are required to create a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) web application that will let the user to manage the Northwind sales enterprise. CourseNana.COM

Before You Begin

You will: • Create a Web application named Resit inside a folder with the same name • Use the SQLite database named Northwind.db You are required to create your CRUD web application using ASP.NET Core, and either Razor or MVC. You cannot use other technologies like old style ASPX or PHP. You cannot use SQL Server or MySQL, rather, you must use SQLite. CourseNana.COM

Detailed Specification & Marking Scheme

Fit for Purpose (5 marks)

• The CRUD web application you create must be simple and intuitive to use (5 marks) CourseNana.COM

Reading Records (30 marks)

• The user must be able to list and view Customers (from the Customers table) (10 marks) • The user must be able to list and view Orders (from the Order and Order Details tables) (10 marks) • On the order view page, all related information must be provided. For example, Customer and Product information of the order must be viewable (5 marks) • On the customer view page, the orders of that particular customer must be listed and be clickable. When clicked, that particular order must be viewed in detail (5 marks) CourseNana.COM

Creating Records (20 marks)

• The user must be able to add new Customers to the Customers table (10 marks) • The user must be able to add new Orders to the Order and Order Details tables (10 marks) CourseNana.COM

Updating Records (20 marks)

• The user must be able to update Customers inside the Customers table (10 marks) • The user must be able to update Orders inside the Orders and Order Details tables (10 marks) CourseNana.COM

Deleting Records (15 marks)

• The user must be able to delete Customers from the Customers table (5 marks) • The user must be able to delete Orders from the Order table (5 marks) • A “confirmation pop-up” must be used to ensure no record is accidentally deleted. (5 marks) CourseNana.COM

Documentation (10 marks)

• You are required to write a “step-by-step user guide” that will allow the user to work with your CRUD web application. Please include screenshots as appropriate. In writing this documentation – assume that the eventual end user of your CRUD web application has absolutely NO programming experience! CourseNana.COM

Provide two document files with names in the following format: your-id-number-your-fullname.docx and .pdf (example: sa12345678-Volkan-Tunali.docx and sa12345678-Volkan-Tunali.pdf) CourseNana.COM

After You Finish

Place your documentation inside your Resit folder Zip up your Resit folder (including your CRUD web application and documentation). *** MAKE SURE YOU UPLOAD YOUR ZIPPED PROJECT TO MOODLE BEFORE THE RESIT DEADLINE CourseNana.COM

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