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Unstructured Data - Assignment 2: Transformer models for semantic search and for language generation.

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PythonTransformersemantic searchlanguage generationhuggingfaceUnstructured DataEmbeddingsGPTGenerative Language Models

Unstructured Data - Assignment 2

23 February 2023 CourseNana.COM

Assignment 2

In this assignment, you will use various transformer models for semantic search and for language generation. We will be using the transformers python package from huggingface; note that this package will automatically download language models as required the first time the code is run, and they can be quite large. (The entire assignment might download a few GB.) You might want to do this on campus, depending on your internet situation. CourseNana.COM

This assignment is to be done individually. You may discuss the project with your classmates, but the work you turn in should be your own. CourseNana.COM

Part 1 - Comparing and Using Embeddings


The main goal of this part of the assignment is to experiment with different embedding techniques in an information retrieval context. It also reinforces the definition and use of the json format. CourseNana.COM


This assignment will use python. We will use the sentence-transformers python package and its dependencies. CourseNana.COM

https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers CourseNana.COM

If you have python installed on your machine, you can use CourseNana.COM

pip3 install -U sentence-transformers

If you do not have python, you can install conda from https://anaconda.org/ and then install sentence-transformers with CourseNana.COM

conda install -c conda-forge sentence-transformers

If you are already familiar with python and conda environments, you can work however you wish. CourseNana.COM

Use the provided A2Part1.py file as a template, and the attached file tweets-utf-8.json.zip, which contains tweets geolocated to London and Ottawa over a period of time in 2017. Unzip this prior to starting. CourseNana.COM


Coding (40 pts)

  1. Write a function get_tweets() that uses the json python package to read the tweets from tweets-utf-8.json and produces a list of strings that contain the text of each tweet. (Each line of tweets-utf-8.json contains one json object.) CourseNana.COM

  2. Write a function sort_by_sim(query_embedding,document_embeddings,documents) that takes the embedding of a query document, a list of document embeddings, and a list of the corresponding documents, and returns a list of pairs of the form (similarity,document), sorted in decreasing order according to cosine similarity between each document and the query. You can use any packages you like; note that numpy has a dot function. If a similarity computation would involve a divide by zero, define the similarity to be 0 instead (This is not correct, but is OK for our purposes.) CourseNana.COM

  3. Write a function top25_glove() that returns the top 25 most similar tweets (as (similarity,document) pairs) to the query “I am looking for a job.” using the glove-based sentence embedding defined here: https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/average_word_embeddings_glove.840B.300d CourseNana.COM

  4. Write a function top25_minilm() that returns the top 25 most similar tweets (as (similarity,document) pairs) to the query “I am looking for a job.” using the MiniLM-based (derived from BERT) sentence embedding defined here: https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 FYI - this model takes quite a bit longer to run (almost 10 minutes on my laptop). CourseNana.COM

Intepreting (10 pts)

Answer the following questions in a file called A2Part1.txt. CourseNana.COM

Examine the output from both models given our test query, “I am looking for a job.” CourseNana.COM

  1. Identify two differences in the overall results of the two methods and explain why these differences might be occurring. CourseNana.COM

  2. Try out the query in Twitter’s own search on their website. (Note you don’t need an account to try it.) Do you think Twitter might be using a semantic search technique like the ones you tried? Why or why not? CourseNana.COM

Part 1 Deliverables

Submit your A2Part1.py and A2Part1.txt files as an attachment on OWL. Submissions will only be accepted through OWL. CourseNana.COM

Part 2 - Using Generative Language Models


To learn about how generative language models can be used in practice, focusing on GPT-2. CourseNana.COM


This part uses the transformers package which can be installed with conda or pip. CourseNana.COM

Questions (25 pts)

  1. Write a script that generates a “story” using a local GPT-2 model. Your story should: 1) be at least 100 words long; 2) not have repeated phrases; and 3) be the same every time your script is run. It might be nonsensical and/or hilarious. Use the skeleton code provided in A2Part2.py as a starting point, and https://huggingface.co/blog/how-to-generate as a reference document. Record your story in a file called A2Part2.txt.

Note that the provided A2Part2.py uses pytorch rather than the older TensorFlow which is used in the reference document. The syntax is pretty much identical except for the setup, which we provided. If you really want to use TensorFlow instead, that’s fine too. CourseNana.COM

Part 2 Deliverables

Submit your A2Part2.py as an attachment on OWL along with your story in a file A2Part2.txt. Submissions will only be accepted through OWL. CourseNana.COM


Your owl submission should include the following attachments and no additional files: CourseNana.COM


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