System Programming (CSE4009 - 24448) - Project 2 - WL-Aware GC
System Programming (CSE4009 – 24448)
Project 2 – WL-Aware GC
• Goal
• You observe how wear imbalance shortens the device lifetime
• You modify the existing GC mechanism to take wear leveling into account
• You explore the impact of varying a parameter of your modified GC mechanism
• Outcome
• Implementation of a new (WL-aware) GC mechanism
• Evaluation of the modified GC mechanism (in terms of the device lifetime)
• Submission
• Write a team slide (in Korean or English) and submit it (in pdf format) with your code to LMS
• Deadline: by midnight on Dec. 10 (Sunday)
• Each team has a individual meeting (evaluation interview) with me on Dec. 8, 11, 12, or 15
• Grading (a total of 50 points)
• Slides and code: 20 points (the details can be found in the following slides)
• Interview: 10 points
• Peer review: 20 points
WL-Aware GC (1)
• WL mechanisms can be divided into two groups: dynamic and static WL
• Static WL triggers explicit data movement operations, which may be challenging to you
• We will implement a simple dynamic WL mechanism
• The current implementation of GC victim block selection
• Line (a group of blocks from different LUNs) is the unit of GC
• The line which include the minimum number of valid pages is selected as a victim lime
• Such a decision is to minimize the GC overhead (coming from the valid page migration)
• However, doing so may not be a promising approach in terms of device lifetime
If cold data are accommodated in a few specific lines, they would not be selected as victim
lines, since few page will be invalidated
However, the other lines will continue to be selected as victim lines, and their erase counts will increase
Consequently, the SSD can experience a wear imbalance across different lines
• How about modifying the victim line selection to consider wear-leveling?
WL-Aware GC (2)
• Your can modify the GC victim line selection to be aware of wear-leveling
Each candidate line can be evaluate based on the following two criteria
(1) The number of valid pages
(2) The erase count
Considering both the criteria indicates that we want to select a victim line even if it can increase GC overheads (due to its many valid pages), since doing so can increase its erase count (for the purpose of wear-leveling)
• We can define a metric, “victim score”, which can be calculated as follows:
• victim score = (valid_page_count / pages_per_line)*𝛼 + (erase_count / MAX_PE_CYCLES)*𝛽
• 𝛼, 𝛽 determine which condition do you prefer? Do you want to highlight GC efficiency? Or, do you want to highlight the result of WL?
• By adjusting the those values, you preference can be reflected to the GC mechanism • The line whose victim score is the minimum is selected as a victim
WL-Agnostic GC VS WL-Aware GC • Existing victim line selection
Line 1
block block block block
# of valid pages: 9 Erase count: 16
Line 1 selected
Line 2
block block block block
# of valid pages: 12 Erase count: 3
• Your modified victim line selection
Line 1 # of valid pages: 9 Erase count: 16
block block block block
If 𝛼 = 0.5 and 𝛽 = 0.5 & MAX_PE_CYCLES = 64
Line 1: 0.5*(9/16) + 0.5*(16/64) = 0.406
Line 2: 0.5*(12/16) + 0.5*(3/64) = 0.398
Line 2 selected! (0.406 > 0.398)
Line 2
block block block block
# of valid pages: 12 Erase count: 3
Fixed Device & Workload Configuration
1GB (0.75GB, 25% OP) SSD Setting
Use this setting only
Assume MAX_PE_CYCLES = 64 (when the erase count of any line reaches 64, your SSD is dead)
• fio
direct = 1
bs = 16k
size = 180M
numjobs = 4
runtime = 1800
rw = randrw
random_distribution = zipf:1.2
The Contents of Your Slides
Your slides should include (i) code-level implementation, (ii) graphs, and (iii) the corresponding analysis
You execute the workload by varying 𝛼 & 𝛽 values
• (i)0&1,(ii)0.25&0.75,(iii)0.5&0.5,(iv)0.75&0.25,and(v)1&0 -
[Graph 1] (X-axis) 𝛼 & 𝛽 pair VS (Y-axis) # of host write I/O requests
When the erase count of any line reaches 64, your SSD is dead
Count the total number of write I/O requests till your SSD is dead
Just single graph
[Graph 2] (X-axis) line number VS (Y-axis) erase count
When the erase count of any line reaches 64, your SSD is dead
When your SSD is dead, count the erase count of each line
Generate this graph for each 𝛼 & 𝛽 pair
This graphs can visualize the wear imbalance status of an SSD
A total of 5 graphs
• •
A total of 50 points
Slides & code: 20 points
Code review: 10 points
Graph 1 & its analysis: 5 points
Graph 2 & its analysis: 5 points
Note that each graph should be followed by the corresponding analysis/explanation
Interview: 10 points (you may receive the following questions)
What are the challenges in doing the project?
Explain the impact of 𝛼 & 𝛽 values
Who contributes the most or the least?
Peer review: 20 points
You’ll grade your team members (points 0~20), which is never known to them
After the submission, we’ll let you know how to do peer review
Extra Lab Sessions
• For the team may suffer from securing computing resources, we’ll offer a limited number of lab sessions
• You can use the machines in Building 311- Room 512
• 19:00 ~ 22:00 (3 hours)
• On every Tuesday and Thursday
• You should ask TA to access the room in advance
• Only project-related activities are allowed • Only class students can come and work