STAT605: Data Science Computing Project
Homework 3: Distributed Computing via Slurm and the Statistics High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster
1. Login to a suitable HPC computer.
- Use lunchbox only for editing and running Slurm commands that launch and manage jobs. (Do not run computations on lunchbox, as it cannot handle computations from many people.)
- Run cd /workspace/<STATuser> to work in a directory the compute nodes can read. (They cannot read your home directory.)
(Optional: Run srun --pty /bin/bash to get an interactive job on a compute node where you can run and debug computations from a terminal. I do this from within the emacs shell. You may ignore the message “bash: .../.bashrc: Permission denied” which occurs be- cause the compute nodes cannot read your home directory.)
2. Solve the mtcars exercise at
Hint: I recommend that you now go to step (4) and turn in an incomplete but working version of your work. (We will grade your last submission before the deadline.)
Since this exercise (2) started as group work, it is ok for your solution to look like the solution of members of your group. For exercise (3), below, you should do independent work, so your solution should not look like other students’ solutions.
3. Read, which links to and de- scribes data on all U.S. flights in the period 1987-2008. Find out, for departures from Madison:
- How far you can get in one flight?
- What is the average departure delay for each day of the week?
To do this, write a program and supporting scripts to:
(a) Run 22 parallel jobs, one for each year from 1987 to 2008. The first job should:
i. download the 1987 data via
wget ii. unzip the 1987 data via bzip2 -d 1987.csv.bz2
iii. useashortbashpipelinetoextractfrom1987.csvthecolumnsDayOfWeek,DepDelay, Origin, Dest, and Distance; and retain only the rows whose Origin is MSN (Madi- son’s airport code); and write a much smaller file, MSN1987.csv.
The other 21 jobs should handle the other years analogously. (On a recent run, my jobs took from 18 to 154 seconds to run, with an average of about 111 seconds.)
(b) Collect the Madison data from your 22 MSN*.csv files into a single allMSN.csv file, and write a set of jobs to answer the following two questions:
How far can you get from Madison in one flight? Write a line like MSN,ORD,109 to answer. This line says, “You can fly 109 miles from Madison (MSN) to Chicago (ORD).” But 109 isn’t the farthest you can get from Madison in one flight; write the correct line. (Hint: I used a bash pipeline to do this.) Save the result in farthest.txt.
What is the average departure delay for each day of the week? Write a pair of lines like these to a file delays.txt:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
8.3 5.0 4.3 5.5 9.5 2.1 3.5
(These are not the correct numbers.) Hint: I used R’s tapply() to do this.
4. Organize files to turn in your solution. (See “Copying files with scp,” below.)
- (a) On your VM, make a directory NetID_hw3, where NetID is your NetID.
- (b) Make a subdirectory NetID_hw3/mtcars. Copy the following files there:
? ?
? out
We should be able to recreate out by running ./
- (c) Make a subdirectory NetID_hw3/airlines. Copy the following files there:
? farthest.txt
? delays.txt
? any supporting files required by your
We should be able to recreate farthest.txt and delays.txt by running ./
- (d) MakeafileREADMEinthedirectoryNetID_hw3withalineoftheformNetID,LastName,FirstName. If you collaborated with any other students on the mtcars part of this homework, add ad-
ditional lines of this form, one for each of your collaborators. So, for example, if George
Box with NetID gepbox worked with John Bardeen with NetID jbardeen, George’s
README file should look like gepbox,Box,George
- (e) From the parent directory of NetID_hw3, run tar cvf NetID_hw3.tar NetID_hw3 and then upload NetID_hw3.tar as your HW3 submission on Canvas.
You can verify your submission by downloading it from Canvas, and then:
i. Make a directory to test in, e.g. mkdir test_HW3.
ii. Move your downloaded .tar file there cd there.
iii. Extract the .tar file with tar xvf NetID_hw3.tar. This will make a new directory,
which should be called NetID_hw3. iv. Check that all your files are there.