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Software Security - Mini project: Web application and cyber security risk assessment

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NUSSoftware SecurityWeb applicationcyber securityOWASPXSSSQL Injection

Software Security CourseNana.COM

Mini project CourseNana.COM

1.     You are required to develop a three page web application with the following specifications CourseNana.COM

a.     Login page, Form submission page and Thank you page with logout feature. When logged out, return to login page CourseNana.COM

b.     Data submitted in the form page and login details are stored in a database CourseNana.COM

c.     Technology choice for the web development and database is up to you. You can choose any technology of your choice CourseNana.COM


Form submission page should collect name, email address, phone number, country, gender and qualification. CourseNana.COM


2.     Once the application is designed/developed you need to come up with a cyber security risk assessment done for that website. CourseNana.COM

https://csrc.nist.gov/pubs/cswp/29/the-nist-cybersecurity-framework-20/ipd CourseNana.COM

There are six functions for the CSF 2.0. Team needs to analyse and list implementation examples for each of them (based on the spec below) in the report. (at least one category, two subcategories with examples) CourseNana.COM

Actual implementation of the controls are not required. CourseNana.COM


3.     Perform penetration testing for OWASP attacks for the developed application and analyse the results CourseNana.COM

a.     You can choose any tool of your choice for the testing. CourseNana.COM

b.     Identify which OWASP attacks to perform as per below spec. CourseNana.COM


4.     Software Security testing is very important for any software developed CourseNana.COM

a.     Identify static analysis and dynamic analysis tools and approaches for testing the developed application. CourseNana.COM

b.     Perform static analysis using any tool of your choice for the code written and analyse the results. CourseNana.COM


5.     Report/Presentation CourseNana.COM

a.     Prepare a report outlining the following CourseNana.COM





Spec based on team size CourseNana.COM

Item CourseNana.COM

1 member team CourseNana.COM

2 members team CourseNana.COM

3 members team CourseNana.COM

Web development CourseNana.COM

Same effort for all teams CourseNana.COM

Risk analysis CourseNana.COM

Protect and Detect CourseNana.COM

Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover CourseNana.COM

All six categories (Including /Govern) CourseNana.COM

Penetration Testing CourseNana.COM

XSS, SQL injection CourseNana.COM

XSS, SQL Injection and any additional two items from OWASP list CourseNana.COM

XSS, SQL Injection and any additional four items from OWASP list CourseNana.COM

Software Security Testing CourseNana.COM

Same effort for all teams CourseNana.COM

Report CourseNana.COM

~6 pages CourseNana.COM

~8 pages CourseNana.COM

~10 pages CourseNana.COM


 Submission details: CourseNana.COM

 Video and report submission CourseNana.COM


1.     Prepare report as per the template. CourseNana.COM

2.     Prepare a 10-minute video demonstration outlining a brief slide-deck based project overview, demonstration of the website, pen-testing and static analysis and end with “Lessons learned” from this mini-project CourseNana.COM



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