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Math128A Numerical Analysis - Final Project: Modified zero-in for root-finding

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UC BerkeleyMath128AMA128ANumerical AnalysisModified zero-in for root-findingRoot Finding

Final Project: Modified zero-in for root-finding CourseNana.COM

We would like to find a root of the equation f(x)=0, for xR CourseNana.COM

given an initial interval [a, b] with
f (a) · f (b) < 0. CourseNana.COM

with a combination of two methods CourseNana.COM

bisection method, for its reliability CourseNana.COM

inverse quadratic interpolation (IQI) method, for its higher order of convergence. CourseNana.COM

inverse quadratic interpolation (IQI) method CourseNana.COM

Given three pairs of points (x0, f0) , (x1, f1) , (x2, f2), IQI defines a quadratic polynomial in f that goes through these points, CourseNana.COM

x(f)= (f f1)(f f2) x0+(f f0)(f f2) x1+(f f0)(f f1) x2 (f0 f1) (f0 f2) (f1 f0) (f1 f2) (f2 f0) (f2 f1) CourseNana.COM

def CourseNana.COM

This leads to an estimate for the root x3 = x (0):
x3 = f1 f2 x0+ f0 f2 x1+ f0 f1 x2 CourseNana.COM

(f0 f1) (f0 f2) (f1 f0) (f1 f2) (f2 f0) (f2 f1) CourseNana.COM

Modified zero-in for root-finding in a sketch For given initial interval [a, b] with CourseNana.COM

f (a) · f (b) < 0. Wewouldliketofindarootoftheequation f(x)=0, for xR CourseNana.COM

Modified zero-in for root-finding in a sketch For given initial interval [a, b] with CourseNana.COM

f (a) · f (b) < 0. Wewouldliketofindarootoftheequation f(x)=0, for xR CourseNana.COM

def a+b 1.setx0,x1,x2=a,b,c= 2 CourseNana.COM

2. let x3 = IQI(x0, x1, x2) if x3 ̸∈ [a, b] CourseNana.COM

do bisection steps on [a, b]
set new interval [anew, bnew] [a, b] with CourseNana.COM

f (anew) · f (bnew) < 0, repeat step (1) CourseNana.COM

else if |f (x3)| has not decreased by a factor of 2 within 4 consecutive IQI iterations, CourseNana.COM

do bisection steps on [a, b]
set new interval [anew, bnew] [a, b] with CourseNana.COM

f (anew) · f (bnew) < 0, repeat step (1) CourseNana.COM

repeat IQI in step (2)
3. stop when iteration converged CourseNana.COM

More details! CourseNana.COM

1. function calls: when the function f (·) is called. There are three function calls in IQI formula CourseNana.COM

f0 = f(x0), f1 = f(x1), f2 = f(x2) CourseNana.COM

f1 f2
(f0 f1) (f0 f2) CourseNana.COM

f0 f2
(f1 f0) (f1 f2) CourseNana.COM

f0 f1
(f2 f0) (f2 f1) CourseNana.COM

There are eighteen function calls in IQI formula
f(x1)f(x2) f(x0)f(x2) f(x0)f(x1) CourseNana.COM

x3 = x0+ (f(x0) f(x1)) (f(x0) f(x2)) CourseNana.COM

(f(x1) f(x0)) (f(x1) f(x2)) CourseNana.COM

x1+ x2 (f(x2) f(x0)) (f(x2) f(x1)) CourseNana.COM

2. IQI with safety bracket:
letx0, x1 =a, b; x2 (a,b)withf(a)·f(b)<0 CourseNana.COM

letx3 =IQI(x0, x1, x2)(a,b)
iff(x0)·f(x2)<0,continueIQIwithx0,x2,x3. iff(x2)·f(x1)<0,continueIQIwithx1,x2,x3. CourseNana.COM


Test functions CourseNana.COM

  • ▶  f(x)=xex 2x+1oninterval[0,3],withroot x = 0.671553094250269 CourseNana.COM

  • ▶  f(x)=xcos(x)2x2+3x1oninterval[1,3],withroot x = 1.256623322505569 CourseNana.COM

  • ▶  f(x)=x37x2+14x6oninterval[0,1],withroot x = 0.585786437626905 CourseNana.COM

  • ▶  f(x)=xcos(x)oninterval[0,1],withroot x = 0.641714370872883 CourseNana.COM

  • ▶  f(x)=2xcos(2x)(x+1)2 oninterval[2,4],withroot x = 2.191308011797247 CourseNana.COM

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