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KIT502 Web Development Assignment 2

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Requirement of Assignment 2 (30%) CourseNana.COM


For Assignment 2, you have the flexibility to choose between SQLite or MySQL as your database management system. It will be a group decision to determine which one to use for your project. CourseNana.COM

If you decide to create a Laravel project called "myApp," each group will have access to a MySQL per CourseNana.COM

account that can be utilized for your project. This option is available if you prefer to use MySQL. CourseNana.COM

Alternatively, if your group prefers to use SQLite, you can utilize the account of one of your group members to set up and manage the SQLite database for your project. CourseNana.COM

The choice between SQLite and MySQL will depend on your group's preferences, familiarity with the database systems, and the specific requirements of your project. CourseNana.COM

Initial page CourseNana.COM

For  Assignment  2,  it  is  required  that  the  login/logout  section  of the  site  authenticates  users  with encryption. This ensures secure access to the system. CourseNana.COM

In addition, the website should be fully functional, incorporating interactions with the database. This means that the necessary interactions between the client-side and server-side must be implemented and working effectively. CourseNana.COM

To achieve this, you need to ensure that user authentication is handled securely, encrypting sensitive information such as passwords during login and logout processes. CourseNana.COM

Furthermore, the website should support seamless communication between the client and server sides, allowing for smooth data retrieval, storage, and updates in the database. CourseNana.COM

By fulfilling these requirements, the website will be fully functional, providing a secure and reliable user experience while effectively managing interactions with the database. CourseNana.COM

Registration page CourseNana.COM

The  registration  page  is  responsible  for  storing the  registration  data  provided  by  users.  Ensuring  the proper storage and management of registration data is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of the system,as well as facilitating user management and system functionality. CourseNana.COM

Dashboard CourseNana.COM

The Dashboard page is exclusively accessible to registered users. Depending on their role, the dashboard will display different summaries of expenses and relevant information: CourseNana.COM

1.    Registered Staff: CourseNana.COM

•     Ongoing Expense Summary: This section displays the expenses that are currently awaiting approval from the Head of Department. CourseNana.COM

•    Approved Expenses Summary: This section shows the expenses that have been approved by the Head of Department. CourseNana.COM



2.    Registered Manager: CourseNana.COM

•     Expenses Waiting for Approval Summary: This section lists the expenses that are currently awaiting their approval. CourseNana.COM

•     Ongoing Expenses Summary: This section displays the expenses submitted by the Manager themselves that are yet to be approved by the Head of Department. CourseNana.COM

•    Approved Expenses Summary: This section provides an overview of the expenses submitted by the Manager that have been approved. CourseNana.COM

3.    Head of Department: CourseNana.COM

•     Expenses Waiting for Approval Summary: This section shows the expenses that are currently awaiting approval from the Head of Department. CourseNana.COM

•     Staff/Manager Summary: This section provides information on the number of staff and managers under the responsibility of the Head of Department. CourseNana.COM

4.    System Manager: CourseNana.COM

•     User Summary: This section displays the number of registered staff, managers, and Heads of Department. CourseNana.COM

•     Expense Summary: This section presents the number of expenses based on their status, including the count of drafted, submitted, and approved expenses. CourseNana.COM

By presenting these summaries, the Dashboard page provides a concise overview of expense statuses and relevant information based on the user's role, facilitating efficient management and decision- CourseNana.COM

making within the system. CourseNana.COM

Expense Page [] CourseNana.COM

This page should be available only for the registered staff and managers. CourseNana.COM

All the requirements described in expense page in assignment 1 (I.e., expense submission form) should be interacted with the database. CourseNana.COM

Staff and managers also can view list of the expenses that have been drafted/submitted with the status of their submitted expense reports with details (e.g., pending, approved or rejected). CourseNana.COM

Expense Review and Approval Page [] CourseNana.COM

The Expense Review and Approval page is exclusively accessible to Managers and Heads of Department. It serves as a platform for reviewing and processing pending expense reports. The page provides the CourseNana.COM

following functionalities: CourseNana.COM

1.    Display of Pending Expense Reports: The page presents a list of expense reports that are CourseNana.COM

awaiting review and approval. Only reports in the pending state are visible to Managers and Heads of Department.\ CourseNana.COM

2.    Detailed Expense Report View: Managers and Heads of Department can access the complete CourseNana.COM

details of each expense report, including the submitted documents attached to the report. This allows for a thorough evaluation of the expenses incurred. CourseNana.COM

3.    Approval or Rejection of Expense Reports: Managers and Heads of Department have the CourseNana.COM

authority to approve or reject expense reports based on their assessment. They can make CourseNana.COM

informed decisions after reviewing the details and supporting documents associated with each report. CourseNana.COM

4.    Comment and Feedback Provision: Managers and Heads of Department can provide comments or feedback on the expense reports as needed. This allows for effective communication CourseNana.COM

between the reviewer and the employee who submitted the report, facilitating clarification or additional information if required. CourseNana.COM

By leveraging the functionalities offered on the Expense Review and Approval page, Managers and CourseNana.COM

Heads of Department can efficiently assess, approve, reject, and provide feedback on expense reports, ensuring adherence to organizational policies and effective financial management. CourseNana.COM

Approval process CourseNana.COM

The approval process for expenses follows the following guidelines: CourseNana.COM

1.    Manager Approval: Expense reports need to be approved by the Manager before they can CourseNana.COM

proceed to the Head of Department for further review. If the Manager approves the expenses, they will advance to the next stage. CourseNana.COM

2.    Head of Department Review: After receiving approval from the Manager, the expenses are CourseNana.COM

forwarded to the Head of Department for final review and approval. The Head of Department will evaluate the expenses and make a decision. CourseNana.COM

3.    Rejection by Manager or Head of Department: In case the Manager or the Head of Department rejects the expenses during theirrespective review stages, the expenses are directly sent back   to the staff member who submitted them. This allows the staff member to address any CourseNana.COM

concerns, make necessary revisions, or provide additional information as requested. CourseNana.COM

By implementing this approval process, the expenses undergo a thorough review by both the Manager    and the Head of Department, ensuring appropriate scrutiny and decision-making. If any rejection occurs, the staff member is promptly notified, enabling them to take corrective actions before resubmitting the  expenses for approval. CourseNana.COM



Profile page CourseNana.COM

The Profile page is accessible only to logged-in users. It provides registered users with the ability to modify their department and password. The following functionalities are available: CourseNana.COM



1.    Department Change: Registered users can update their department information on the Profile  page. This allows users to reflect any changes in their department affiliation within the system. CourseNana.COM

2.    Password Update: Users can change their password on the Profile page. This feature ensures CourseNana.COM

that users can maintain the security and integrity of their accounts by periodically updating their passwords when the user updates the password, it should validate the original password first. CourseNana.COM

By offering these functionalities on the Profile page, registered users have control over their department information and the ability to maintain the security of their accounts by managing their passwords CourseNana.COM

effectively. CourseNana.COM

Master Expense page CourseNana.COM

The Master Expense page is exclusively accessible to System Managers and serves as a centralised CourseNana.COM

platform for managing expenses. It enables System Managers to interact with the database and perform various actions related to expense reports. The following functionalities are available: CourseNana.COM

1.    Comprehensive Expense Report List: The Master Expense page provides System Managers with a complete list of expense reports across all stages, including draft, submitted, approved, and    rejected reports. This comprehensive view allows System Managers to oversee the entire CourseNana.COM

expense management process. CourseNana.COM

2.    Edit Expense Status: System Managers have the authority to modify the status of expense CourseNana.COM

reports based on requests from the Head of Department. For example, they can change the CourseNana.COM

status of an approved report to rejected if instructed by the Head of Department. This flexibility ensures that expense statuses accurately reflect the decision-making process. CourseNana.COM

3.    Expense Removal: Regardless of the status of an expense report, System Managers have the capability to remove expenses from the system. This functionality allows for the deletion of   unnecessary or outdated expense reports, promoting data cleanliness and system efficiency. CourseNana.COM

By leveraging the Master Expense page, System Managers can efficiently view, edit, and remove CourseNana.COM

expense reports, ensuring seamless management of expenses throughout all stages. This centralized CourseNana.COM

platform empowers System Managers to maintain accurate records and facilitate effective communication with the Head of Department. CourseNana.COM

User Management page [] CourseNana.COM

The User Management page is accessible exclusively to the System Manager and the Head of CourseNana.COM

Department. Each role has specific privileges and responsibilities within this page. The following functionalities are available: CourseNana.COM



Head of Department: CourseNana.COM

1.    Staff  and  Manager  List:  The  Head  of  Department  can view  a  comprehensive  list  of staff and managers within their department. This provides them with an overview of the personnel under theirresponsibility. CourseNana.COM

2.    Role  Modification: The Head of Department has the authority to change the role of individuals within their department. They can promote a staff member to a manager or demote a manager to a staff member based on organizational requirements. CourseNana.COM

System Manager: CourseNana.COM

1.    University  User List: The System Manager has access to a complete list of staff, managers, and heads of departments across the university. This enables them to have an overview of all users within the system. CourseNana.COM

2.    Department  Management:  The  System  Manager  can  add  or  remove  departments  within  the university. This allows for the dynamic configuration of departments to align with organizational changes. CourseNana.COM

3.    Head of Department Assignment: The System Manager has the privilege to assign or remove the Head  of  Department  for  each  department.  Only  one  Head  of  Department  can  exist  per department at any given time. CourseNana.COM

Summary of Deliverables CourseNana.COM


For the completion of the project, the following deliverables are expected: CourseNana.COM

1.    Fully Functional Web Application: A web application that meets all the specified requirements,  including user registration, login/logout functionality, expense submission, expense review and approval, profile management, and any other relevant features. CourseNana.COM

2.    Source Code: The source code of the web application should be stored in the group directory CourseNana.COM

within the usermin environment. This directory should contain all the necessary files and folders related to the application's development. CourseNana.COM

3.    Database Schema: The database schema, outlining the structure and relationships of the database tables, should be included in the project documentation. This schema helps in CourseNana.COM

understanding the organization of data within the system. CourseNana.COM

4.    Documentation: A Readme file should be prepared and submitted to the designated MyLO submission folder. It should contain essential information, including: CourseNana.COM

•     Path to the group's account in usermin, specifying the location of the web application CourseNana.COM

•     Credentials of the System Manager, Managers, and Staff members. This information enables access to the application with different user roles for testing and evaluation purposes. CourseNana.COM

5.    The last modified dates of the assignment files hold significance, and it is crucial to adhere to them. It is essential that no modifications or changes are made to the files after the specified due date. CourseNana.COM



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