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Software Engineering - Uber Eat Project

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JavaUber EatGitEclipseJunitGithub

1. Overview of Assessment CourseNana.COM

This assignment will assess your ability in terms of writing quality unit tests, test cases, user stories, acceptance tests, and working with GitHub. You will be asked to implement and test some small services in the Uber Eat project. Then you need to move your source codes to GitHub. You also need to write two user stories for the Uber Eats project, along with their acceptance criteria, following the templates and structures taught in the lectures. CourseNana.COM

2. Assessment Tasks CourseNana.COM

Activities in Assessment Task 4 CourseNana.COM

Activity 1: Git and Unit Test: In this activity, each student is requested to implement two small functions in one of the classes in the Uber Eat project. More specifically, consider the following functions/services in the Food class in the Uber Eat project: CourseNana.COM


1.     AddFood functionThrough this function, the restaurant manager can add new food to the Uber Eat app. The Food class has the following attributes. The type of food can be “Kid Food”, “Adult Food”, “Healthy Food”, or "Elderly Food").     CourseNana.COM

 public class Food {
     private String foodID;
     private String foodName;
     private String foodDescription;
     private double foodPrice;
     private int foodCalorie;
     private String foodType;
     public Food (...)
     public boolean AddFood(...)
          // add the information of food to a TXT file
         // if the food information is added to the TXT file, it should return true;
          // if the food information cannot be added to the TXT file, it should return false;
     public boolean UpdateFood(...)
          //  Update the information of a given food in a TXT file
         // if the food information is updated in the TXT file, it should return true;
         // if the food information cannot be updated in the TXT file, it should return false;

However, the following constraints should be considered when adding foods. CourseNana.COM

·       Food name should be between 5 and 30 characters CourseNana.COM

·       Food description should be between 5 and 50 words CourseNana.COM

·       It should not be possible to add foods with more than 1500 calorie CourseNana.COM

o   If the type of food is “Kid Food”, their calorie should be less than 800. CourseNana.COM

·       The price of each food should be between $5 and $150. CourseNana.COM

o   The price of foods with more than 1000 calories should be less than $100. CourseNana.COM

2.     UpdateFood function.Through this function, the restaurant manager can update the information about the foods in the Uber Eat app. However, the following constraints should be considered when updating foods. CourseNana.COM

·       All constraints discussed for the AddFood function also need to be considered. CourseNana.COM

·       It should not be possible to increase the food price by more than 10%. CourseNana.COM

·       It should not be possible to change the food calorie. CourseNana.COM

·       It should not be possible to change the type of food to “Kid Food”, but it can be possible to change “Kid Food” to any other type. CourseNana.COM

In this activity, each student is requested to do the following tasks: CourseNana.COM

Activity 1.1 Develop and implement unit tests, along with all possible test cases for these TWO functions using JUnit CourseNana.COM

Activity 1.2 Implement these two functions in Java using Eclipse CourseNana.COM

Activity 1.3 Move the implemented functions and their unit tests to a private GitHub repository CourseNana.COM

Note 1. There is no need to store food information in a Database Management System like SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc. You can simply use a TXT file to store, retrieve, and update foods. CourseNana.COM

Note 2. Do not use Array or List to store foods. You need to use a TXT file to store, retrieve, and update foods. CourseNana.COM

Note 3. You MUST write enough meaningful comments to explain your code in JUnit 5 and Java. CourseNana.COM

Note 4. You MUST develop your code (the implementation of functions and JUnit test code) in Eclipse and use JUnit 5 (JUnit Jupiter) for tests. CourseNana.COM

Note 5: You just need to develop a Console-based program (application). There is no need to add Graphic User Interfaces to your program. CourseNana.COM

Note 6. The code written above is just a placeholder. You are allowed to edit it and add new functions (e.g., adding getter and setter, new constructors, etc). CourseNana.COM

Activity 2: User Story and Acceptance Criteria: Based on the requirements collected for the Uber Eats project, each student is asked to write TWO user stories and THREE acceptance criteria for each user story. The user stories and acceptance criteria should be written based on the template and principles taught in class. CourseNana.COM


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