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ITP4523M Internet & Multimedia Applications Development - Group Project - Web Application

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ITP4523M Internet & Multimedia Applications Development 

Group Project - Web Application


1.    Objectives CourseNana.COM

In this project, students are asked to: CourseNana.COM

n  build a web application which provide different functions for salesperson and manager. CourseNana.COM

n  apply software development skills to develop a website which is user-friendly, interactive, robust, and easy to maintain. CourseNana.COM

n  apply the knowledge that you learned in this module to solve the tasks. (i.e., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL commands and Python) CourseNana.COM

2.     A simplified procedure to show how the web application will be used CourseNana.COM

There are two user roles for the management System: CourseNana.COM

a.    Salesperson can place orders and manage customer accounts. CourseNana.COM

b.   Manager can manage items and review customer’s order. CourseNana.COM

3.    Design for Salesperson (Interface Design: 15 marks; Function: 30 marks) CourseNana.COM

a.      Place orders CourseNana.COM

Managed to create orders into the system with all necessary information CourseNana.COM


View product information CourseNana.COM

List of items that available in stock for salesperson to choose CourseNana.COM

(Show items when stock quantity is greater than zero) CourseNana.COM


Required information for creating an order as below: CourseNana.COM

1.     Order ID CourseNana.COM

2.     Customer’s Email CourseNana.COM

3.     Staff ID CourseNana.COM

4.     Order Date & Time CourseNana.COM

5.     Delivery Address (optional) CourseNana.COM

6.     Delivery Date (optional) CourseNana.COM


* orderID should be generated automatically by the system as Primary Key CourseNana.COM

* deliveryAddress & deliveryDate should be input when the items need to be delivery CourseNana.COM

b.     View orders of the customer CourseNana.COM

Managed to view the corresponding customer’s order with necessary information when the customer’s email is provided. CourseNana.COM


         Required information for receipt page: CourseNana.COM

1.     Order ID CourseNana.COM

2.     Customer’s Email CourseNana.COM

3.     Customer’s Name CourseNana.COM

4.     Customer’s Phone Number CourseNana.COM

5.     Staff ID CourseNana.COM

6.     Staff Name CourseNana.COM

7.     Order Date & Time CourseNana.COM

8.     Delivery Address CourseNana.COM

9.     Delivery Date CourseNana.COM

10.   Item ID CourseNana.COM

11.   Item Name CourseNana.COM

12.   Order Quantity CourseNana.COM

13.   Total Price CourseNana.COM


Function requirement: CourseNana.COM

Items are ordered by name in descending order.



c.      Update order with delivery information CourseNana.COM

Managed to update the specified order with the delivery information. CourseNana.COM


Required information for the delivery: CourseNana.COM

1.     Delivery Address CourseNana.COM

2.     Delivery Date CourseNana.COM


d.     Delete order CourseNana.COM

Delete the specified order including all the related records from database. CourseNana.COM


Function requirement: CourseNana.COM

-          Create a “delete” button to delete the receipt including the related data in table Orders, ItemOrders from the database. CourseNana.COM



4.    Python Plug-in: Discount Calculator (Function: 10 marks) CourseNana.COM


Develop a simple Python flask application to calculate the discount from the original total price. The RESTful API should accept the HTTP GET request and process the response from the Python program. CourseNana.COM


Request CourseNana.COM

/api/discountCalculator CourseNana.COM

Input CourseNana.COM

Key: “discount” CourseNana.COM

Value: Original total price CourseNana.COM

Response CourseNana.COM

New total price CourseNana.COM


  The discount rates are as follow: CourseNana.COM


Original total price CourseNana.COM

>=$3000 CourseNana.COM

>=$5000 CourseNana.COM

>=$10000 CourseNana.COM

default CourseNana.COM

Discount Rate CourseNana.COM

3% CourseNana.COM

8% CourseNana.COM

12% CourseNana.COM

0% CourseNana.COM



5.    Design for Manager (Interface Design: 15 marks; Function: 30 marks) CourseNana.COM

a.      Insert and edit items’ information CourseNana.COM

Managed to insert or update the item with the following information. CourseNana.COM


Required Item information: CourseNana.COM

1.     Item ID CourseNana.COM

2.     Item Name CourseNana.COM

3.     Item Description  CourseNana.COM

4.     Stock Quantity CourseNana.COM

5.     Price CourseNana.COM


         *itemID should be generated automatically by the system as Primary Key. CourseNana.COM


b.     Generate monthly report CourseNana.COM

Managed to view the monthly sales record of all staffs by providing the month. CourseNana.COM


         Required information for monthly report page: CourseNana.COM

1.     Staff ID CourseNana.COM

2.     Staff Name CourseNana.COM

3.     Number of order records from each staff in that month CourseNana.COM

4.     Total sales amount from each staff in that month CourseNana.COM



c.      Delete customer and their records CourseNana.COM

Delete the specified customer record with all the related receipt records from database. CourseNana.COM


Function requirement: CourseNana.COM

-          Create a “delete” button to delete the specified customer record including the related data in table Orders, ItemOrders and Customer from the database. CourseNana.COM

6.    Form your project group CourseNana.COM

Each student needs to form a project group, the maximum number of students in each group is 2. Strongly recommend you to form a group to complete this project as you can benefit from sharing skills/codes amongst your members, and you can learn to plan, coordinate, and integrate work done by each member. Study carefully the given ERD and table structures before you start the implementation. CourseNana.COM


7.    Additional requirements of your project CourseNana.COM

a.      Your web site should only use PHP as the server-side programming language (i.e. not ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, servlet etc.), however, you may use JavaScript and CSS for specific purposes. The database server used must be mySQL (version 5.0 or above). CourseNana.COM

b.     In your PHP code, you must ensure to use the following parameter values for the following mySQL database functions :
     $conn = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
set  to the values below in a PHP script which is shared by the web pages :
     $hostname = "";
     $database = "projectDB";
     $username = "root";
     $password = ""; CourseNana.COM


8.    Items to submit (Phase 1) (30% of total project marks) CourseNana.COM

Submit all UI design using CSS and HTML. Submission deadline will be announced by the CourseNana.COM

lecturer. CourseNana.COM

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