ITECH3106 Mobile User Interface Design & Development Assessment Task 3 Android Project 2 Art App
ITECH3106 – Mobile User Interface Design & Development
Assessment Task 3 Android Project 2
Art App
Due Date: 11:59pm, Friday, 17th November 2023 (end of Week 11) Marks: 30
This assignment requires you to develop an Android application using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Your application will demonstrate several multimedia effects using a combination of the core Android APIs (i.e., graphics, sound, touch) and the Processing library.
Your application must meet the requirements listed in this document and be capable of running on any Android device with a minimum API version of 23 (Android 6.0 “Marshmallow”) up to the latest version of Android. Your application should be created to display correctly on an emulated Google Pixel device (1080x1920 in portrait mode), however by following user interface design best practices your application should work in a display resolution in an independent manner.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this task:
S1. Identify and analyse user-experience requirements for a proposed mobile device app.
S2. Design the user-experience of a mobile device app, through storyboarding techniques.
S3. Construct mobile device apps using features of mobile SDK(s).
S4. Apply touch interface elements in mobile applications.
A1. Create mobile applications which meet the provided project design goals. A2.
Incorporate various libraries and functionality into mobile applications.
ITECH3106 – Mobile User Interface Design & Development
Do NOT share code with fellow students. This is an individual assignment, not a group project. If the same code is found in multiple students’ projects, you might be called in for a chat and risk getting zero for the assignment and having a plagiarism flag put on your record.
You may, and are in fact encouraged to, discuss the project with your fellow students. The goal being that you understand how to create good, high-quality Android applications – and that understanding then flows into the exams where you'll be asked questions on Android application development. Just don't share projects/code; instead, code it yourself, learn from your mistakes, and become a great developer.
Project Details
In this project you design and develop an Android application that demonstrates several multimedia
effects using a combination of the core Android APIs (i.e., graphics, sound, touch) and the Processing
Note: You have been provided with some additional files that you will need to import into your
project. To create an Assets folder for raw files (e.g., music/audio files, images), right-click on your app
folder (in Android view) and select New > Folder > Assets Folder. Copy the files to this folder ready to
be used by your application.
You should also follow the instructions in the additional supplementary file named. ITECH3106_A2_ImportingProcessing.pdf to add the processing library as a dependency to your project.
You also have to produce a presentation based on application implementation. It should consist of brief running of the app and how you implemented the application by emphasising on the implementation of core features. Also explain the challenges faced while designing and developing the application. The presentation time is 10 minutes. Students can submit either Kaltura video or adding voice-over to their PowerPoint presentation slides. Students have to show the face for identity purpose.
Application Features
The application should include the following features:
The Main Activity should function as a menu that allows the user to open additional screen(s)
that include the other functions described below. This menu screen should be locked to portrait
One main feature of the app involves a digital sketch book, in which the user can draw images
on screen using the touch interface of the device. This screen should be locked to portrait, and include a menu with various options for the user to select to interact with the sketch, including: ꟷ The user should have the ability to change the colour of the pen – you should provide the user with several different colour options, and/or the ability to select a custom colour using
integer or hexadecimal values.
ꟷ It should also be possible for the user to select a custom background colour of the drawingwindow (e.g., the user may wish to draw on a black background or a white background).
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ITECH3106 – Mobile User Interface Design & Development
ꟷ The user should have the ability to change the stroke width of the pen, such that the stroke drawn on screen will become thinner or thicker depending on the selected width.
ꟷ There should be the ability to “erase” any section of the drawing, effectively allowing the user to draw over the current drawing and replace those areas with the background colour. ꟷ The user must have a way to “undo” and “redo” their most recent history of drawing strokes
(e.g., 2 - 3 recent strokes).
ꟷ It should be possible to reset the entire drawing, removing all current strokes that have been
drawn on the screen and setting up a clean area for the user to start drawing a new picture. ꟷ The sketch screen should support multi-touch, so that the user can draw on the screen with
two (2) or more fingers at the same time.
ꟷ The sketch screen should persist the current state of the drawing whenever the Activity is
paused, exited, or destroyed, so that the user can come back to the app at any time and continue their drawing. The drawing should load back onto the screen with correct background, stroke width and colours that were used during the previous drawing session.
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ITECH3106 – Mobile User Interface Design & Development
ITECH3106 Project 2 Marking Criteria
Student Name: Student ID:
MainActivity [6 Marks]
Correct title label (“SketchBook / Music App”)
Locked to portrait orientation
Displays correct list of activities to launch as per the requirements
All menu items displayed correctly launch all other activities
Art / Sketch Book Functionality [34 Marks]
Displayed in a separate screen that is locked to portrait orientation
Screen set up correctly including processing library for drawing
Menu / Action Bar used correctly to provide user with options
Marks Mark
1 1 1 2 2
1 4 1
Drawing screen options:
18 |
Persistence of drawing: |
10 |
Video presentation: |
34 |