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Introduction to Python Programming Assignment 2: Implementing a Library Management System using OOPs

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Introduction to Python ProgrammingLibrary Management SystemPython

Module: Introduction to Python Programming CourseNana.COM

Assignment 2: Implementing a Library Management System using OOPs concepts

Deadline: 20 May, 2023 CourseNana.COM

Submission requirements:

• Students are required to submit a Jupyter Notebook with .ipynb extension for the submission of this assignment. • Every program should begin with a comment that includes your name and a brief description of the program. For example: CourseNana.COM

Your Name: First Name Last Name

Date of submission: Mo nth Day, 2023

Description of program: For example, This program implements a library

management system using OOPs concepts in Python. • You are encouraged to submit your assignments early. Above lists the last date on which each assignment will be accepted. • Assignments must be submitted before midnight on the date due. • No credit will be given for an assignment submitted late. • Befor e submitting an assignment, you are free to ask for help in class (if your question might be of general interest), during office hours, and by e -mail. Please take advantage of this. • While you are encouraged to work with others, all work submitted must be your own. As a rule of thumb, you must do your typing. If it is not from the book or class lectures/labs and you did not type it, it is plagiarism. For the first incident, your grade will be a 0 for the assignment. • In grading your Python program solutio ns, a rubric like the following example will be used: CourseNana.COM

Task Details :

  1. Define a Book class with the following attributes and methods: • Attributes: • Book Title • Book Author • Book ISBN (International Standard Book Number) • Book Quantity (Number of copies available) • Book Genre • Methods: • Borrow Book • Return Book
  2. Define a Library class that contains a collection of Book objects with the following attributes and methods: • Attributes: • Library Name • List of Books • Methods: • Add Book • Remove Book • Display Book List • Search Book
  3. Define a User class with the following attributes and methods: • Attributes: • User Name • User ID • List of Borrowed Books • Methods: • Borrow Book • Return Book
  4. Implement a menu -driven program that allows users to: • Add a book to the library • Remove a book from the library • Display the list of books in the library • Search for a book in the library • Borrow a book from the library • Return a book to the library
  5. When a book is borrowed, the quantity of the book should be decreased by one, and the user should be added to the list of users who have borrowed the book. When a book is returned, the quantity of the book should be increased by one, and the user should be removed fr om the list of users who have borrowed the book.
  6. The program should store the book and user information in a file so that it can be loaded the next time the program is run.
  7. The program should handle exceptions for errors such as invalid ISBN numbers, duplicate books, and invalid input.

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