Intro to Java Project 4: Casino Night
Now that we know how to make Objects, we can use them to make programs that would have been very complicated otherwise. In this assignment, you will create a class that represents a single playing card (the Card class), and another class that represents a deck of playing cards (the Deck class). Once you complete both of the classes, you can test your work by running a simple java Blackjack game that will be provided to you.
● Your job is to create and submit two new files: and The classes will need to follow these requirements: ○ The Card class: ■ Private variables: Will have two private String variables: suit and value. Suits are either “hearts”, “diamonds”, “clubs”, “spades”. Values are “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”, “six”, “seven”, “eight”, “nine”, “ten”, “jack”, “queen”, “king”, “ace”. ■ Constructor: The constructor to the Card class will take in a suit String, ■ Public Methods: Your class must have the following methods with the others to edit at the same time. specified return types. ● public String getSuit() // returns the suit of the card (either “hearts”, “diamonds”, “spades”, or “clubs”) ● public String getValue() // returns the value of the card (“ace”, “two”, “three”, ... “jack”, “queen”, “king”) ● public String getColor() // returns the color of the card (“red” or “black”). Hearts and Diamonds are red, Spades & Clubs are black. ● public String toString() // returns a String representation of the Card. Should look something like “ace of clubs” or “six of hearts” ○ The Deck class: ■ Private variables: Will have one private variable called deck: an ArrayList of Card objects representing the deck of cards. ■ Constructor: The constructor to the Deck class takes no arguments. Inside the constructor, you should create 52 card objects representing the 52 cards in a deck, and add them to the private deck variable. Hint: use loops! ■ Public Methods: Your class must have the following methods with the specified return types. ● public void shuffle() // shuffle the deck using a Random object. It should not return anything. ● public Card deal() // remove a Card object from one end of the deck and return it. Don’t worry about checking if the deck is empty.
To test your code AND play a fun game of Blackjack, put the and files into the same folder as your and files. Then, compile & run to play the game. I suggest playing the game a few times to make sure everything works properly. After playing for a little bit, submit only and to gradescope to make sure the autograder is happy as well. Here is some sample output from a successful game of blackjack (and yeah, I won):'
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Gradescope will compile and run to test your code. I understand that you did not create When Compiling, java also compiles,, and If the program compiles and says there is an issue within, it means there’s a problem with the code that call into your classes! was compiled and tested before going onto Gradescope.